In-Vehicle Best Practices

20 September 2021


Ashish, MagnusG, Randall, Ted

Meeting minutes



Ted introduces scope and intersection of A11y and Privacy

Randall: we should maybe focus more on features instead of users and needs
… eg share my photo with the rideshare driver instead of providing health related information (eg visually impaired)
… there are a number of things that can be toggled under smartphones for example. using a feature doesn't mean you have a specific need

Ted: for visually impaired rider for example, share photo with driver and have them look for me

Randall: also unwilling to cross the street

Ted: I guess ADA aspects can be addressed through better training of ride hail service drivers - more an education for drivers

Randall: for the law to work, you need to say what your need is without disclosing specific disability
… a single bit could provide the legal protection

Magnus: from a Swedish point of view we have laws that prohibit discrimination based on disability

Randall: that is suppose to be the case here (US) as well

[tangent on website a11y, stronger requirements if store/entity physically exist]

Randall: case laws are always being challenged. back to person wanting to be picked up, again want to go feature approach

Ashish: a11y is not something I am very familiar with but isn't providing information on features revealing individual's disability

Randall: not necessarily, you may want a ramp for a stroller or groceries as a convenience

Ashish: what if every individual needs to set a certain number of features/preferences which would obfuscate a11y need

Randall: still have pickup being dismissed is a concern
… should be addressed through training

Ted: people ignore or forget training so I want a harsh ADA reminder with potential fines if any features are requested and driver tries to dismiss

Randall: what is the scope of the standards being worked on, how much may they be influencing AV?

Ted: primary focus is on static and dynamic data from the vehicle, could include capabilities such as lift, ramp and be used for alternate interfaces and paired devices for some vehicle-human interaction. I know it was used for a prominent ride hailing & OEM collaboration for AV

Randall: I can see this being useful for SAE, working on a roadmap with them on different standards and developing them
… being able to point them to W3C documents would be helpful
… curious about Mitsubishi's direction, if they are moving to Android or other OS with a11y features built in for their head unit?
… much of what is already in WCAG is addressed in them
… example is vehicle distance in adaptive cruise control or adherence to speed limit to address anxiety concerns

Magnus: we are moving to Android indeed
… from a Tier 1 perspective, we deliver what the customer (OEM) wants
… we do have many sensors or capabilities we want to encourage/push to customers
… not aware of any that address a11y other than system UI. that is limited to sound, speech input, etc

Randall: do you know if any of the Andoid a11y features such as large text are preserved?

Magnus: not sure with Android, on our earlier Window's development it was based on requests from OEM designers
… the Windows system that is phasing out it was usually disabled

Randall: that is unfortunate

Magnus: Windows automotive was very different than their OS for a laptop, also very old at this point
… do you have any contact with Google? in order to use AA you need to comply with various requirements, not sure this is occuring or a point they require for using AA

[discussion on how to get intros and follow up on this topic]

Randall encourages people to try out the a11y features in Android phones

Magnus: seems to me, especially for AV you need a better means of pushing information to individuals besides just the driver

Randall: unsure if you saw news of a Toyota AV hitting a blind pedestrian during the paralympics...
… vehicle needs to be able to identify a11y needs of not only passengers but pedestrians
… however at this point we get into collecting personal, sensitive data

Ted: never succeeded in getting a formal with SAE and W3C
… joined from my current employer and very interested in being part of that upcoming conversation with them and can help connect them

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/@@want harsh/people ignore or forget training so I want a harsh/

Succeeded: s/@@scope of standards/what is the scope of the standards being worked on, how much may they be influencing AV?/

Succeeded: s/@@capabilites of vehicle, pairing of device for alternate interface/primary focus is on static and dynamic data from the vehicle, could include capabilities such as lift, ramp and be used for alternate interfaces and paired devices for some vehicle-human interaction. I know it was used for a prominent ride hailing & OEM collaboration for AV/

Succeeded: s/@@ADA/I guess ADA aspects can be addressed through better training of ride hail service drivers/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: ted

Maybe present: Magnus