September W3C Web Editing WG meeting

10 September 2021


BoCupp, GameMaker, Johannes Wilm, Marijn Kruisselbrink, Tomasz Jakut, Travis Leithead, Wenson Hsieh

Meeting minutes

<whsieh> hm..the Meeting Invite link on https://github.com/w3c/editing#meetings has a calendar invite to https://meet.google.com/ugu-tuys-krc, but the Google Hangouts link points to https://meet.google.com/pdx-dnmm-cen

<Travis> ? hmm. I guess we pick one?

<Travis> I'm going to join https://meet.google.com/pdx-dnmm-cen

Action: fix the meeting link so that it points to https://meet.google.com/pdx-dnmm-cen in all places.

we start with editing repo

<Travis> Starting with Agend+ items here: https://github.com/w3c/editing/labels/Agenda%2B

anything else than github issues?

travis: nothing else

<Travis> https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/336

travis: they want demo videos for the WG for tpac. do we have any?

good because precorded will not show errors like live demos.

do we want to do any?

we need list by Sep 15

not sure there is anything beyond just informing

johannes: make fun video if we don't have anythign serious

bo: there are sopme samples

<Travis> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2021/Demos_and_Group_updates#Best_Practices_for_Recording_Videos

so you can see what other groups have done in the past.

I have seen demos of technology mixed in with those

we recently shipped virtual keyboard api. we have a few things that are materializing

I want to plus+ fun spirit

we can help provide material. follow up offline

Action: johanneswilm to orchestrate putting together a fun demo plan; working with BoCupp offline on extra specific demos.

<Travis> https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/334

travis: contains multiple comments

anupam: can give demo

[anupam presents clipboard picking api]

*pickling api

whsieh: ryosuke touched on this. we have same concerns. we are confused we why need this...

sldies show a little of that. native apps have to explicitly opt into this

native apps can always read non-sanitized data

we write two versions on clipboard

native app dev: if they ask for default mimetype, they get sanitized version. but they can also get the unsanitized version. that is already possible today

bo: you say just don't use a unsanitized version? you are producing both all the time

whsieh: correct. custom formats only show in unsanitized version. standard ones, like html, will always be available as html

native app devs need to go through extra steps

to get the unsanitized version. it's quite difficult, but we can fix that on our platform.

bo: another part is that represenation of this format.... anupam will present next time how json can be used as standard container for unsanitized types

bo: winodws has limit on number of formats. could we at least change how we put them on the clipboard even if we keep everything else the same

whsieh: interetsing.... one could imagien all browsers on same OS use same picklign system to make it interoperable/compatible

whsieh: ryosuke/me: this is mostly a platform consistency problem

bo: you might want something that is more OS dependent. but I still think it would be good to have a common way of doing it. maybe we need adjustment for mac.

right now there are so many differnet ways of adding it in there and no standard

whsieh: this should be solved by the platform. we have discussed how to expose this to devs on mac os

whsieh: should be solved by platform

bo: when we talk about unsaitized way of adding to clipboard.... wanted to specify that web apps can also read from this

can web apps read this extra info, which we oput into the head of the document


we'd like to have a way to say "give me the contents of the format as it was put there with no cleaning. we need to do that for all the different formats that are non-satndard


whsieh: wouldn't that include data that is problemaitc security wise?

bo: no, because it would only be the data that the native app would add as a web format.

If web app wants it all without removing scripts, for example, can they do that?

whsieh: native apps can do more right now. word adds contact infor in comments for example.

we only allow web apps to receive the sanitized version

but within the same app, we don't sanitize it

there is an origin identifier in pasteboard

so that the native editor can add "excel online" as the origin and then it will be allowed to be pasted into that webpage unsanitized

bo: is it possible to wildcard origin?

to allow pasting everyhwere

whsieh: not currently

BoCupp: if native app says "this should be pasteable everywhere" then that should also work on web

for example photyoshop

whsieh: we might be able to consider

whsieh: big step to move from one domain to all domains.

difficult to say where on the spectrum we should falll

<Travis> johanneswilm: for me, the easiest solution, would be to add the special excel formula into a data- attribute in the sanitized HTML. (Rather than an new clipboard format.)

<Travis> .. I recognize that the data- attribute is sanitized out... seems like the same security risk. From my JS editor perspective, seems like less effort?

anupam: that would work with some but not all. for example charts will be translated into just an image

BoCupp: I like the idea that sometimes you want a little more metadata. maybe a cors like mechanism

whsieh: will continue discussion on this on github

anupam: let's continue discussing in github issue

bo: we can bring up issues of both read and write in that issue. possibly creating new issues

<Travis> https://github.com/w3c/clipboard-apis/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AAgenda%2B

<Travis> https://github.com/w3c/clipboard-apis/issues/150

BoCupp: I know there are soms slides, but we only have 10 min

anupam: proposal has many issues. [presents setData using the HTML document]

anupam: proposal is to use sanitizer API, et.c

bo: we have just 5 min. motivation is that we want to standaridze how to write html to clipboard as currently browsers work differently

some currently expect to add a full html page,. others just a fragment. this will allow both.

bo: at firefox they said "why would you standardize pickling when you haven't even standardized how to put html content on clipboard."

whsieh_: think it's great to standardize aspects

. but I wonder about dom parser. we would want to strip out things like comments

BoCupp: second step is to run it through sanitizer and it has some options like remove comments, etc.

he is here proposing to use default settings which will not strip out comments, but that could be discussed

whsieh: important to us only to show visible content.

BoCupp: would be hard to do on write

whsieh_: on webkit we create an entirely new page. we load everything in it using the same rendering engine. then we'd run ctrl+a ctrl+c on that page

whsieh_: it's not perfect. but it's something

BoCupp: I understand the privacy preserving stuff. I think there are some limits there

Travis: we are +2 minutes

Travis: we will continue discussion

Travis: virtualkeyboard - we wanted to autopublish. if you disagree, please let us know today

BoCupp: another meeting in two weeks

johanneswilm: would that be our tpac meeting?

BoCupp: we can make an issue on that

tracis: see you next time

<Travis> Filed the issue about meeting again in two weeks: https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/337

Summary of action items

  1. fix the meeting link so that it points to https://meet.google.com/pdx-dnmm-cen in all places.
  2. johanneswilm to orchestrate putting together a fun demo plan; working with BoCupp offline on extra specific demos.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/content/html content

Succeeded: s/tracis/Travis

Maybe present: anupam, bo, johannes, johanneswilm, tracis, travis, whsieh, whsieh_