Meeting minutes
<Jemma> https://
Next meeting date
Jemma: anyone oppose not have meeting on sep 7
mk: support no meeting
james: +1
Decision: next meeting is sep 14
<CurtBelle> +1
Redesign Project
Isaac: working on the redesign prototype, tackling some of the isues/feedback.
<isaacdurazo> https://
Posted list of issues we are working on in redesign issue
After we fix these things, we will do usability study.
We have recruited people with a survey.
sent on twitter and slack community.
Have 31 candidates
Starting coordinating this week and plan to run study week of sep 13
We have diverse backgrounds, eg, design specialists, developers, etc
Asked about level of experience with AX in the survey
Goal is to select most diverse slate possible, range of experience and knowledge and range of professions
Planning to talk to 2 groups: 6 from this list of 31 candidates is group 1.
Grop 2 are people Isaac interviewed during research phase.
Will share study plan with user tasks and questionaire by end of this week.
Will share in APG Redesign repo.
After study, will develop plan for next iteration of prototype.
Will go on parental leave in mid October.
Jemma: which slack?
Isaac: in genera a11y slack
Jemma: mk: How can we engage everyone who participated in survey?
<Jemma> it is also a great outreach oppournity for APG
Isaac: Would like to do that. I will rech out to them.
<Jemma> +1 to Mck
Will likely do another survey and keep these people in the loop.
Open PRs
<Jemma> mck: need some support for test review
<Jemma> #1878
<Jemma> jemma will finish the review tonight and it will be ready for merge.
<Jemma> mck: we need to address using skip to js which pulled from cdn.
<Jemma> mck: radio group, landmark, check box are ready for merge this week.
Tooltip Subgroup
Jemma: Sarah will will be creating PR for an example and a PR for updated guidance
mk: what about tooltip role?
Siri: talked about using it even though not supported by AT
James: Found something in NVDA that might use the role.
If there is no use, then we should consider deprecation.
But, if there is utility, we should figure out what that is.
Switch Pattern
<Jemma> https://
<Jemma> mck: I have been thinking about question regarding how to distingish switch from checkbox
<Jemma> mck:"A switch is an input widget that allows users to choose one of two values: on or off. A switch is similar to a checkbox that allows users to choose between the values of checked or unchecked. However, unlike a switch, a checkbox can also allow a third value of partially checked."
<Jemma> mck: discussion is on "Since switch and checkbox both offer binary input, semantically, they are often interchangeable. So, unlike other ARIA roles, the most appropriate choice of role can depend on visual presentation. However, there are circumstances where the semantics of on or off are easier for assistive technology users to understand than the semantics of checked or unchecked, and vice versa. For instance, screen reader output of
<Jemma> Lights switch button on is more user friendly than Lights checkbox checked if the function of the widget were to turn some lights on or off. However, if the same input were in a group of inputs labeled Which of the following must be included in your pre-takeoff procedures?, Lights checkbox checked would make more sense."
<Jemma> mck: is above worded correctly?
<MarkMcCarthy> +1
<CurtBellew> +1
<Jemma> mck: revision "choosing whether switch or checkbox is most approproiate for
<Jemma> given implementation
So, choosing whether switch or checkbox is most appripriate for a given implementation can depend on visual presentation.
<Jemma> mck: final edit is "choosing whether switch or checkbox is most appripriate for a given implementation can depend on visual design"
<Jemma> mark is reading "However, there are circumstances where the semantics of on or off are easier for assistive technology users to understand than the semantics of checked or unchecked, and vice versa. For instance, screen reader output of
<Jemma> Lights switch button on is more user friendly than Lights checkbox checked if the function of the widget were to turn some lights on or off. However, if the same input were in a group of inputs labeled Which of the following must be included in your pre-takeoff procedures?, Lights checkbox checked would make more sense."
<Jemma> siri: what if there is only one check box?
<Jemma> mck: I am trying to come up with the different scenario for different use cases.
<CurtBellew> I need to drop off. Not feeling well. See you next time.
<Jemma> mck: since it is straght forward for each eaxmple description, we would not need paragraph before example section. also not having this contents are consistent as it is following the APG template.
<Jemma> group is talking about comparison between one check box with the switch.
<Jemma> check box may be just read "turn on" by the screen reader