Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

05 Aug 2021


trevor, Wilco, kathyeng, Todd, KarenHerr, Daniel, aron


<scribe> scribe: trevor

Update from WCAG 3

Wilco: did not this weeks meeting, did get an update
... have vacations starting up so probably not a lot going on.
... last week there was a CFC from AG to vote on adopting the proposed method format that we worked on.
... it has been accepted, so going forward the methods with include a test section that include applicability, examples, glossary, etc. from act rules.
... a question here. Anne has questioned whether applicability needs to be objective.
... specific image was decorative images. Rule says to programmatically find decorative images. Whereas we might want to find decorative and programmatically determine if they are decorative.
... we currently require applicability is objective, programmatic things are normally objective.

aron: Its logical, but it may affect the validity of the rule. The subjective part of what you consider to be a decorative image

Wilco: The reason we added the objective requirement was as a control mechanism/quality assurance.
... whatever you test you constrain in a specific way. Without this, really strange rules may be possible
... we may consider how and under what circumstances we allow subjective applicabilities.
... I think we should start considering a 1.1. version of the rules format that considers some of these things.
... For example, we have an additional requirement that all inapplicable examples needs to follow accessibility requirement
... Could better define different types of implementations, full/partial/etc.
... Would like to spend some time in upcoming meetings discussing possible updates. Another example is satisfy/not satisfied vs. the WCAG 3 format

kathyeng: Were there any other rules Anne brought up where the subjective applicability would help?

Wilco: Yes, like headings. Logical thing is to find the headings and then check that their markup is for a heading.
... We tried to write a rule like that, but couldn't define it objectively.
... Another way is to allow the WCAG3/ACT group to lead and figure out what they might need changed, which will inform any changes we consider.

kathyeng: I have concerns about how automated tools will handle rules like that. How would they handle any subjective rules?

Wilco: Unsure, it will be something we need to look at. I don't think it would matter from looking at the fully automated rules.
... I think it affects semi-automated rules more so.
... Should we take this on as a topic for an upcoming meeting?

trevor: Don't think that it would hurt to take a stab at it. May help us understand if their suggestions might be good or bad.

aron: What can I look at to see automated vs semi-automated rule.

Wilco: Currently not in there. Looking to specify that on the WAI website to be more clear.

aron: Thinking subjective part may only apply to semi-automated or manual tests.

Wilco: The way Anne suggested it, is starting off with things that are decorative and checking that they are.
... problem with things that are decorative but shouldn't be is that is may be an issue of something else.
... may be complex, informative, or interactive that needs further inspection.

kathyeng: If it helps, from the tested tester side we do this with headings. We have two tests for programmatic headings and things that look like headings.

Wilco: Find the headings and ask if they are actually what they are marked up as. Then the second step for finding the other headings.
... don't have a clear idea of how to capture that in rules.

ACT rules sheet

<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=0

Trevor: We set up the CFC
... the problem we may new it was coming is if it was backwards compatible enough
... we still need to keep the mp4 files basically, that PR does exist already

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1680/files

Trevor: First I deleted the mp4, but then we realized we needed the mp4 back
... I'd appreciate if you can checkout the branch and view the videos in browser, not locally

Aron: What is the benchmark here? At least they need to be supported by a couple of them

Trevor: All of the others are used the same code that I am using now, we are updating these to be consistent

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1665

Wilco: Don't allow description track to satisfy media SCs

Todd: haven't had time to work on it. Would appreciate if someone else could take that on

kathyeng: I can take it over.

Wilco: Not sure how much is left, just need to finish.
... Let me talk about the sheet a little bit more. Looking to automate more of it.
... there is now a last survey, survey, and accepted columns.
... I have linked these up to a google form so that they are automatically populated.
... Accepted checkbox is coming from the rules metadata. Rules tab is updated from JSON in repo
... Tracks what rules we have and am looking to add when the rule was last accepted, last updated. Will help us track if a rule is currently up to date.
... Possibly how many implementations there are. Brings together a lot of information
... Can start tracking everything all in one place. The basic pieces are put together here.
... Links for the rules are also generated from metadata.

Trevor: Do you have macros as part of the sheet?

Wilco: Currently just one script and the rest is sheet functions

* ensuring sheet is accessible *

Update website migration

Wilco: Not much to update here. Currently waiting for redesign for new rules pages. Waiting to hear what work needs to occur.
... have been doing some additional work to automated the setup.

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-tools

trevor: Have been playing with act-tools and had a couple problems. Will just email those over.

Wilco: Reached out to all of the implementers on the CG site. They have all said to include their data on WAI website
... reached out to others that have expressed interest, so there may be additional implementations

Open ACT pull requests

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pulls

Wilco: Adding aron as co-author, merging now.
... definition of test instructions, interesting but not digging into it now.
... replace autocomplete value with failing value has been approved.
... merging soon.
... Update included-in-accessibility-tree document, has some changes requested.

kathyeng: we are seeing difference in what is in the accessibility tree between different browsers. E.g., edge and chrome include aria-hidden="true" in their trees.
... question on how to handle browser differences in something like this

Wilco: Unsure what is causing this. Still guessing that they are not included but that the developer tools are showing them
... we should not consider them as included in the accessibility tree. May just need to make that explicit in the definition.

aron: Its in the spec, and FF seems to be respecting the spec.

Wilco: I would like to do that in a separate PR if possible.

kathyeng: Just leave aria-hidden example as is and handle accessibility tree differences somewhere else?

Wilco: yes, I think thats what we should do.
... we will need to update the file in a directory. It should be an additional constraint to what is included in the accessibility tree.
... "Elements with hidden state of true are not included in the accessibility tree."

kathyeng: Will try and others can review

Surveying proposed rules

<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflIXQelUrrTb6UZutIZWjMDGKGJMAP9JBtM7JncwAT7PLeeA/viewform

Wilco: I have created a google form. As mentioned earlier, looking to collect all of our data in one place. Google forms is easy to connect to spreadsheet.
... I would like to get back to reviewing rules that we think might be ready to go to AG.
... Previously we used forms through the W3C system, but this way should make it easier.
... Has all of the questions we used to have on the surveys.
... Now have one survey that is permanently updated, and we change the id of the rule being surveyed
... Have 3 rules that I would like to start surveying

kathyeng: Don't have permissions to access

<Wilco> https://forms.gle/4xpKXUwcaqjPEruM9

Wilco: Need to figure out how to add everyone. This will be in the agenda starting next week. Surveys open for 2 weeks

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/08/05 14:23:44 $