ACT Rules Community Group Teleconference

24 Jun 2021


CarlosD, aron, anne_thyme, Jean-Yves, Daniel, shadi, EmmaJ_PR


<scribe> scribe: Wilco

Call for review https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/461

Carlos: 5 call for reviews. Three from Wilco, one from Aron
... one more from Kathy. Everything is going forward with those

Daniel: I added another one just now

Update from the ACT Task Force https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit?usp=sharing

Wilco: TF is working on blocked isues. Nothing too major, different types of changes needed.

JY: I found one rule where I thought the atomic rule was reviewed out of context from the composite rule.
... This happened on the bypass block rule. Some things were handled in a different rule.
... The problem was dealt with elsewhere. I think on several of the atomic rules, people pointed out the rule is failing when there is no repeated content, but then the composite rule was not.

Wilco: I didn't see that, but please send me the issues and I'll look at them.

Anne: When someone says there are WCAG inconsistencies, does that mean there is something to be resolved? Or is it rejected?

Carlos: The possibility of rejecting something exists, right?

Wilco: There were no major issues. I suspect all rules will be moved over to the WAI website, including the non-WCAG rules.

Assigned issues: https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/carlosapaduarte

Carlos: I worked on most of them. Opened two PRs for issues. Next week I'll open another PR. Things are getting sorted out.

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/Jym77

Anne: Slowly getting more involved. Not anything assigned right now.

JY: Most of my assigned issues have open PRs. There is a new one on hidden state.
... Hope to work on that today.
... I wonder if we should change the name to exposed in the accessibility tree? Maybe a topic for another discussion.

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/daniel-montalvo

Carlos: You should create an issue to discuss that.

Daniel: I opened a PR, 1647.

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/ajanec01

Aron: I closed a few this week. Have an open PR for 4 of the issues.
... One is on the agenda today. Will work on a fix this week. Table-headers, need to get my head around it.

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/EmmaJP

Emma: Haven't had a chance to look, but will add it to my todo list.

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/WilcoFiers


Wilco: Opened a PR for 1624. I have 459 in final call, it needs another update after that is merged. Will work on 1593 next.

Visible label part of acc name, extra space around numbers https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1615

Carlos: We discussed this in the last meeting. Aron did a test on these.

Aron: I've tested with Dragon + Chrome, and Voice Control + Safari.
... It looks as if the only time the the accessible name is a concerned was in Voice Control.
... The software has great fallback mechanisms. Using Dragon for examples you can show numbers on each link and then select it.
... For the most part speech input software works with the visible label, but VC doesn't, but there are fallback mechanisms.
... It seems that this criterion may not be that useful. Something that might possibly be AAA.
... Another way to look at it is the pronunciation method, but it is not supported yet.

JY: There is some CSS to control how things are pronounced.
... If we think fallback mechanism is okay, then the success criterion is not relevant for speech software.
... Maybe we need to raise that to AG, and ask for some precision on 2.5.3.

Aron: That's what I was thinking about as well. Those are the most popular combinations. My assumption is it will work the same.

Emma: This comes up, how something is pronounced. The ticket is not about if someone put the spaces in to adjust the pronunciation.

JY: There are cases where spaces are important, and there are cases where they are not.
... Aron's test suggests it doesn't matter.

Emma: TTS handles things in different ways

Daniel: For screen readers you can set up how you want digits to be announced.

Carlos: So if you have spaces in aria-label, you lose that possibility

Anne: In Danish, two words in English is often one word in Danish. Spellcheckers tell people to split the word into two.
... If someone put something in one word in visible text and two words in the label, I think we would fail that.
... I was thinking about deleting the spaces and compare the text then.

Wilco: So are we saying that despite it working, there are other reasons not to add the spaces.

Carlos: We should put that in the background section.

Daniel: I can look at the braille example.

Carlos: So we can get back to this in the next meeting?

JY: We should raise the question to AG.

Carlos: I think we should.

JY: I will do this.

Visible label (2ee8b8) inconsistency between pass and inapplicable https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1618

Carlos: This was raised by Tom, about what is different between passed example 6, text rendered as an icon, and inapplicable 4, an image that might not load.
... Tom doesn't think these are different issues.

Wilco: Inapplicable example 4 does show the image. Test cases should not be run when the test cases fails to load.

JY: Even in that case, there still is no text node

Emma: If an img doesn't load, there is a visible alt text

JY: Yes, but there is no text node in the tree.

Wilco: That's quite an edge case. There is an img, with an alt, and a different aria-label, and the img does not load. Not sure we should work on that.

JY: Should we have an assumption that the img is loading?

Emma: If it hasn't rendered, there will be other things.

Carlos: So we could add another example with the img not loading?

Wilco: Is this different from an image of text?

Emma: Could the applicability include accessibility text?

Carlos: The goal is to compare the visible label to the accessible name?

JY: I think it is okay to be inapplicable. Not everything that is inapplicable passes the SC.

Carlos: Agreed

Emma: If the visible thing is an image of text, the alt must include the text

Carlos: It is a different case

Wilco: Suggest we add something to the background and leave it at that.

Emma: I'm okay with that

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2021/06/24 12:53:16 $

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Default Present: CarlosD, aron, anne_thyme, Jean-Yves, Daniel, shadi, EmmaJ_PR
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