Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

17 Jun 2021


Daniel, Wilco, Trevor, ToddLibby, aron, shadi



CFC publishing proposed rules

<Daniel_> Wilco: I had a CFC opened on Monday

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act-rules/pull/53

<Daniel_> ... This is the result of all our work for the last month

<Daniel_> .. Moves rules from the ACT-CG repo to the WCAG-TF

<Daniel_> Wilco: Tihs is ready. We got two approvals.

<Daniel_> ... We have no objections

RESOLUTION: Publish this rule as it is done in PR 53

<shadi> yay!

<Daniel_> Wilco: I have also emailed the AG chairs and they said they are OK

<Daniel_> <Daniel> Should we ask Shawn?

<Daniel_> Shadi: I have already talked to her

ACT rules checks sheet

<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=0&fvid=507619053

<Daniel_> Wilco: We have resolved a lot of things, but we still have a bunch of blocks. Each of us was going to take at least one and make some progress

<trevor> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1652

<Daniel_> Trevor: There is a pull request that make the little change the we wanted... How do we signify that there is a PR?

<Daniel_> Wilco: Just add to the existing column

<Daniel_> Trevor: Ensuring video element content is media alternative for text

<Daniel_> Wilco: Approved

<Daniel_> <Daniel> I'll also take a look

<Daniel_> Todd: I'll take a look as well

<Daniel_> Wilco: Mine I have asked the AG chairs to put it on the agenda for next week

<Daniel_> ... Spent quite a lot of time on this one

<Daniel_> Aron: I put myself on the visible focus yesterday. I am happy for anyone else to take it, but since I commented on the color issue, this is somehow related and I think I know how to fix it

<Daniel_> ... I have made progress on the "keyboard shortcut only use printable characters"

<Daniel_> ... Both Kathy and I raised an issue, I am leaning to think that this only needs more explanation about how to test, which I have done in a pull request

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1648

<Daniel_> Wilco: I will take a look

<Daniel_> Aron: Is there a yaml file to add the testability aspect?

<Daniel_> Wilco: Can I get a third reviewer?

<Daniel_> Trevor: I could be the one

<Daniel_> Wilco: Will make sure you have permissions

<Wilco> Daniel: Issue that Aron and Kathy opened. There was a misunderstanding. It isn't just the audio that needs to be transcribed but also the visuals.

<Wilco> ... I also changed the title, and removed explicit references to audio in the applicability. Removed inapplicable example 2, which was raised in the issue.

<aron> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1647

<Daniel_> scribe: Daniel

<Daniel_> scribe: Daniel_

Trevor: IS this something we wanted to assign to one persons?

Wilco: Yes, that has to do with the video encoding. We need somebody familiar with this

Trevor: I can do some research for somebody who would be familiar with this

Wilco: Is everything else video-related?

Aron: The issues is that there was no audio on the audio-video content, I don't think there is only one issue

Wilco: Yes, there are other ones. The description ones we need to look at as well

Todd: I could do the "accessible alternative"

Wilco: Tevor's is 1620, Todd's is 1637
... Also Trevor's is 1629

Publishing the proposed rules

Open ACT pull requests

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pulls

Wilco: List of current pull requests
... List of current pull requests
... "No keyboard shortcuts ..." we talked about that

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1636

Wilco: 1636 from me, is worth mentioning. I want to add a new definition "Name-spaced elements"
... Previously we were talking about HTML elemnts and SVG elements, and that was not defined
... There was ambiguity, just for standard elements or also for custom elements?
... This definition makes this more explicit that it encompasses both.

<Daniel> I will take a look

Wilco: "Status text update has aria"

Aron: I need to put a definition. Tihs rule is kind of useless if we look for aria-live on a page which has already loaded

Wilco: We may put this in the CG call

Aron: PR for "table header cells have assigned data cells", that you wanted to remove a technique for the rule... I think we have a separate issue, maybe worth discussing
... The issues how you define assigned cells when using ARIA for row or column headers
... We expect that elements with the role of cell have assigned header cells. IN HTML there is an algorithm for that, not so in ARIA. How do we go about this?

Wilco: That sounds like a CG question.
... Maybe we both need to talk about this before sending a proposal
... We may want to put these two in separate pull requests

TPAC 2021

Wilco: We were talking TPAC 2021. I believe this one is also going to be virtual

Shadi: I think it was afternoon Europe time, but I think they were pretty flexible
... The issue is to meet with other groups, we need to be aware of time zones

Wilco: Might be worth for us to do some kind of working/educational session with Silver

Shadi: Continued chair meetings are useful.

Wilco: I do like having working sessions, not necessarily onlie working sessions

Shadi: There was also team discussions

Wilco: I am inclined to say we should plan a face-to-face ACT-CG meeting, probably early next year. I don't know if TPAC is an opportunity for it

Shadi: W3C Travel Policy does not allow foreign travel yet

Trevor: Same in my company

Wilco: Should we just look for a joint sessions with Silver during TPAC?

Trevor: Similar to what we had weeks ago?

Wilco: Potentially.

Trevor: I am fine with that. I don't know what's changed for us appart from having online meetings

Wilco: In TPAC you can have online sessions all the time. The added value is inviting others to participate

Shadi: And also face-to-face interaction
... Some groups have the strategy to participate in other groups meetings and not having their own. It is a week were people is mor likely to think about cross coordination

Wilco: When we held ACT meetings other years we did not get observers. I don't see a lot of value in it
... Maybe we are better off participating on other groups meetings
... I am leaning towards not organizing anything and seeing if there are things that are useful for us to participate

Trevor: That's fine with me

Shadi: I support not having our own meeting, but I think we should really try to provoke continued meetings with Silver and AG. There is a momentum here that we should continue to build on

Wilco: This can happen within TPAC or elsewhere

RESOLUTION: ACT-TF is not having a dedicated meeting for TPAC, but we will try to participate in other groups meetings


Wilco: I will not be here next week, I think we should have a meeting anyway

<Daniel> Sure, just ask people to update the sheet before the meeting so that I can import it into my preferred program

Todd: I won't be here either

Wilco: This meetings have become more of a working session. How do people feel about that?

Trevor: I am fine with it. I see this a temporary, we eventually will run out of PRs to look at, or we will keep this mood

Wilco: I suspect we are right. I know there are more rules, also some work coming from WCAG3, but a larger part of what used to be will still be going through issues and PRs. Some of this will stay.

<Daniel> Fine with it, as long as we are prepping in advance for the meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Publish this rule as it is done in PR 53
  2. ACT-TF is not having a dedicated meeting for TPAC, but we will try to participate in other groups meetings
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/06/17 14:13:25 $