Meeting minutes
vlad: existing spec for woff2 does not encode bit 6 for simple glyphs. Now there's a need to have it encoded since some renders care about it.
vlad: a couple of options to add it to the spec
vlad: use the reserved field in the woff2 header
vlad: or use the version field in the transformed glyf table
vlad: it would be split into a 16 bit version and a 16 bit flag field
<Vlad> For WOFF2 update, see discussion thread at https://
vlad: I like the second option the most
garret: agreed
<Vlad> Change process is defined at https://
garret: what are next steps?
Action: Garret: create a test woff2 file with the new flag6Bitmap added for legacy decoder testing
<trackbot> Created ACTION-230 - Create a test woff2 file with the new flag6bitmap added for legacy decoder testing [on Garret Rieger - due 2021-06-01].
garret: I'd like to try running a woff2 using the new proposed encoding through an old decoder to make sure it doesn't cause problems so we can verify backwards compatibility
Patch subset spec update
<Vlad> See https://
<Vlad> Decision on checksum implementation - to include full description in the spec proper with the informative reference to external source.
W3C Github repo changes
<Vlad> Agreement to pull out client/ server implementation [out of the analysys] of patch subset into a separate repo.
<Vlad> Next meeting will be held two weeks from now on June 8 (or the week after, depending on the topics that require a discussion).