Web Payments Working Group

15 April 2021


Addison Phillips (Amazon), Adrian Hope-Bailie (Coil), Anne Pouillard (Worldline), Atsushi Shimono (W3C), David Benoit, Bryan Luo (Amazon), Chris Wood, Clinton Allen (American Express), Erhard Brand (Entersekt), Fawad Nisar (Discover), Felix Sasaki , Gavin Shenker (Visa), Gerhard Oosthuizen (Entersekt), Gustavo Kok (Netflix), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Jean-Michel Girard (Worldline), John Bradley (Yubico), John Klensin, Lauren Jones (Huawei), Mathieu Hofman, Nick Telford-Reed, Richard Ishida (W3C), Stephen McGruer (Google), Vaishali Bulusu (American Express), Fuqiao Xue (W3C)
Ian, nicktr

Meeting minutes

SPC Task Force

Nick: First SPC task force meeting is 19 April

WPWG meeting page


SPC repo

Ian: Everyone is invited!

<nicktr> I added SPC to the main webpayments wiki

I18N Issues

ian: review by (for example) the internationalisation group (i18n) is part of the process to get to recommendation
… after review by that group, a number of issues were raised
… @marcos and I categorised those issues - and that's what we are reviewing today
… bucket 1: No implementation impact (https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1362, https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1042, https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1044, https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1045)
… bucket 2: localisation including language and direction - which will have potential implementation impacts

ian: for implementers: is the higher cost (1) parsing data (e.g., structure versus series of values) or (2) doing the localization work?

smcgruer_[EST]: I need to look into this in more detail

ian: bucket 3: localisation based on language of merchant checkout experience - localising the browser UX

smcgruer_[EST]: we could just type as "string" or "object" if it's just javascript APIs

ian: next bucket: data requests

<Ian> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple_pay_on_the_web/applepaypaymentcontact/2928617-phoneticgivenname

ian: i18n would like name to be divided into given name, family name, phonetic given, phonetic family

<mhofman> Since my connection is terrible, one quick comment here: One way to switch from a string to an object without breaking most users is to have the object implement a toString() for partial backwards compatibility.

ian: as an aside, we are looking at whether we should be still including shipping and billing address (because of privacy issues)
… @AdrianHB is supportive of removing these addresses

ian: any other questions on these topics?

benoit: is this text intended to be displayed to users?

ian: the i18n wg found 6 or 7 instances of text that is supposed to be human-readable

benoit: my solution would be to have no human-readable text in the spec - simply error messages/tags

gustavo: +1 on having the merchant drive this. Each merchant will have a way to communicate this

benoit: why are we collecting name and address from the customer?
… from a payment facilitator perspective, why is this necessary?

adrianHB: exactly

ian: history...
… we chose to implement a checkout API
… this has been a hot topic of discussion since the beginning of the group

ian: browser vendors chose to implement payment + checkout as a single API

AdrianHB: We only need the info if the API continues to function in the way it currently does.
… there is browser UI that renders information (that needs to be localized)
… there are also response objects
… if we did away from those behaviors we could remove the fields



Addison: Might fall back to currency code instead of currency symbol.
… also there are some currency symbols that are more than one Unicode character

Ian: Is that a heads-up?

<addison> zloty

Addison: All your examples suggest one character-per-symbol, so maybe add something like Zloty to suggest N may be greater than 1

Action: Ian to work with folks to determine current behavior around currency symbol display when currency code cannot be matched

Ian: How difficult is the actual localization effort ?

Addison: We've worked a lot recently on format support for lang/dir info

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/payment-request/issues/327#issuecomment-287125209

Addison: some specs have implemented a dictionary for localizable strings
… I don't know that there's a specific implementation in browsers
… I think marcos suggested that we go back to WebIDL to provide a type that can be consumed

IJ: Can we have single dir/lang per dictionary (e.g., Payment Errors) or per-string

r12a: Direction between phone and name may be different. And also email addresses may be RTL
… so probably "per-string"

<Zakim> smcgruer_[EST], you wanted to ask if i18n folks are aware of any existing web APIs which have been in this position (having site-provided strings that are expected to be displayed in browser UI)

smcgruer_[EST]: Got examples of specs or APIs that do the right thing? I will be able to go speak with them.

r12a: Web Annotations

Ian: There is not dedicated browser UX in the case of JSON-LD

r12a: We can send you a list.

[Addison takes the action!]

<addison> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1017


IJ: How do we finesse in spec language "what the user's browser does" and "how that matches the merchant's language of checkout page"

Addison: This is a language negotiation issue (for UX)
… what you run into is that that doesn't necessarily match the user's actual UX
… the browser may be localized in a language that the Web server doesn't support.
… customers have some control over their (HTTP) Accept language....generally it's the OS setup and not the browser localization
… you may want to indicate in the protocol "what languages the browser supports"
… but sending that up and down the wire may not be useful
… which one they are using at the moment could be sent over the wire (Navigator language)

Addison: You can leave out "if any" since there will always be a language.

<xfq> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#language

Addison: The document will not always have a language (inherited)
… there's a question of whether you want to match if that language were not supported in the browser...what fallback might be.

IJ: Do we need family/given/phonetic for all names?

Addison: Yes.

Addison: As far as ongoing discussion: we can also host you at the I18N WG meeting, which takes place at the same time as this one.

Summary of action items

  1. Ian to work with folks to determine current behavior around currency symbol display when currency code cannot be matched
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).