Meeting minutes
<janina> Running a few minutes late ...
<Roy> Comments:
<Roy> Abstract is too long, but I won't block this round on it.
<Roy> It needs to be clearer in the introduction that the purpose of this publication is to collect feedback on the two proposals, leading to selecting one of them. That info is kinda there but will be missed by someone looking quickly. Maybe a sentence or two at the very beginning of the intro saying it very clearly. This is probably editorial so may not block CfC, but I think important to address before publication.
<Roy> There are errors in HTML semantics and code structure that need to be addressed before publication.
<Roy> The section on gap analysis and use cases should summarize the actual gaps, not describe the sorts of info that's in the use cases document. Not to repeat the content, but to orient for readers of the technical approach who haven't followed the link yet. This might be editorial but I think maybe important to address before publication.
<Roy> I find myself still struggling to understand the purpose of the doc (compare alternative approaches) by the time I get to the sections on the approaches. I think one simple thing would be to create a top-level section like "Comparison of approaches" or "Approaches under consideration" or something, then put sections 3 and 4 (the two approaches) as subsections of that.
<Roy> Section 4 has a few paragraphs explaining the single-attribute approach. But section 3 goes straight into a code example, and leaves me completely lost. It should have a similar overview of the approach at the top.
<Roy> I suggest adding more content or questions to the Technical Considerations section, as I think that is ultimately the main point of this first publication.
<Roy> https://
Action: JF to review document against MCooper's comments
<trackbot> Created ACTION-24 - Review document against mcooper's comments [on John Foliot - due 2021-04-21].
Action: ADR to review document section 5 and other HTML related issues
<trackbot> Error finding 'ADR'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
Action: Allen to review document section 5 and other HTML related issues
<trackbot> Error finding 'Allen'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
Action: Alan to review document section 5 and other HTML related issues
<trackbot> Created ACTION-25 - Review document section 5 and other html related issues [on Alan Reeve - due 2021-04-21].
Action: Dee to review document section head and other editorial related issues
<trackbot> Created ACTION-26 - Review document section head and other editorial related issues [on Dee Dyer - due 2021-04-21].