<scribe> scribe: Richard Boardman
Chris Loiselle: Visual contrast group update - active dialogue between group and Jeanne/Shawn, as well as overall rating scale. Also inc Access Board. Questions around r'ship between Silver and 2.X rating scale.
Chris Loiselle: also, reviewing ACT framework
Francis: Conformance Architecture - Todd, Libby, JohnF now helping. Met briefly last week, proper kick off 10am PST Monday.
Jennifer: Structure content workgroup (previously known as Headings) - getting established. First priority is to respond to comments, second - nail down scoring
Francis: Q - have you seen yesterday's "exciting" discussion around headings? A (Jennifer): yes. We are looped in.
<jenniferstrickland> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/1712#issuecomment-812507838
<jenniferstrickland> Above is the Github thread on headings and semantic content
Belated April Fools: Shawn Lauriat and Peter Korn are one and the same
Peter - Confirmance Options sub-team: didn't meet this week. Focus on use cases and issues that we didn't see obvious way of including in initial structure. Favouring speed and breadth of ideas over early consensus.
<ChrisLoiselle> https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Subgroup%3A+Visual+Contrast%22
ChrisLoiselle: Q re: github issues
<jenniferstrickland> @PeterKorn - Here are the silver minutes from March 5: https://www.w3.org/2021/03/05-silver-minutes.html
ChrisLoiselle: Q: have been through and updated status with "ready for survey". Are we triaging the right way? Any guidelines?
Shawn: A - will defer to Chuck and Jeanne.
<scribe> ACTION: ChrisLoiselle will follow up offline in existing email thread
Shawn: since we are missing lots of attendees interested in this topic, propose we discuss next steps
<SuzanneTaylor> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_KcGCV4In3fYw7m5Y40-KDrZbVI0w79HEqLB-p_zTgw/edit#heading=h.may2b29odp41
Suzanne: has been organizing metadata around various ideas in a google doc, updated Option 11 re: related github issues.
Shawn: like idea of capturing aspects of options which should be retained even if thats not a leading option
RickBoardman: +1 like idea of easier way to compare options for people who are new
PeterKorn: idea raised of a medal
below bronze
... not aware of mechanism to increase testable subset as new
tests come up. Seems like a significant gap as we will develop
new tests over time
... Q - not sure if this is the option list
Suzanne: A - don't think idea of
adding new tests is in there. Suggest new option
... Q - what happens as we get "AI tests"?
PeterKorn: suggests that there should be time to review, make sure tests are mature and broadly available in industry before it gets added.
<ChrisLoiselle> Perhaps adding platinum on top of gold ? Or following the Hierarchy of precious substances , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_precious_substances
Suzanne: Organization could have option of manual vs automated testing approach.
PeterKorn: I assume first manual testing level should assume all "easier" programmatic tests below it are included
Shawn: haven't been thinking of
tests as manual vs automated, but as "a requirement that a test
that needs to happen".
... think of this as an aspect of organizational maturity
PeterKorn: its important that if we set an automated level, it should not be frozen to a particular technology level
Suzanne: added Option 12 covering Peter's comments
Shawn: any high level comments? Note github discussion is very useful
<SuzanneTaylor> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_KcGCV4In3fYw7m5Y40-KDrZbVI0w79HEqLB-p_zTgw/edit#heading=h.may2b29odp41
<ChrisLoiselle> Rick mentioned requirements for analyzing the options we are discussing.
Suzanne shared discussion on options above (Google doc)
ChrisLoiselle: move G doc to a google sheet?
<Lauriat> WCAG 3 Requirements: https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0-requirements/
<jenniferstrickland> +1
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