Automotive Working Group Teleconference

30 March 2021


Adnan, Arman, Gunnar, Peter, Ted, Ted. Glenn, Ulf

Meeting minutes

Lobbying Membership for Charter approval

Ted: @@1


Issue 378

Peter: privacy does not apply to all use cases. we for instance are using this API ourselves within Volvo vehicles
… the open source reference implementation is being considered for future hardware

Ted: we can also perhaps go so far as to say privacy concerns are irrelevant if information doesn't leave the vehicle

Glenn: the specification doesn't touch on concerns around jurisdictional privacy requirements

Ulf: key point is whether information if offboarded. once off, there isn't really anything that can be done in the vehicle to change that

Ted: it is possible if using something like Isaac's proxy reencryption suggestion, gives data owner rights that can be modified after off-boarded

Glenn: it would be nice if the vehicle owner can select stream of data provided to a given consumer, different sets for insurance, mechanic, etc
… I would like to see that in the specification

Peter: is that really part of VISS or responsibility of app interacting with it?

Ulf: that will be complicated

Ted to strike last sentence wrt regional privacy laws and add privacy concerns may be irrelevant depending on application use of information, whether anything is sent off the vehicle or otherwise tracked

Peter: someone could argue privacy concerns exist for information remaining on vehicle based on how it is used

Gunnar: GDPR has various phrasing like legitimate interest that is very carefully worded
… may be worth enlisting some expertise around that

Issue 373@@

PR @@

Ulf: this could be described in a policy document, bound to the roles
… roles are extendable even though we haven't said so
… we could bind further restrictions to roles
… it could either be a formal part of the specification or describe how implementers can handle in best practices

Glenn: the way we implement our Go devices, you go to the app and set the geofence parameters in privacy mode
… it may be more a feature of the app than in spec

Ted: how complicated is creating geofence, city/county/draw a shape?

Glenn: all of the above

Ted: if a radius, calculated based on center point, city/county would be lookup...

Glenn: we represent with simply coordinates

Ulf: I was thinking if we include in the spec, we would need to define this language
… this may be beyond our expertise. there may well be languages that do so already
… might be better not to formalize in the spec but leave in best practices initially
… or at least non-normative

Glenn: I agree
… we will need an interface and some OEM are looking at allowing apps in

Ted: I will reach out and update issue to indicate relegate to BP doc for now, spec if we can crystalize definitions for parameters

Glenn: based on various polutions concerns, geofence can also be used to encourage a hybrid to operate in EV mode - eg city of London

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Maybe present: Glenn