Clreq Editors' Call

24 March 2021


Bobby, Eric, Huijing, Makoto, xfq, Zhengyu

Meeting minutes

Makoto: Just FYI - I filed an GitHub issue on the metadata issue we discussed in our last meeting
… will forward it to you

[Makoto leaves]

[Debugging Skype connection]

Welcome Zhengyu!

xfq: new task force member, Zhengyu!

All: Welcome, Zhengyu!


Zhengyu: thank you for all the warm welcome

Go through the pull request list



xfq: Add line adjustment in Glossary

xfq: I made some changes

All: looks good

xfq: I'll merge it


xfq: Richard has created new 'home pages' for all of the lreq repositories

xfq: For repos like clreq and jlreq, he created a new home.md file which we can link to as https://w3c.github.io/clreq/home and https://w3c.github.io/jlreq/home

Eric: our chairs are Bobby and Yijun?

xfq: yes

Eric: Yijun hasn't attended the meeting for a long time

Bobby: does our task force still exist?

xfq: According to https://w3c.github.io/clreq/charter/

xfq: it has expired

xfq: however, because we are not a formal working group and there is no formal recharter process, it is okay not to renew the charter

Eric: "End date" of our task force is "31 December 2016"

xfq: If you want to revise it, we can revise it

xfq: but note that it is informal

Eric: I think it’s better to update it

Eric: Or delete this link

xfq: I'll discuss with Richard

Go through the issue list



xfq: The ruby-related terminology used in clreq, jlreq, and css-ruby documents is rather confusing

xfq: and I hope we change the terminology to be as consistent as possible

xfq: the CSSWG will read both clreq and jlreq, and they will also read css-ruby

xfq: the meaning of css-ruby's "interlinear annotations" is not exactly the same as ours

xfq: and the meaning of jlreq's 行間注 is not exactly the same as ours

xfq: CSS has such a concept: inter-character annotations

xfq: we don't have that

[xfq explains the issue]

Bobby: Yijun spent a lot of time discussing this issue in the beginning of clreq

[Bobby explains the history]

Bobby: we might want to ask Yijun

Bobby: we can remove the term 行間批語 and related content

[Discuss the definition of 行間批語 and the differences between 行間批語 and 行間注]

Eric: Can we use HTML/CSS ruby to achieve 行間批語?

Bobby: the rendering is a bit different from ruby

Eric: We don't need to mention 行間批語 for now

Eric: if 行間批語 only appears in ancient books, we can remove it.

Eric: Otherwise the document is too messy.

Eric: How about changing 行间注 to 行间注音?

Eric: and change "interlinear annotations" to "ruby"

Bobby: 注音 or 标音?

Eric: 行间标音
… consistent with CSS

xfq: CSS also has the term interlinear annotations

xfq: but it means annotation containers that are not inter-character annotations (i.e., horizontal Bopomofo)

xfq: interlinear annotations in clreq include horizontal Bopomofo

Zhengyu: @@

Eric: vertical Bopomofo is not considered inter-character annotations

Eric: what about just using 标音?

Eric: without 行间

Zhengyu: it's from Japanese

xfq: it originated from the name of the 5.5pt font size in British printing

Zhengyu: But it has a strong Japanese attribute here

Zhengyu: because the Japanese borrow this word to express this kind of annotation

Eric: In any case, we can use the word "ruby" instead of creating a new term

Eric: Do you mean to use the word "annotation"?

Zhengyu: "Zhuyin" or "Biaoyin" looks good to me too

Zhengyu: But with "ruby" we don’t have to create a new word

Zhengyu: Because we inevitably have to be exposed to HTML ruby and related terminology

Eric: Then we call it 标音 in Chinese

Eric: We should not use 注音 because there will be ambiguity with Bopomofo

Eric: I think "ruby" is fine for English.

Eric: If you find it inappropriate, we can also use "biaoyin". But in this case we have to create a new term.

Eric: If we use "ruby" the English term is more unified between jlreq and clreq

Eric: there are two kinds of ruby: pinyin and Bopomofo

Bobby: We should let Yijun know after we update the terminology

Eric: then the Chinese for interlinear annotations annotations is 行间标音

Eric: and the Chinese for inter-character annotations is 字间标音

xfq: Do we still need the word 行間批語?

Eric: we can remove it

xfq: it's in Indicating Meaning or Other Additional Information

xfq: in 3.3.2 Overview of Interlinear Annotation Positioning

xfq: and in 3.3.7 Positioning of Interlinear Comments

Positioning of Bilingual Annotations

Eric: About 3.3.6 Positioning of Bilingual Annotations

Eric: What is this section about?

Eric: I do not understand

Bobby: This is mainly about light novels


Eric: related ^

Eric: I know what you mean, but the name is wrong?

Eric: do you mean something like https://w3c.github.io/clreq/#billingual-annotation-use-case

Eric: You want to emphasize that ruby is not just pinyin or Bopomofo, it can also be English etc., right?

Eric: If yes we can keep this (

Eric: and remove 行间批语

Bobby: @@


Eric: back to #355

Eric: We are going to change 行间注 to 标音

Eric: We need to change a lot

Eric: Regarding the reorganization of the overall structure of 3.3 Interlinear annotations

Eric: should we discuss it in #355 or create a new issue?

xfq: I suggest to file a new issue, #355 is part of that larger issue

xfq: The reorganization of 3.3 and the problem of terminology are two issues

xfq: it is confusing to discuss them in the same issue

Eric: OK

Eric: Yijun Chen wrote the Bopomofo part and Liang Hai wrote the pinyin part

Eric: We can move 行间批语 to a new section in Chapter 4 or just remove it

xfq: @@simple-ruby and accessibility@@

Zhengyu: 标音 does not mean exactly the same as ruby in jlreq

Zhengyu: They didn’t say ruby was for indicating how to read kanji, they just said it was a special kind of typography


[Discuss the definition of ruby]

Eric: Do we want to make a new word for 标音?

Zhengyu: I agree with what Bobby said, 标音 is not exactly equivalent to ruby in jlreq.

Zhengyu: If we think that these two words correspond to each other, it will be difficult for us to @@

Bobby: @@

Eric: If we don’t use the word 标音, we need to find another word

Zhengyu: we can create a new word, biaoyin

Eric: I'm OK with this, but we still don’t have a word corresponding to ruby

Bobby: We can talk about the history of terminology in this section

Zhengyu: agreed

Bobby: please assign it to me

Eric: OK, we can review it

Eric: The main problem now is that there is no Chinese word equivalent to "ruby"

Eric: what should we do?

Bobby: pinyin and Bopomofo was already counted as ruby in a document published in 1999

[Discuss the difference and Venn diagram between ruby and 标音]

Eric: I can understand Zhengyu's concerns

Eric: But can we still call it 标音 and treat other situations (like light novels) as special cases of 标音

Bobby: double-sided ruby is also a special case of ruby

[Discuss exclamatory question mark, repeating question marks and repeating exclamation marks]

[Discuss the symbol of death]


Eric: I made a new image because our current illustration is not correct

xfq: the new image looks good to me

xfq: the font is different


Eric: back to #355

Bobby: I will make big changes to 3.3
… rewrite this section
… please file an issue and assign it to me

Eric: So we *still* haven't found the Chinese corresponding to "ruby"

Eric: In order not to make the document too complicated, I suggest that we use 标音

[Discuss the differences between the term "interlinear annotations" in clreq and css-ruby]

Zhengyu: Can we correspond with css-ruby?

Zhengyu: @@

Eric: We don’t need to create overloading with css-ruby's terms

Eric: It would be inconvenient if there is no suitable word in Chinese to describe ruby

Eric: and this is a real problem

Eric: what about 小字? 卢比?

Eric: 珍字?

Zhengyu: 珍字 looks good to me


Zhengyu: see ^

Eric: it originated from William Gamble in the American Presbyterian Mission Press

Eric: the term 珍字 was used from 18xx to 198x

Eric: But now the hào units is more popular than the names like 珍字

[Discuss the hào units]

Eric: We spent too much time discussing this issue

Bobby: Solved a big issue!

Eric: 珍字 is a noun

xfq: @@

Zhengyu: 珍字 can correspond to "ruby" in jlreq and css-ruby

xfq: @@

xfq: we need to discuss the usage of 珍字 in the future

Next teleconference time

April 14 (Wednesday), 19:00-20:00 (UTC+8)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).