Chemistry for the Web and Publishing

04 March 2021


Ashley, Cary, Dr., Dr. Kumar, Elaine, franco, George, Kilyanek, Kumar, Stefan, Stefan Kilyanek, SteveNoble_

Meeting minutes

Sefan will serve as scribe

Volker is upset about the organization of the organic sub group

after Volker left the meeting , he did not hear that one needed to submit a point of discussion to dan, cary or the list

it is unclear if he knew this or if he checked the minutes

it is confirmed that this was in the minutes

additionally an email was sent reguarding the plan of action

there appears to be comunication difficulty

subgroups will comunicate directly through the mailing list

a public email was sent and read

action item george voulenteers to comunicate about this matter to Volker

notes of sub group were read

specialized info reguarding o chem was discussed

a breif discussion was had on chemML

methods of organizing work were discussed

the shell was discussed

four parts were determined to be pieces of work

generic strucure

functional groups

chirality and shape

reactions and mechanism

we want to focus on one at a time

brain storming ensued

orientation discussion

discussion ensued on specific issues including chirality and representation

we need to ensure our naming rules are in line with mechanism description

paper models

making images and resources using creative commons licencing was discussed

extended descriptions using HTML details werer discussed as a method and location for this work

"infrastructure" neccecary for production

(relayed by george)

image share and extended description via HTML tagging

a brainstroming session to discussi an SN2 reaction of n-BuLi with a chiral alkyl halide

this will be discussed at noon EST on 3-18-21

we will name this subgroup the organic chemistry subgroup


will be the substrate

next all committee call will be 4-8-21 at noon EST

end scribe

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Kilyanek