Automotive Working Group Teleconference

16 February 2021


Adnan, Arman, Glenn, Gunnar, Isaac, MagnusG, Ted, Ulf
MagnusF, Peter

Meeting minutes

[VSS/VSSo call running over]

CVII summit on Thursday

Ted gives high level summary of agenda

VISSv2 over MQTT proposal

Ulf: we have been giving thought about how we can operate on both end of broker

[Ulf shares screen, presents diagram]

Ulf: in this diagram we have a client in vehicle and other external
… currently in the code we have transport managers for WS and HTTP, they register into the server core
… they open up data channel (WS, all of them)
… so it was easy to implement a new transport manager and get it to communicate
… we got quite a bit for free
… this vehicle client is a tranport manager to prove concept works
… MQTT starts with issuance of token request. a unique identifier is needed, currently using vin but may be better as something else
… we have a cloud client that knows it wants to send VISSv2 requests to server on the other side, starts subscribing to a uuid
… next it does a publish to topic it subscribed to. vinXX cannot be found in a session, needs to be transmitted out of band
… it could originate from oem backend
… payload is two parts. information about domain of the topic and actual request it wants to send
… it is a JSON payload
… topic and request parts. v2 valid payload is sent via WS

MQTT flow diagram
… topic and request parts are forwarded to server which views it as any normal request
… it gets, processes and returns response
… response is published back, topic is in the payload. broker then pushes it back to subscribed cloud client
… this can support the entire range of requests available in v2
… so the experiment works, question is do we want to put this in the transport document

Ted wonders how much Peter (regrets for today) was involved as he knows MQTT better than I

Ulf: he was partially involved
… one thing we benefit from is client broker
… open question about security aspects of using a broker

Gunnar: connection starts on vehicle side
… not sure if it is crazy or genius

Ted: its a fine line...

Gunnar: did you implement the vehicle client as a separate process or part of the server?

Ulf: it is its own program running
… based on the HTTP code

Gunnar: instead of a client, it would be better termed as a proxy
… you are embedding VISS over MQTT more than using MQTT

Ulf: correct

Ted wonders if anyone else on the call has extensive experience with MQTT, this can be architected a number of ways
… we did want VISS consistent across protocols and this experiment achieves that

Adnan: MQTT is being used by a number of companies, we are
… what would be interesting to see is the split between the read and write parts
… you may want to split based on topics as well
… topic per client on reading. for write you could have one

Ulf: I need some more understanding

MagnusG: I haven't used MQTT myself. interesting concept being able to pair clients through a broker
… proxying or rather embedding VISS within MQTT is interesting
… nice to see how we are not tied to any particular protocol

Ulf: maybe we should take a week or two to reflect and discuss further

Glenn: would this affect the data payload size?

Ulf: slightly, the topic part adds a bit
… what is new is [on diagram] this small part

Gunnar: there may be room for more optimizations

Ted: I'll put a call out along with the minutes asking for expertise on MQTT

Issue review

Ulf: I have pushed some changes and already accidentally merged based on the editorial suggestions
… hopefully nobody objects, otherwise I would have to back it out
… please give it a read or wait until further changes


Ted: service discovery moved?

Ulf: folded into filtering


Ulf: what is taking more time is linking to definitions

Ted: hold on, that may be facilitated with some ReSpec capabilities


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Succeeded: s/for minutes/for expertise/

Succeeded: s/@@v2 coniustency/...we did want VISS consistent across protocols and this experiment achieves that/