Meeting minutes
Enabling Zoom live transcription!
Jeanne: W3C now has live captioning. With your agreement, I'd like to turn it on. I recommend live transcript.
It is not replacing IRC.
Live transcripts capture all conversations.
Any questions before live transcripts and captioning are turned on?
Chuck: This is a new feature so we will learn what it is capable of.
Janina: If someone is relying on captioning, are we still looking to have a human caption aspect implemented?
Jeanne: We are exploring that as well, yes.
<kirkwood> +1
<sajkaj> +1
<Chuck_> +11111111
<Wilco> +1
Jeanne: A straw poll, shall we turn on live transcripts?
<Rachael> +1
<Lauriat> +1
<Azlan> +1
<mikecrabb> +1
<laura> +1
<jeanne> Vote: Shall on captions and live transcript?
<JF> +1
<JakeAbma> +1
<Sheri_B-H> +1 to CC
<Makoto> +11111 to more inclusive meeting!!
<Francis_Storr> +1
Shawn: Live transcription button shows up in navigation controls and the content is left aligned rather than the captioning. Live transcript , full transcript shows the person speaking as well, which is helpful.
Shawn: On non inclusive language, please call out when this happens when it happens and we will address and move forward.
We will be focusing on this moving forward to be more aware of situations. Also, allow person to talk to point, then ask to counterpoint after idea is finished.
Chuck: This will be a transition , so patience is key as we all grow into this method of communicating.
Jeanne: I appreciate if people call out my own habits so that I can improve.
Jeanne, to Shawn, can you host the meeting in Zoom? Shawn, yes.
An inclusive language reminder & suggestion for the group helping
Alt text sub-group update
Shawn: Alt text update is next.
Makoto: I have sent an email to the group and shared new methods for HTML images.
<Lauriat> Link to Makoto's email: https://
We have 4 methods currently. We are working on rest of methods. Group of images and image maps are items we are working on now.
I received quick feedback from Eric . So I am going to change links to point to editor's draft to avoid confusion on tutorials.
Our next step , we will talk to techniques and failures. If we missed anything, we will add them to the documents.
You will be able to make comments on documents.
Asynchronous communication & email discussions
Shawn: On Asynchronous communication, we are trying to work better via email. Makoto's efforts on Alt text explanation , email thread on main topic is great. If people can't make call, email can still be read
Jeanne: We need to send out agendas earlier, etc. Working on process to make ourselves better is what we want to do. We will try processes out moving forward to integrate in to what we do.
GitHub "master" to "main" branch change happening Friday
Jeanne: Reminder on email best practices, keeping threads with correct subject title or topic.
If you need to change topics or subjects, please update appropriately as topic thread is how W3C is archiving currently.
Janina: Do we want to send to the list and to individuals as well? I.e. topic thread vs. all the Cc's on the email?
<JF> +1 to Shawn (GMail flags emails that I am specifically cc'd on)
Shawn: I do appreciate the Cc that directly come my way. It helps me flag for attention.
Janina: Thanks, fair enough.
<joconnor> +1 to clean subject lines
<Fazio> +1
MichaelC: I recommend a clean new message vs. changing the topic or subject , as it may not thread appropriately.
Shawn: Github master will move to main branch on Friday.
MichaelC: Master will be renamed to Main for proper naming conventions moving forward . This will happen on Friday.
You'll need to start branching off of main, not master moving forward.
Pull requests will update accordingly.
Jeanne: This is done for inclusion reasons to name it more appropriately as Main.
GitHub comment process
Jeanne: On commenting process, we have started using this to address comments. I believe John F. and others raised as to how these issues would be raised and closed and the process itself.
<jeanne> https://
Jeanne places link to how we process comments.
Triage, drafting and survey and approval are three segments we are working with at moment.
We also may assign to individuals where appropriate, we will ask before assigning to a particular person.
Within the Google drive, there is a place to put drafts . If you are commenting directly in Github , you would do it in a particular branch.
The request is to respond within two weeks. If extension is needed, please ask Chairs.
You are allowed to say no, but have to say why within the responses.
Rachael: Reach out to the Silver editors email if you have questions. We can pre-edit and serve as a checkpoint.
<Rachael> Silver Editors email:
Jeanne: Regarding ready for survey, it will go to AGWG and Silver . We will discuss in Silver if we need to. First AGWG meeting and first half hour in that meeting, we will have time to talk to those subjects .
We are trying not to wordsmith during meetings.
When we say WCAG 3.0 is done, the comments will be reviewed.
Rachael: We will concentrate on survey questions in the first half hour and if nobody has questions or comments on survey questions, then we will move on from there.
Jeanne: We may make changes to Tuesday meeting afterwards, but will start this process and see how it works.
We haven't forgotten about changing meetings and scheduling meetings. This is geared more toward asynchronous contributions and addressing concerns.
<Lauriat> Direct link to response templates: https://
Jeanne: We have templated answers that may help you in regard to editing fixes , etc. We welcome other improvements on this process.
Rachael: We do want you to review the templates, so if you can improve these, please let us know. Feedback is welcome.
Jemma: I like this workflow. The concern is it will work well in US and Europe, however I'm not sure how we can improve this for international community.
Jemma: Perhaps Shadi could introduce this to international community?
Jeanne: Outside the working group, they have until February 26th, but we will always welcome their feedback.
Do you think that international groups in working groups would not have enough time by February 26th?
Jemma: We will work through it, I just want to have enough feedback from global community.
<Lauriat> +1 to purposefully getting international feedback and participation, definitely.
Jeanne: Jemma, I appreciate your comments and welcome feedback. I have a slide deck that is available and you can adapt it however you'd like for your particular audiences.
<jeanne> https://
Please feel free to use this , anyone.
<Makoto> I'll do Japanese!
Shawn: Any other comments?
Evaluate WCAG3 for researchers
<jeanne> PResentation: https://
Jeanne: We have another presentation for researchers. I can share that as well.
<jeanne> https://
This is for researchers.
FrancisS: A large public site for validation would be useful. Perhaps A lot of work has been made to make these more accessible. It is great news that the site is more accessible, but the improvements make the site not a good site to use as a resource for defects.
I.e. positive movement on the .gov sites is great news.
Janina: In regard modeling, I would like to review that further.
Sheri: We are also reviewing modeling as well from a machine learning aspect where I work.
Shawn: Any other comments or questions?