ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

09 February 2021


carmacleod, Jemma, jongund, MarkMccarthy, mck, siri
BryanGaraventa JamesN CurtBellew, sarah
Matt King
carmacleod, carolyn

Meeting minutes

Announcement: ARIA-APG redesign project

<Jemma> we will talk what success would like..

<Jemma> bocoup will propose sprint plan.

Jemma: Should we invite other people?

<Jemma> APG meeting next week will be more about organizational structure.

mck: We will discuss how to broaden the scope of the stakeholders during next week's kickoff call

<Jemma> mck: this will be more of work planning session

PR burndown

Navigation menubar: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1741

mck: I think this is done. I revised the caution note.


CAUTION! Before considering use of the ARIA menubar pattern for site navigation, it is important to understand: The menubar pattern requires complex functionality that is unnecessary for typical site navigation that is styled to look like a menubar with expandable sections or fly outs. A pattern more suited for typical site navigation with expandable groups of links is the disclosure pattern. For an example, see Example Disclosure for [CUT]

mck: The note is only slightly different from before (which said "complexity") and I changed it to "compex functionality"

mck: So mostly keyboard differences, but I think there's also mouse functionality differences, too

Jemma: Is this difference between Menubar and Disclosure nav described somewhere in the example?

carmacleod: It will be described in the new section on navigation - not finished yet, but mck made a good start.

mck: Ok, great - I'll merge this today!

<Jemma> "It is interesting that both section 4.3 of the ARIA spec and section 6.6 of APG - Keyboard Navigation Inside Components say that it is typical for the first item in menubars and toolbars to receive focus rather than most recent. I'm unsure of the origin of that suggestion"

mck: This is really old text - let's merge this, but open an issue to revisit this text

Disclosure nav menubar: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1614


Jemma: James Scholes had a suggestion about reducing the number of words in the labels

mck: (after some discussion) I think if we just remove the word Show

mck: I find the name of the example awkward

mck: how about... Example Disclosure Navigation Menu with Top Level Links

mck: would also like to change the name of the one without links to: Example Disclosure Navigation Menu

carmacleod: +1

siri: The focus indicator is wider than Jon's menubar nav example - should we try to be consistent?

mck: I think it's good to show a variety of focus indicators - as long as they are good focus indicators

Slider example




mck: Jon which one is the easiest to review? Are they all really different from what's currently published?

jongund: They are all pretty significantly different from what's currently published

jongund: probably the thermostat one is the simplest, because it's 3 separate sliders

jongund: Maybe the color picker slider example is the simplest to operate, though, because it's 3 identical sliders

mck: ok, let's start with color picker #1746

mck: what does the css touch-action do?

jongund: it tells the platform to ignore either left-right or up-down swipes so that your application can handle them

jongund: similar to preventDefault in JS

jongund: yet another way where css affects behavior...

jongund: With these updates, sliders work for sighted touch users, and they even work in VoiceOver touch!

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1746

<Jemma> can you confirm your reviewer assignment?

<Jemma> everyone confirmed their review assignment for slider example 1746

<siri> https://support.google.com/accessibility/android/answer/6151827?hl=en

Move slider up (such as volume) Right then left Move slider down (such as volume) Left then right


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).