14 January 2021


BryanGaraventa AaronLeventhal, carmacleod, IsabelHoldsworth, jamesn, jcraig, Jemma, MarkMccarthy, Matt_King, MichaelC, StefanS
PeterKrautzberger JoanmarieDiggs MelanieSumner ScottOHara
Jemma, MarkMccarthy

Meeting minutes

<Jemma> I am joinng now


jamesn: 5 new issues, skipping the first (#96) as its on agenda today

jamesn: 1382, 1.2 roadmap - not sure how to answer this on github but I'll take care of it

jamesn: 1381, followup on 1100. jcraig

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1381

<MarkMccarthy> s/1100. jcraig / 1100. jcraig, is this a 1.3 or 1.4 issue?

jcraig: it could be 1.3, but ir eally needs input from joanie and aaron, maybe carmacleod. basically i took this up, just haven't filed it yet

jcraig: might be a nonissue, but not a 1.2 thing

jcraig: either way, this isn't pressing

jcraig: I assigned it to joanie

jamesn: 87 is editorial, 1.3

jamesn: 1380, we talked about it last week. adding 1.3 milestone, would be good to get it done

jamesn: only one new PR, just editorial. no need for reviews

jamesn: we have a bunch of things for the next deep dive - any proposals or anything?

jamesn: we talked about user actions for the web today, so i'll remove that one

jcraig: no immediate preference on which topic to go over

Matt_King: i thought on the accname one, we agreed that the intent of the spec was clear and bryan was going to propose modifications to make at least that example work

jamesn: there's something on the agenda today for that...

Matt_King: at any rate, the issue of self referencing labels, the algoritm, and spec example are all not exactly agreeing. it probably isn't a good candidate for a deep dive just yet

jamesn: i don't think there's anything to specifically discuss with that...

Matt_King: so maybe no deep dive next week, jamesn!

jamesn: sorted!

ACCNAME Suggested simplification<https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/96>

jamesn: we had this isue with accname, aaron proposed a simplification - linked above - to reorder accname slightly

aaronlev: 2c basically says if 2e applies, do that, otherwise go back to 2c and 2d

aaronlev: so, if 2e comes first, then that order makes a bit more sense. it seems like that what's chrome does anyway. so it just makes it easier to read

Matt_King: one question - i see references to the steps, people refer to the number and letter in issues/blog posts/etc.

Matt_King: because they're numbered and letter, rather than named based on what it does, when it's reordered I wonder if it'll cause confusion. not a reason not to do it, but it makes me wonder if it's truly that simple

bryan: it's kind of unavoidable though, like if other things need to be added, the order is going to change no matter what

jamesn: maybe we do away with numbering in the future, to avoid the issue altogether

jcraig: +1

Matt_King: that's what I was thinking

jcraig: might be better to put that in a separate issue though

Jemma: aaron talked about recursion concept for this issue too right?

aaronlev: i didn't rewrite everything, but i did call it descendent recursion, since that's what was intended

jcraig: so we have a short unique name for each step?

jamesn: makes sense

Matt_King: yes

aaronlev: i had been working on a better description of how to do description calc in a table format, people liked that. so maybe that's a good method too

bryan: that'd be awesome!

<Jemma> aaronlev: short unique name is recommended. it would be more appropriate to use the word "description calculation or decendants recursion"

jcraig: an example would be great!

<Jemma> rather than " recursion"

aaronlev: makes it easier to sort through so much information

jcraig: so if you have something, even incomplete, add it to an issue so bryan or whoever wants to can look at it

bryan: that would certainly be make things a lot easier

Jemma: makes me wonder if the table format would be 1:1 mapping, since it's not a flowchart? but i'm curious

aaronlev: i'll send an example, i promise it's easier than a flowchart!

carmacleod: back on the 2c/2d etc. PR, watch out for the IDs and fragment identifiers

jamesn: someone else can probably write this PR, so don't worry too much about it aaronlev

jamesn: i'll assign this to me. any objections any of this?

bryan: sounds great, i'm all for simplification.

Listbox and tree: clarify requirements for selected and checked<https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1340>

jamesn: so this is all ready to go in but I didn't yet because I wanted aaron to look at it. i'd love James Teh and Matt_King to add some comments to aaron's comment

Matt_King: i thought I already did, but --

aaronlev: this is a response to your response, Matt_King. so basically it's not about the initial serialization, but we have to recompute the tree if user actions intervene

aaronlev: what i want - once it's made a decision to use the selection follows focus rule, it can stick that rule on that tree/list and not have to recompute the rule

aaronlev: it'd only make a rule if theres at least one item in there

Matt_King: if there's one item and the author inends to use checked but it's not declared, it won't work right until it's added

aaronlev: essentially yes

aaronlev: basically i just don't think it should be going back and forth and have to recompute etc.

Matt_King: makes sense.

jamesn: potentially we should get new reviewers/re-reviewers, might be helpful. jcraig, your thoughts?

jcraig: i can re-review if need be

Matt_King: doesn't have to be now, but if this is made explicit in spec, we would still need your review

jcraig: so if/when there's a new change, I'll definitely take another look

jamesn: aaronlev, okay to merge now and a new issue for future clarification?

aaronlev: definitely! no worries

jcraig: that'll make the second PR easier to review too

Matt_King: so we'll need an issue documenting when that new PR is there

Updated aria-setsize and aria-posinset to clarify usage for authors<https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1332>


we will wait for Melsumner's response.

1.3 triage<https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+no%3Aproject+sort%3Acreated-asc>

car: #350
… there was inconsistency and I fixed it. it would be great someone, JamesC, can review.

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+no%3Aproject+sort%3Acreated-asc

#966, we need to editorial work for this, "implicit value"

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/975

975 is related to https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/350


james: 953 can moved to aria 1.3

car and matt agree


jamesn: no objection moving #979 to 1.4

#982 is editorial

… add it to agenda item so that we can learn more about it.

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/989

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/991

this can be deep dive topic.

we can also invite other visualization experts, not only leonie

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1381

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1381 can be a good deep dive topic.

(group discussed about this issue casually)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Failed: s/1100. jcraig / 1100. jcraig, is this a 1.3 or 1.4 issue?

Succeeded: s/+`1/+1

Succeeded: s/about recursion/about recursion concept

Succeeded: s/recalculate/recompute

Succeeded: s/#996/#966

Maybe present: aaronlev, bryan, car, james