ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

15 Dec 2020


mck, Jemma, sarah_higley, MarkMccarthy, carmacleod, Jamesn
CurtBellew, BryanGaraventa
Matt King


<mck> Agenda link: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/December-15%2C-2020-Agenda

Adding a "Skip To" menu button to APG example pages

<scribe> scribe: carmacleod

<Jemma> Mck: upcoming APG plans - we would need more frequent meetings next year due to ARIA apg redesign project.

mck: Will likely need to go back to weekly meetings in the new year because there will be so much going on

<Jemma> Boucoup will run one of APG meetings.

jongund: So the restructured part will be more like MDN?

<Jemma> jemma: what would be the role of APG TF?

mck: yes, and there will be links to it from MDN

jongund: will there still be an APG group, or will that morph into something else

mck: still need to discuss that as a group. Right now, need to wrap up 1.2 first.


mck: jongund did a whole bunch of work on this

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1635#issuecomment-737523689

mck: do we want to add this to APG at this time?

jongund: most of the structure of the page is invisible, and if the browsers aren't going to add this, maybe we need to try to promote it with this?

carmacleod: should we make the examples section a landmark instead of bracketing it with separators?

mck: no, because it has a heading, and it's within the main landmark (all of the info architecture in the main has headings)

<Jemma> Jschole's comment - "Overall, I'd vote for a simple skip link, given the work required to make this menu more accessible and user-friendly. I don't think it should be an option to consider something which exhibits less than perfect accessibility for an APG example, and the skipto defaults aren't ideal."

mck: we should probably change the nav at the bottom of the page into a footer, though

<Jemma> Jon's another argument - "Also the primary users I believe are keyboard only users and voice recognition users, so the visible labels should be geared for sighted users. It is still useful to screen reader users, by allowing the author to suggest the important regions of the page, since in a screen reader the list of landmarks and headings can get quite long.

jongund: this also helps authors learn about page structure

<Jemma> s/jchole's comment/Jchole's argument point

<Jemma> https://github.com/paypal/skipto

<Jemma> mck: what about licensing issue?

<Jemma> The licece is under Copyright 2019, PayPal under the BSD license.

<Jemma> sarah: it would be worth to look at the license issue.

<Jemma> jon: I can fork and modify skipto.js to see the license issue.

<Jemma> Jemma will initiate the process to confirm licensing issue for skipto.js.

<Jemma> To do list for applying skipto.js need a few things for APG template such as adding content info.

<Jemma> jon:Author makes decision for navigation and heand structure.

<Jemma> configuration file looks like this

<Jemma> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/POwGwmBR/

<Jemma> jon: skipto js give customization functionality.

<Jemma> mck: I think having only h1 and h2 without h3 will be great.

Wrapping up 1.2 release 1

<Jemma> Navigation Treeview Example: Convert to single page example with functionality equivalent to disclosure navigation example by jongund · Pull Request #1558 · w3c/aria-practices

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1558

<Jemma> Mck:james, can you review the section of accessiblity feature section?

<Jemma> jemma assigned James as the reviewer

<Jemma> jon: do we want to keep the same structure for menu example regarding accessibility feature?

<Jemma> jon: ok. we may not add the same 11y feature info to another menu example.

<Jemma> mck: #1607 has conflict so I could not merge.

<Jemma> Jon: I will take care of that.

<Jemma> Guidelines for aria-level attribute #1109

<Jemma> mck: I need your review on this, James.

<Jemma> mck: may be we can raise this to ARIA audience?

<jamesn> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue259-aria-level-guidance/aria-practices.html#aria-level_listitem_role

<Jemma> Specific top is nested list.

<Jemma> regarding aria-level.

<Jemma> james: we would not know a specific use case until it comes up.

<Jemma> Mck: I will merge this aria-level attribute.

<Jemma> Codepen Button Implementation Project

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/projects/31

<Jemma> it is making a good progress and we all merge before the end of year.

<Jemma> Position date picker dialog below help text #1584

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1531#issuecomment-745474635

<Jemma> Sarah was assigned to issue 1531

<Jemma> sarah: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1614 is ready for review.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/12/15 20:06:35 $

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Succeeded: s/jon: will there be a change for ARIA TF?//
FAILED: s/jchole's comment/Jchole's argument point/
Present: mck Jemma sarah_higley MarkMccarthy carmacleod Jamesn
Regrets: CurtBellew BryanGaraventa
Found Scribe: carmacleod
Inferring ScribeNick: carmacleod

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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