AG Meeting 15 December 2020

15 Dec 2020


alastairc, Rachael, JakeAbma_, Francis_Storr, Detlev, Chuck, juliette_mcshane, Fazio, Matt, Orr, MarcJohlic, JF, CharlesHall, Nicaise, Sukriti, Laura, kirkwood, caryn-pagel, StefanS, Levon, Katie_Haritos-Shea, mbgower, david-macdonald, OliverKeim, Raf, GN, GN015
Detlev, Sukriti


WCAG 3.0 Update

<Detlev> scribe: Detlev

AC: last agenda item (hidden controls) there is an issue with an updated question

Rachael: Any new members who want to introduce themselves?

Redundant entry update (question 1 only) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-redundant-entry-updates/results

WCAG 3.0 Update

Chuck: Review period of FPWD of WCAG 3.0 extended

Redundant entry update (question 1 only) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-redundant-entry-updates/results

Responses to 1431 issue (redundant entry)

Alastair has proposed a response, most agree, some have 'something else'

<Chuck> I'd argue re-entering a new password _is_ essential and is covered by the existing shorter exception. As well, a double-email in some contexts can clearly be argued as essential. I think this can be addressed in the Understanding document, and there is no need to update the normative text or note. I'm a bit leery of language that suggests a 'step could be a page' as that could lead to some very unfortunate interpretations.

<Chuck> <pasted in from survey>

<JF> +1 to Mike - when *creating* a new password, you often need to re-enter the PW

Rachael: Mike sees no need to update normativ text, just understanding

AC: not convinced that passwords fall under ' essential'

<CharlesHall> +1 to that interpretation. common ≠ essential.

AC: If asking for immediate re-entry then you stay at th same step
... password does nit allow copy/paste, that's why it needed to be called out

<CharlesHall> an unmasked value can be copy/pasted

<Fazio> +1

JF: believe there are cases where password needs entering twice - is resetting password a multiple step process - could count as one, perhaps

<CharlesHall> same step, but bad pattern

JF: If it's on the same screen then it is part of a single step

<Rachael> current language on 3.3.8: For steps in a process, information previously entered by or provided to the user that is required on subsequent steps is either: auto-populated, or available for the user to select.

JF: even with confirmation of password this can be seen as a single step process

<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to talk to 'step'

<Fazio> Which was the point of the sc

AC: 'step' has nit been defined for a reason - if you don not need to navigate to it then it is single step
... suggested to call out password since previous password cannot be copied

<Fazio> +1

<Fazio> ssso an example in understanding doc should suffice

AC: so more difficult is to determine if changing password counts as essential since there may be different way of achieving it

JF: Often for security reasons users are asked to confirm / verify changes
... that's why you are asked to enter it twice

Rachael: essential for verifying accuracy

<kirkwood> its also to prevent errors on the user end.

Jake: Not doing it that way may create bigger a11y issues

<kirkwood> in the case of mistyping.

<alastairc> If we accept password (without a specific exception) needs to be re-confirmed for accuracy, couldn't people argue that for other things, like postal address?

<CharlesHall> duplicate entry ≠ confirm ≠ more secure. there are other methods to confirm.

Jake: if it is changed without confirmation (e.g. in mistyping) you may not get back in into the system

<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to check the logic from the other point of view

<JF> 1.3.4

AC: Just checking that logic from other point of view - if devs were wanting to reconfirm postal address - how can those cases be differentiated?

JK: Important step to verify correct entry

Rachael: Do we need to have an exception for "When re-entering is used for verification..."

<Fazio> +1

GN: verification of postal address happens in display befor submission, can be shown in clear text

<alastairc> so that's arguing for the new exception, I think?

<CharlesHall> a password should be able to be unmasked for the purpose of verification

<JF> +1, additionally type="password" disallows copy and paste

<Fazio> +1

<alastairc> The proposed exception: "Exception: When re-entering the information is essential, or when the information is not available for security reasons such as re-entering a new password."

GN: Reentering password I see as essential
... Wording 'nit available for security reasons' is difficult, the system can see it, just not the user

<alastairc> essential = "if removed, would fundamentally change the information or functionality of the content, and information and functionality cannot be achieved in another way that would conform "

DavidF: Agrees with GN - since password is secure, you have to re-enter it - can be described in understanding doc

<Rachael> Detlev: ?

<Fazio> security can be described as essential in Understanding doc

<CharlesHall> security is essential. this method is not.

AC: Our definition is "if removed.. it would fundamentally change.. cannot be provided in another form" - one can argue that making the password visible means thare are other ways

GN: making passwords visible is not equivalent, at least if password has been automatically generated

AC: But you can use a password manager for that so it never needs to be manually re-entered...

Rachael: Strawpoll

<kirkwood> 1

<mbgower> 1

<CharlesHall> 2

<Rachael> Straw Poll: Is content reentry for verification (such as a password reentry) considered essential? Option 1: Include reentry as essential Option: 2: Not essential, and we need to add to the exception

<Ryladog> 1

<alastairc> 2, but not objecting

<juliette_mcshane> b1

<Rachael> 2

0 (not sure)

<GN015> 1

<StefanS> 1

<Chuck> 2, but not objecting

<JF> Option 1

<MarcJohlic> 1

<morr4> 1

<Fazio> Inot all content reentry is essential

<Sukriti> 2

<JakeAbma_> 1

<Nicaise> 1

<Francis_Storr> 1

<laura> 1

<AWK> 1

<Raf> 1

<Chuck> I count 13-5-1

Rachael: More people believe re-entry is essential

<StefanS> :_D

<CharlesHall> slippery slope. for any other type of input

<Fazio> content reentry is too broaad

Rachael: we need to reword response to issue 1431

<Rachael> Proposed RESOLUTION: Reword reply that it is already considered essential so no change to make

AC: we need to say that we consider it essential, therefore no change needed

<Ryladog> +1

<david-macdonald> +1

<JF> +1

<juliette_mcshane> +1

<MarcJohlic> +1

<Fazio> +1

<Chuck> +1

<GN015> +1

<kirkwood> +1

<Sukriti> +1


<morr4> +1

<Raf> +1

<Rachael> +1

<david-macdonald> would need to add that to understanding

<CharlesHall> +1 to comment, but i don’t believe it is essential in the first place

<JakeAbma_> +1

AC: It's already in the Understanding doc

<david-macdonald> cool

<Rachael> From understanding: There is an exception for essential uses of input re-entry for things like password entry (security), or memory games which would not be possible if the previous answers were supplied.

Use of color & contrast survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/results

Rachael: Patric raised issue, suggested update

Rachael (reading out line of argument of Andrew Somers)

scribe: any comments?

AC: AS might be assuming if it has changes of both shape AND color

OK: Rachael: (reads Olivr Keim'S comment in survey)
... suggests editorial changes

Rachael - that was on the wrong issue

OK: The text seemed too short (reads his editing proposals)
... Needs not just color/shape differentiation but also something textual (for non-visual users)

AC: Wasn't covered originally - we do not generally try to show that every example passes every SC
... if it runs in parallel like alt text, covering other aspects makes it too cmplicated

Rachael: Have we dealt with this before - including a not ein the understanding what usage is supported?

AC: we do, in intent and benefits sections

DmD: The understanding doc is for laymen to help clarification

JF: Interesting point - we often indicate who benefits, and that can get too narrow - like visible controls originaly perceived as benefitting coga aspects, but also benefitting LV users

<kirkwood> +1 to JF

Rachael: We should check if we have covered the aspect of screen reader users

<alastairc> Yes, the should focus on the topic in hand, otherwise they would be 15 times longer!

OK: one aspect is speech output - so there is a dange that people read the examples and think they are fine of they differentiate just by shape and color,

Rachael: Should be separate issue - strawpoll

OK: we should cover blind / LV people, stating that they do not benefit there

<kirkwood> Low vision should be first.

Rachael: Would adding language address your concern, OK?

OK: maybe goes too far - let's move on
... Best would be to extend the example pointing out that blind users will need textual differentiation

<GN015> Please note that since ..:37 according to zoom Stefan Schnabel is talking, not OK

AC: If you add alt text that is explicit about the difference since you may not rely on shape, but it would not do from the LV perspective

<Chuck> +1 to alastair's explanation

AC: The general Q is do we focus on each SC alone, or do we cross-reference extensively - more a Silver question

Rachael: Think a change is needed
... though nit sure exactly what it is - there is a gap in example 1
... We should create an issue to address that gap
... acceptable?

OK: yes

<Chuck> +1 to creating a new issue for the gap

<alastairc> Nnoting I had the same thought previously, there is conversation here: https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/750#issuecomment-539454461

<Rachael> Proposal: Open an issue to fix the gap in Example 1 which does not fully support screenreader users

<Sukriti> +1

<Ryladog> +1

<laura> +1

<GN015> +1

<Nicaise> +1

<juliette_mcshane> +1

<JakeAbma_> +1

<OliverKeim> +1

0 (not sure there is an issue)

<JF> +1

<mbgower> 0

RESOLUTION: Create new issue to fix the gap in Example 1 which does not fully support screenreader users

GN: Example 1 refers to table with glyphs - icons have text alternatives - the instruction covers legend, there is nothing wrong with that
... a legend should not fail

mbgower: haven't looked at example - symbol in chart - if legend is an instruction giving equals, the only way that helps is that users can *see* those symbols
... it is not an instruction, just a piece of information connecting types of information

AC: would that mean taking that out?

<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/sensory-characteristics.html

Rachael: Where is the legend in example 1?

<alastairc> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/767/files

AC: The example 1 is being shanged in the PR

AC (reading out text from example)

mbgover: would call that an instruction, not a legend

GN: if you say 'the green diamond' doesn't help blind users - could be better visualised, e.g. in a graphic

Rachael: OK if we add an issue to add to the example?

<alastairc> +1

mbgower: It doesn't matter what the visual is - the instructino just should not refer to visual info (alone)

mbgower (reads text from example) - just describing a scenario

AC: The SC text is explicitly about instructions

Rachael: We have some improvements that we can capture in an issue - are there other objections to the additions proposed here?

GN: One Q is whether the example passes or fails - that must be clear

Rachael: That's pointed out ' rely on color/shape and therefore fail'

GN: Changes included that LV users are supported...

<Rachael> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/767/files

Rachael: Example 1 has refocused to instructions

GN: If we had a table as a graphic, with text alternatives (like a legend) would it then pass?

AC: Change should make it clear that the focus is instructions - the current versions doesn't spell out whether it passes or fails

mbgower: Many understanding docs have issues that should be fixed - this is a good proposal for change

Rachael: Straw poll if we accept this PR

Gundula you may tacke further changes in a separate PR

<laura> +1

<Rachael> +1 to accept PR, -1 to not accept PR, 0 in the middle

+1 for accepting PR

<mbgower> +1

<david-macdonald> 0

<Ryladog> +1

<alastairc> +1

<JakeAbma_> +1

<StefanS> 0

<MelanieP> +1

<Levon> +1

<kirkwood> 0

<Chuck> +1

<GN015> 0

RESOLUTION: Accept PR 767 to address issues #750 and #1532

<OliverKeim> 0

<Sukriti> scribe:Sukriti

Hidden controls update (question 1 only) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/hidden-controls-12-2020/results

<GN015> don't we discuss Question 2 in https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/results?

Redundant entry update (question 1 only) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-redundant-entry-updates/results

Use of color & contrast survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/results

Note and benefits contradict each other in 1.4.1 #1032

<Rachael> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/1500

Gundula: Also contributes to screenreader users including sighted and non-sighted users

Rachael: Would not change language

Detlev: should not always try to cover all aspects in all SCs. Think this is a good change

David: Second that
... in this case, dealing with color blindness. Okay with the SC with the new text, adding sighted users. Value in being granular especially in understanding document

<mbgower> +1

<alastairc> +1 to detlev, and DM

Rachael: Looks like we have broader support for the new change

<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to ask what isn't covered after this change?

Gundula: Feel strongly about it. It does benefit screenreader users

Alaistar: is something that was covered before not covered any longer?

Gundula: The requirement for screenreader support would be dropped

Alaistar: How would it affect the end user?

Gundula: It would be a difference in reporting

<JF> +1 - a violation is a violation

Alaistar: WCAG violation is a violation

Gundula: Might not reflect how a blind user might be affected

<david-macdonald> WCAG words "Color is not used as the only <em>visual </em> means of conveying information..."

<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say look at specific benefits

Rachael: Applied not in the WCAG context but in the user groups context?

Gundula: Yes

Mike: The actual SC text is specifically targeted at sighted users who cannot distinguish color

Chuck: Gundula's analysis is persuasive. However, this specific SC text is already referencing visual. Because of it, supportive of PR change

<mbgower> This even has a note: "Note: This success criterion addresses color perception specifically. Other forms of perception are covered in Guideline 1.3 including programmatic access to color and other visual presentation coding."

Rachael: I find it persuasive as well. In isolated theory, supportive of this PR. Would like to understand what other documents are using this
... Need more time to research on what this will affect

<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to say there has been a gradual move from 'wide' understanding docs to more specific ones.

DavidF: what about future proofing? as tech evolves, would implementing Gundula's point would help

Alaistar: We have specific SCs and understanding documents to cover more considerations. It sometimes causes more confusion. This is a case of aligning the normative req. to understanding document

Chuck: legal interpretation should be left to regulators

<CharlesHall> point of reference, the EN standard also evolves with editorial changes. as i am aware, the current is EN 301549:2019 v3.1.1

Gundula: Normative part covers sensory characteristics that are important to screenreader users

<david-macdonald> hmmm... 1.4.1?

Gundula: 1.3.3

<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/results#xq2

Rachael: would be comfortable only for 2.2 and not retroactively for 2.0 and 2.1

<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to speak to Understanding doc changes

MG: Understanding documents are not normative

<Rachael> Straw Poll: 1. Change from 2.0 forward , 2. Change for 2.2, 3. No change

<david-macdonald> change backwards to 2.0

<CharlesHall> 2

<mbgower> 1 backward compat

<MelanieP> 1


<alastairc> 1, alhtough I think in practice it will be 2.1

<laura> 1

<Ryladog> 1

<Detlev> 1

<JakeAbma_> 1

<Francis_Storr> 1

<Rachael> 2

<david-macdonald> 1

<OliverKeim> 2

<Chuck> 8-4-0


<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say how does it technically work?

MG: the actual urls, understanding documents are linked to the specific versions
... realistically, the change will only be in 2.2. unless we do some kind of recursive change

Alaistar: Separate documents for different versions. Main version is for 2.2 and pick changes that should also apply to 2.1 individually on that branch

Rachael: some design changes to make clear which version on github on the way

RESOLUTION: Accept PR 1500 to address issues #1032, #1076 and #1370

G183 and luminance vs color

<Rachael> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/1500

<Rachael> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/1553

MG: Less concerned now. See that the revised wording has not removed the fact that additional visual info still required.

Andrew S. has said would like the technique to be dropped and proposed changes

Alaistar: comment doesn't speak to the change specifically

Gundula: an example that fails another SC should be dropped

<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to say that example is a failing one

<alastairc> However, if content relies on the user's ability to accurately perceive or differentiate a particular color

<alastairc> (either implicitly - e.g. green for success, red for failure - or explicitly - e.g. "the blue items represent

<alastairc> the most recently updated entries"), an additional visual indicator will be required, regardless of

<alastairc> the contrast ratio between those colors.

Rachael: The first example is a failure example

<alastairc> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/patrickhlauke-repoint-1.4.1/understanding/20/use-of-color.html

Gundula: Maybe the second example should be dropped

Rachael: Alternate example?

Alaistar: stars with color to indicate full similar to non-text contrast

<Rachael> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/patrickhlauke-repoint-1.4.1/understanding/20/use-of-color.html

<Chuck> +1 to amendment

<Rachael> Straw poll: Change example to stars

<mbgower> sure

<Ryladog> +1

<Rachael> +1

<Levon> +1


<GN015> +1

<JakeAbma_> +1

<StefanS> +1

<Detlev> +1

<alastairc> +1 can make later

<JF> +1

<Francis_Storr> +1

<kirkwood> +1

<Rachael> Proposed amendment accepted

MG: Would still have to have a focus indicator - it is additional visual information

Gundula: why is it no longer successful when underline appears on hover?

Alaistar: It's not that you can't use extra visual indicators. Demonstrating the minimum - contrast ratio aspect (quite a few devices where there is no hover)

MG: Still a little concerned about taking away visual information that indicates for example, a link

Alaistar: f73, failure doesn't line up with this. No reference to focus or hover and has been confusing people.

MG: Can live with it because of focus indicator requirements even though lowering bar

David: I wouldn't remove G183

Alaistar: The proposed change is to remove the last two steps not the technique. Still testing contrast

<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/failures/F73

<alastairc> Check that each link in the page that is identifiable by color (hue) is visually identifiable via some other means (e.g., underlined, bolded, italicized, sufficient difference in lightness, etc).

Alaistar: techniques can go beyond the minimum but cause confusion

David - failing a technique doesn't necessarily mean failing SC. Is there a particular issue with the underline aspect?

Alaistar: More confusion than issue

Gundula: Does it makes sense to include a technique that covers desktop since the existing one covers touch interfaces

Alaistar: The technique can go beyond the minimum but not requiring underline
... we probably have underline and not the text contrast as a technique

<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/general/G182

Alaistar: g182 is the more general technique

<JF> +1 to Mike

<alastairc> Suggest approveing the understanding doc, come back to the technique later

<mbgower> +1

<Rachael> proposed RESOLUTION: Accept amendment to PR 1500

<Ryladog> +1

<Rachael> +1


<david-macdonald> +1

<juliette_mcshane> +1

<JakeAbma_> +1

<alastairc> +1

<JF> +1

<Detlev> +1

<Levon> +1

Accept amended PR 1500; review PR 1553 later to adjust G183

<Rachael> revise to: RESOLUTION: Accept amended PR 1500

<Rachael> Proposed resultion: review PR 1553 later to adjust G183

s/RESOLUTION: Accept amended PR 1500; review PR 1553 later to adjust G183/RESOLUTION: Accept amended PR 1500

<alastairc> rrsagent make minutes

<Rachael> Propose RESOLUTION: Accepting all changes in 1553 except those made to the proceedure

Rachael: Come back to this after some more thinking?

Chuck: Next meeting Jan 5

<mbgower> Best of the season, everyone!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Create new issue to fix the gap in Example 1 which does not fully support screenreader users
  2. Accept PR 767 to address issues #750 and #1532
  3. Accept PR 1500 to address issues #1032, #1076 and #1370
[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2020/12/15 18:00:47 $

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Succeeded: s/RESOLUTION:  Accept amended PR 1500; review PR 1553 later to adjust G183//
FAILED: s/RESOLUTION:  Accept amended PR 1500; review PR 1553 later to adjust G183/RESOLUTION:  Accept amended PR 1500/
Default Present: alastairc, Rachael, JakeAbma_, Francis_Storr, Detlev, Chuck, juliette_mcshane, Fazio, Matt, Orr, MarcJohlic, JF, CharlesHall, Nicaise, Sukriti, Laura, kirkwood, caryn-pagel, StefanS, Levon, Katie_Haritos-Shea, mbgower, david-macdonald, OliverKeim, Raf, GN
Present: alastairc Rachael JakeAbma_ Francis_Storr Detlev Chuck juliette_mcshane Fazio Matt Orr MarcJohlic JF CharlesHall Nicaise Sukriti Laura kirkwood caryn-pagel StefanS Levon Katie_Haritos-Shea mbgower david-macdonald OliverKeim Raf GN GN015
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