Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

10 Dec 2020


Levon, Trevor, Wilco, MaryJo, KathyEng, Shadi

MaryJo, Wilco


Visible label is part of accessible name:https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTVisibleLabel2/results

Wilco: we got halfway through this item last week

<kathyeng> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/aria/ARIA24.html

Kathy: would adding a role=image to an icon pass?

Wilco: doesn't believe its a wcag requirement
... buttons have presentation children, so this would not work

Wilco; the problem is that this is an image where the SC would not normally apply

Wilco: links can have images in them, where the role would work

Kathy: prefer to remove passed example 6
... SC intent is visible text being in the element label
... if a search icon has no text, the alt text is hidden

Wilco: we can either leave as-is, change example without changing applicability, or determine whether applicability can be cahnged
... how would we change the applicability?
... WCAG definition of text is not objective

<kathyeng> text: sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined, where the sequence is expressing something in human language

Wilco: do folks agree that this is subjective?

Kathy: the spyglass is used in this example for a search icon
... the visible text on the symbol is the text used in the label
... with this example, there is no visible text

<scribe> Unknown if there is a way to programmatically determine differences between glyphs and characters in fonts

Wilco: is there a difference between passed examples 5 & 6?

Kathy: text should not be considered a visible label when used in a symbolic manner

<kathyeng> Symbolic text characters For the purposes of this SC, text should not be considered a visible label if it is used in a symbolic manner, rather than directly expressing something in human language as per the definition of text in WCAG. For example, 1.4.5 Images of Text describes considerations for "symbolic text characters." In the images of text example "B", "I", and "ABC" appear on icons in a text editor, where they are meant to symbolize [CUT]

Wilco: this rule makes it applicable, but this as an exception

Kathy: is the exception necessary?
... symbolic text characters are not covered by 2.5.3, but this expectation does

<shadi> +1 to Kathy

MaryJo: the passed examples will not fail the SC

Wilco: can we accept these examples?
... we are waiting on clarification from Detlev, otherwise ready to move ahead

<trevor> +1 pending detlev

<maryjom> +1 to publish, pending Detlev's agreement

Wilco: other than Detlev's feedback, are we ready to proceed with publishing


<kathyeng> 0

<Wilco> proposed resolution: CFC, assuming Detlev has no further changes he wants to see

RESOLUTION: send out for CFC, assuming Detlev has no further changes he wants to see

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. send out for CFC, assuming Detlev has no further changes he wants to see
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/12/10 17:50:07 $