02 Dec 2020


Benjamin, Daniel, Raphael, Ted, Joakim, Ashish



Raphael: agree we need alignment with VSS tools and how to extend beyond VSS
... we want to take those core definitions and translate
... how do we position that into our workflow?

Ted summarizes state of VSSo, received as Member Submission and will start in the Business Group. It is in the draft charter for the Working Group and the BG can send over when done with initial refactoring and wants to get it on W3C REC track

VSS tool alignment for partial spec generation

Modular design

Daniel: VSSo is important from our perspective and as you (Ted) mentioned, we can revisit editor commitment at a later date
... VSS2 has had some influences from VSSo and we spun tooling off separately. I would really like to see a [spec fragment] generator in the tools
... we want to remain aligned with changes in VSS

Raphael: I agree, it would be easier to look at a single place and see things in sync
... would be better to push to vss-tools repository

Daniel: vss tools there (GENIVI repo) but outcome, results here (https://github.com/w3c/vsso/)



Joakim: explicitly what tools?

Daniel: for VSS1 the spec and tools were combined, difficult to create classes. VSSo should be regenerated from VSS2

Joakim: I didn't realize you could automatically generate

Benjamin: I had to write a script to generate turtle (ttl)
... it wasn't sufficient and required work after
... it is not consistent/updated

Raphael: to clarify VSSo was a mix of script and manual engineering from VSS1
... VSS2 was influenced by the feedback to VSSo and VSS2 should make future generation possible
... we have start of work on a first translator

Ted: I want this translator to be part of vss-tools if GENIVI doesn't object
... understand they might not want to accept translators to all potential formats

Daniel: if they don't accept we could fork the tools repo here, will first try to assure we will maintain it

Raphael: I will report back by end of January with a new translator and have someone dedicated to work on that

Daniel: would be good to go through what is there now and create issues
... agree call preceding regular VSS call may make sense

Benjamin: such as a more modular design?

Daniel: want to organize my thoughts and structure in an issue instead of discuss now

Joakim: is it within scope to add branch on electric charging?

Ted: it is in scope, being added to VSS
... spoke to CharIN EV
... they want to propose a common data model from charging stations and pleased to hear about our common data model for vehicles
... they are willing to work with us on EV use cases for RPC

Daniel: can you request to Gunnar extending the VSS call?

Ted: will do

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/12/02 16:46:05 $