WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

04 Nov 2020


George, Jeanne, Shawn, Judy, Brent, KimPatch, Jemma
George, Judy


<George> scribe: George

Next meeting is November 18


Debrief TPAC: technology issues and trends impacting accessibility; priority coordination follow-ups? https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/

JB: TPAC check in for updates and anything related to accessibility.

Jean: Would like to see two hour meetings. The Silver oner was good.

The golden hour was important. There were items distributed in advance.

<Zakim> brent, you wanted to say what I attended at TPAC

Jean: for me the advanced sharing was not relevant, because it was face to face issues that we discussed.

Brent: The EO we did our normal EO meeting.

I then chaired a joint meeting with EO and ARIA.

I attended a chairs meeting and code of conduct. Tzviya did a great job in the distribution of materials in advance and then running the discussio.

JB: I was one of the organizers and if you are interested in any follow up, let me know.

Brent: I liked the interaction and openness of the discussion.

JB: if you could say something on the eval forms, especially on the discussion, that would be great.
... any others?

Are there recorded sessions we could get at?

There were some recordings.

JB: some people got notifications and others did not.

It would be great to find out what is available for us to look at for the items we could not attend.

<Judy> [JB will send updates on what's available afterwards if she can get that info]

<Judy> GK: I attended most of the publishing sessions

JB: I saw one session from somebody was not part of the people I am aware of.

What can we do to make sure the break sessions are vetted and will be the best quality session? What can we do?

JB: Feedback in the forms gets on the record.

<Jemma> I enjoyed TPAC this year!

Jemma: I go to different sessions. It is good to have slides so I can catch up on things I missed from joining late.

I was able to join the security and privacy session for the first time live.

Update from EOWG: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2020Oct/0007.html

Brent: We did have the joint meeting between Eo and ARIA

ARIA APG redesign is one item. Do we need a new task force or what. We can start work under the current structure, and consider other structure for later phases.

<Jemma> https://www.w3.org/wiki/WAI/ARIA_APG_Redesign/#ARIA_APG_Redesign

COGA topic and more support for COGA. Content Usable we thought that the group collectively would make comments and feedback. We did this.

They want the comments and issues in Github. We can look at the issues they added and make our comments there.

They will be working through the issues on Github.

JB: I suggested that the issues be granular. W3C wants issues to be logged appropriately.
... My impression of the issues (Sean has been keeping me updated).

Silver to review working drafts.

We want to get involved more with Silver so we can get our thoughts in before the drafts are published.

Jean: We would love and appreciate your help. We want people who can write in plain langue

Shawn: We want to help on what should be in initial pages.

Brent: Re continue to redesign the WCAG support materials.

JB: since IDPF merged with W3C, we have never had good integration in the scope of what WAI is doing.
... Shawn, Brent and George should talk about how we coordinate.

<Judy> GK: Rattles off a long list of things that WAI could be co-promoting for accessibility aspects of digital publishing

<Judy> scribe: Judy

JB: Is there a way we could go from zero to at least some coordination between EOWG and digital publishing?

GK: There are conference presentations coming up at conference presentations, for instance

SH: George you could send those to WAI IG as announcements

<shawn> [ Shawn is not clear what is under W3C umbrella and what is not ]

GK: We could meet late November or early December to look for low-hanging fruit on coordination?
... and do less duplication?

SLH: Yes there's the possibility of a landing page

<kim_patch> Scribe

<shawn> scribenick:kim_patch

Publications and announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts#Planning_Upcoming_Announcements

Judy: one of the key things that we been working on is messaging for the first public working draft of WCAG 3.0
... need a page, appreciate Shawn, Jeannes help getting that ready to go – that's coming together

Shawn: figuring out newest blog draft

<Jemma> Jemma: The current plan s that ARIA 1.2 would go to PR noisooner than 31 January 2021 according to Michael.

Shawn: there's a proposed blog on the wiki page itself – I think that's the latest draft. Jeanne, can take what's there and then add if you there needs to be questions added to the blog.

Judy: Michael is spread across a lot of different things – good to get him to swing in for the last 15 minutes of a session
... how much time do you need in advance of publication?

Shawn: regular announcement a couple days a blog more than five days

Judy: a lot of stuff is technical – we need to translate into practical
... old pages email – please take the list, give suggestions, happy to see this being addressed

Jemma: we are aware of those issues – pointing to old documentation not new, Michael has been working on it.

<Judy> scribe: Judy

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/11/04 20:31:15 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision of Date 
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/ARIA RPG/ARIA APG/
Succeeded: s/We can proceed under the current structure to do the new redesign./We can start work  under the current structure, and consider other structure for later phases./
Succeeded: s/EO and RIA/Eo and ARIA/
Succeeded: s/Sean/Shawn/
Succeeded: s/Sean/Shawn/
Succeeded: s/JB: George/SH: George/
Succeeded: s/ s/is/
Present: George Jeanne Shawn Judy Brent KimPatch Jemma
Found Scribe: George
Inferring ScribeNick: George
WARNING: No scribe lines found matching previous ScribeNick pattern: <kim_patch> ...
Found Scribe: Judy
Inferring ScribeNick: Judy
Found ScribeNick: kim_patch
Found Scribe: Judy
Inferring ScribeNick: Judy
Scribes: George, Judy
ScribeNicks: kim_patch, George, Judy

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 04 Nov 2020
People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

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