<mck> CAIR: Matt King
<Jemma> I am at epub meeting but coming over to this meeting soon.
<Jemma> Jon is requesting to add meeting agenda
<Jemma> menubar navigation about a default action (e.g. following a link) for the expandable menu items
<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/October-27%2C-2020-Agenda
<Jemma> scribe?
<scribe> scribe: carmacleod
<Jemma> next meeting is November 10
mck: when will ARIA be published?
<Jemma> Menu button improvements: Review in progress
<Jemma> Jon: Issue 1526 to revise Navigation Tree Example to match Disclosure Navigation Example
<Jemma> Val: Codepen Button Implementation Project
<Jemma> Matt: Guidelines for aria-level attribute
<Jemma> Matt: Change log section of appendix and supporting wiki page
carmacleod: I think James said Rec by mid Jan?
mck: So PR by mid-Dec
... we will try to keep on track with ARIA 1.2. May be able to
slide a few more codepen examples in...
<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1532
mck: need more reviewers
ZoeBijl: I can review
mck: Preview link in the PR
jongund: there were styling
issues, but maybe they're fixed?
... they seem to be fixed
<Jemma> aria-level https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1109
mck: maybe this is ready to go in
... I have finished merging into the publication branch -
there's a link in the agenda
... Let's talk about menubutton
mck: there was some question about HCM documentation
<mck> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1401#issuecomment-713797913
mck: we had some text about transparent borders, but that text got removed
<mck> Because transparent borders are visible on some systems with operating system high contrast settings enabled, transparency cannot be used to create a visual
<mck> difference between the element that is focused an other elements. Instead of using transparency, the focused element has a thicker border and less padding.
<mck> When an element receives focus, its border changes from 1 to 3 pixels and padding is reduced by 2 pixels. When an element loses focus, its border changes
mck: we proposed another wording, but I don't know if that wording is good
<mck> from 3 to 1 pixels and padding is increased by 2 pixels.
mck: is this wording ok?
jongund: looks ok to me
<mck> Is this correct: Because enabling operating system high contrast settings can remove color variations used to distinguish buttons and menu items from plain text, focusable
<mck> elements are given a 1 pixel border.
mck: when you don't have high contrast enabled, how are they styled?
ZoeBijl: for which example?
mck: when you go to high contrast mode, does the border disappear?
jongund: It still has a
... When not in high contrast mode, the border color and the
background color are the same - blue
<sarah_higley> "Because background color and text color styles can be overridden by operating system high contrast settings, a separate border style is defined so that the button will still have a visible boundary when high contrast mode is enabled"
<jongund> +1
mck: awesome
carmacleod: +1
jongund: sounds good
<Jemma> I like Sarah's writing because it is easily understandable to developers.
<Jemma> "separate border style" made things clear.
<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1472
<Jemma> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/update-slider-1/examples/slider/slider-color-viewer.html
<ZoeBijl> Suggestion: “Both background colour and text colour can be overridden by an operating system’s high contrast setting. A separate border style is added to the button to maintain a clear visual boundary in those situations.” (alternatively replace “in those situations” with “when high contrast mode is enabled”)
mck: there were some pretty significant changes to the slider, so looking for feedback
<sarah_higley> +1 to Zoe's HCM wording
carmacleod: either wording works for me
mck: Sliders are not natively
supported the way they should be
... are the buttons necessary for mobile?
Jemma: I quickly tested on iOS. Since our example is not responsive, I had to zoom in to use the buttons
jongund: if you tap on the rail, it will move the slider to that position
mck: need the buttons for smaller
increments - difficult with tapping on rail
... I think it's interesting to keep the buttons in the
example, but not mention then in the pattern. Or should the
pattern include them?
jongund: maybe there should be a
note in the pattern saying due to missing api on mobile we've
added the buttons
... when will this problem be fixed? soon?
mck: not that I know
jongund: so there's still documentation to add about the buttons
mck: so we should still keep this
as a draft pr
... need more feedback - should we put this in? In terms of
timing, we might have all of November to look at this.
carmacleod: I've added my name to the review list
mck: 3 discussion points
... when you press enter in this navigation treeview, what
should happen?
... it moves focus to the heading in the content area
ZoeBijl: the section has a different aria-label than the heading content
<Jemma> "In a real web page this region would typically be identified by a main landmark, but since this example already has a main landmark, this section is identified using the region landmark."
ZoeBijl: should this be a main instead of a section?
jongund: there's a comment in the code that says that if this was a real nav, this would be a main element
mck: it is nice when the main is labelled by the heading
jongund: use aria-labelledby with 2 ids - h1 and section label
ZoeBijl: for the focusing, then, would it make more sense to focus on the section?
mck: we did screen reader studies, I had it focusing on the sections, and when we changed it to focus on the heading, we had strong positive feedback
sarah_higley: a couple of things
lead me to think that focusing the section is a better user
... you can have content before the heading, like close button,
... focusing on a heading doesn't reliably read the heading
content in some screen readers unless you add an
mck: sarah, please chime in with Sina in the PR https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1558
<Jemma> Actually, I am very intersted in the answer to Jon's question.
mck: in this treeview example, if
you arrow to About and press enter, it opens the about
... but if you go to the disclosure example, if you type enter
it opens a menu, not the page
sarah_higley: so full circle to split buttons ;)
mck: separate button
sarah_higley: do we want a new
example, or an option on the current example?
... Actually, I think a separate page, because the html would
be different - not just the js
... or multiple examples on the same page?
mck: no, we're trying to move
away from that so that it's easier to reference a specific
... it makes the example page more complicated, and harder to
carmacleod: also, people don't always know that there's another example, because they don't scroll down
<scribe> chair: Matt King
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