ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

13 Oct 2020


mck, ZoeBijl, Jemma, jongund, carmacleod


<Jemma> rrsagent

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/October-13%2C-2020-Agenda

<scribe> scribe: ZoeBijl

jemma: Matt’s on the road, but he’ll join where possible

First agenda point is about TPAC meetings

The meeting is 8 AM pacific this Thursday

James, doe we have a facilitator?

JN: Yes, ??? will facilitate

Status of 1.2 release 1

Jon, do you have any updates on 1526?

JG: Awaiting reviews!

MK: We have some time later in the agenda to talk about it.

JK: Do we have volunteers for reviews?

MK: There’s one thing I need to draft before it’s ready for re-review (aria-level)

JK: Is there anything to add for the codepen button implementation?

MK: Jon, it would be good if you could have a look at it?

Val said the CSS is working now.

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/projects/31

A couple of approving reviews would be good.

Valarie implemented it for ten examples.

But some of the CSS wasn’t imported.

That’s fixed now.

JG: Do you know how she fixed it?

There still seems to be an issue with loading things.

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1533

MK: Val’s aware of that but didn’t think that was an issue.


<carmacleod> PR: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1532

Update on APG examples code review documentation

<sarah_higley> https://gist.github.com/smhigley/2064dc84b5bbd2b653f2d8a6ed87ae60

SH: The bit that’s changed is everything under JavaScript

<Jemma> https://gist.github.com/smhigley/2064dc84b5bbd2b653f2d8a6ed87ae60#javascript

JK: Anything you want to highlight?

SH: Yeah, largely what was in the issue

Referred to the JS styleguide

Am curious under the widget structure part

We don’t have anything for class syntax since we dropped IE support

We can change it to proper class syntax.

JG: Last time I tried class syntax I got linter issues

SH: I fixed that!

MK: *distant comments*

SH: Generally trying to make it match the rest of the style guide

Making them more readable

Having one class or function per widget

Stuff like that

We could like switch to classes while we do that

ZB: If there’s no reason to not use classes I would urge us to use them.

MK: APG is there to teach people

If there’s consensus that classes are more readable etc than we should definitely do that

But I want us to be clear about the reason

If someone asks “why are you doing that?” We should be able to give a clear answer

SH: I think it would make sense to refactor the examples anyway

While we do that we can either use classes or not

Classes are the ES6 notation and makes more sense, to me anyway

I don’t think there’s a reason not to do it

But I think it makes sense to do that anyway

JK: I think everyone agrees there, but we need to get a clear scope and benefit

MK: I just feel like we’re at a decision point

We’re not going to make this refactor over night

JG: I can switch to classes if that’s what the group

CM: Would classes make using/making web components easier?

SH: All the examples I’ve seen use classes, so, eh, yeah

MK: I want to make it clear in the minutes

So we’re making a decision to stick with, refactor to classes

And that we’re doing these refactors to improve code readability

And in a more modern ES6 manner

<Jemma> any update on 1)Infrastructure: Add Prettier Stylelint config by nschonni · Pull Request #1554 · w3c/aria-practices, 2) Infrastructure: Add Prettier ESLint config by nschonni · Pull Request #1553 · w3c/aria-practices

Update on infrastructure changes

MK: I put those there because they’re related to the code guide

*inaudible* and for your approval

SH: Thanks!

I have a question about the wiki, I don’t think I can do a PR there. Can I do a markdown file in the repo?

Or put it in the wiki and ask people to comment on it?

JK: Or maybe on an issue?

SH: I can link to the gist

JK: Sounds good!

JG: is 1554 going to cause validation errors?

MK: Yes, but they should all be auto-fixable.

<Jemma> nick: Thus is undoing the what is set in the config, because I had the config from a larger branch looking at Prettier across the different file types

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1554

<Jemma> nick: Was built off the same branch, so there is overlap with the config, and then suppressing the option in the Stylelint config

Update on infrastructure changes (but really)

<scribe> Completed so far:

- Support for Codepen button implemented in template; implementing support on example pages is WIP.

- Using GitHub Action for regression test, ESLint, Stylelint, cspell, and deploy

- Regression coverage report now showing in a PR comment

- Fixed Dependabot

Complete list here: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/October-13%2C-2020-Agenda#update-on-infrastructure-changes

JK: Anything else Matt?

MK: Think we’re goo to move on

Keyboard nav among sections

MK: Carolyn did you read it?

CM: I read it but didn’t have time to reply

If we give keyboard support to ??/?? areas

Then landmark navigation is kinda waterddown I think.

s/watereddown/waterd down/

It would be good to offer navigation to everyone. But not at the expense of landmark navigation

I would like to think about it some more

Perhaps if we had different key shortcuts for different things like areas and landmarks

MK: in general I’m thinking that 98% of the time the areas are landmark regions

But there might be cases where instead of a landmark regiuon they might use a non modal dialog or something

Or things that are temporarely on the screen

Like a temporal non modal dialog (red: a notification?)

If users have to use different keys for very similar cases, like regions and landmarks we might confuse users

CM: I remember that one of my first objections was that we were gonna leave it up to authors

JN: We should advise ???
... *Something about putting content in regions*

MK: If you only want to make it landmarks and regions

then it becomes an author decision as to where to put focus

SH: A lot of Microsoft apps use the Ctrl+F6 shortcut to move focus between *appy* things

Those are not all landmarks, nor should they be

CM: you wouldn’t mark up a toolbar region as a landmark region?

MK: No, you’d end up with too many landmarks

SH: Yeah

JN: If it was important enough for a keyboard user to navigate to why would it not be a landmark region?

MK: There are always so many ways to get to places

For example for headings if there’s only five landmark regions, but all landmarks have a buynch of headings than it’ll be a lot faster to navigate by region

<Jemma> plese leave your comments on the issue - Define area navigation key command and behavior · Issue #1546 · w3c/aria-practices

<Jemma> Jemma: We will continute the discussion at next meeting.

Hiding labeling content referenced by aria-labelledby

<Jemma> car: it is not ready for merge.

CM: I don’t think this really belongs in the APG but should be in the ARIA spec

PR #1528

<Jemma> car: this may belong to ARIA , not APG. User agent should work more on this issue

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1528#pullrequestreview-499600875

MK: on macOS with VoiceOVer it will move the reading cursor without this PR

But it doesn’t give you a role or state

It just reads the label

<Jemma> mk: it does not tell you that you are under option

JK: Can we move this to the AT group?

MK: We could try to change this example… *inaudible*

We could mention the VoiceOver bugs

*group laughter*

Navigation tree view revisions

JG: Made it look more like a little webpage.

Would like feedback on that


JK: I’ll assign myself and Carolyn will also add herself

MK: Maybe we can discuss next week?

I will set some time aside for more discussion

I want to make it a bit more like what Sarah did with the disclosure one

Open open pull requests requiring review!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/10/13 19:01:19 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision of Date 
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/wil/will/
Succeeded: s/decision/refactor/
Succeeded: s/JK/JK:/
Succeeded: s/Topic: Update on APG examples code review documentation/Topic: Update on APG examples code review documentation/
Succeeded: s/watereddown/waterddown/
FAILED: s/watereddown/waterd down/
Succeeded: s/F6/Ctrl+F6/
Succeeded: s/palces/places/
Present: mck ZoeBijl Jemma jongund carmacleod
Found Scribe: ZoeBijl
Inferring ScribeNick: ZoeBijl

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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