<sajkaj> presetn+
<jeanne> scribe: Todd
<jeanne> Using alt attribute on img element (HTML)
<CharlesHall> note: scribe may not recognize everyone by name
<CharlesHall> by voice I mean
<scribe> new to this, please bear with me.
<Chuck> +1 agree
<Jan> +1 to Charles
<jeanne> Provides a text alternative to support people using assistive technology.
<kirkwood> AI as well
<Fazio> +1
<kirkwood> surfaces information to AI as welll
<sarahhorton> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h5IiwbIvsWZr8N2qXNm9NQBR46gQWmfvWpDvtxHxR9o/edit#heading=h.lnxtengy1q8c
<KimD> Functional Needs doc (for reference): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJkgXqbh7dx3uD6XAy8XAANmwfbbVZ5GKb_gbsUdkVs/edit#heading=h.4jiwp8jpc143
<KimD> Functional Outcome: Provides a text alternative to make non-text content accessible for different user agents.
<jeanne> Provides a text alternative to make non-text content accessible for people using different user agents.
<jeanne> Provides a text alternative to make non-text content accessible for people using different user agents or assistive technologies.
<bruce_bailey> +1
<KimD> +1
<CharlesHall> title: [DRAFT] Method: Text alternative for Image of text (Using Method New Template)
<KimD> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h5IiwbIvsWZr8N2qXNm9NQBR46gQWmfvWpDvtxHxR9o/edit#
<CharlesHall> the functional needs are specifically written to include the scenario and context and not just ability
<CharlesHall> in general, yes. the functional outcome is a testable statement specific to the method.
<jeanne> Critical Failures will be defined as being on the path. \
<kirkwood> critcal failure should be on the path. agreed
<kirkwood> +1
<jeanne> +1 to assumning it is on the path.
<KimD> +1 - we shouldn't repeat. If there's confusion we could add a note somewhere
<KimD> What is important and why: That people who use assistive technology like screen readers are able to determine information in an image of text.
<Fazio_> Important to convey context for individuals with difficulty comprehending
<Francis_Storr> https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/semantics-embedded-content.html#examples-of-scenarios-where-users-benefit-from-text-alternatives-for-images#example-ee4a6773
<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to say these are excellent comments to make in FPWD
<Fazio_> yay!
<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ya8LB2YL0qRHdFEHIQoXG8rfaR8fdUpcO79ceMiGLQs/
<KimD> Functional Outcomes for Headings: Organizes content into logical chunks with heading text relevant to the subsequent content to make locating and navigating information easier and faster.
<KimD> - Uses visually distinct headings so sighted readers can determine the structure.
<KimD> - Provides semantic structure that conveys a sense of hierarchy that helps the user explore and navigate the text material to support assistive technology -- headings are coded as headings.
<jeanne> +1 blocks
<Chuck> +1 slideware and +1 Janina
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say h1 is HTML specific
<Rachael> Maybe "Every page should have a high level, overarching heading"
<CharlesHall> the community is divided. the conversation occurs daily.
<KimD> +1 to the concert about only one H1.
<CharlesHall> ‘view’ is fine for now. at least, it’s better than page.
<KimD> +1 to "view"
blockquote or cite I would assume
<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to say let's debate in public commentary
<CharlesHall> i have a concern with a list of ‘exceptions’ specifically as it will be compared to the use of exceptions in 2.x
<Rachael> +1 to Thank you!
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