04 Aug 2020


mck, MarkMcCarthy, Jemma, Curt, James
Carolyn, Brian
Jemma and Mark


<Jemma> regret+ carolyn

<Jemma> Start ARIA-APG meeting

<Jemma> Meeting Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/August-4%2C-2020-Agenda

Update on current 1.2 release plan and milestone

<Jemma> mck: continuing funding for ARIA-AT was approved.

<Jemma> mck: regression testing becomes faster 3 times more.

<Jemma> Scribe: Jemma and Mark

<Jemma> mck: groups's opinion for biweekly APG meeting?

<Jemma> then next meeting will be August 18

<Jemma> mark: agree with biweekly meeting schedule

<Jemma> james: keeping weekly schedule may help to secure the time for APG meeting time.

<Jemma> For now, we will do biweekly meeting.

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestones?direction=asc&sort=due_date&state=open

<Jemma> james: what is the "recommendation" scope here?

<Jemma> Mck: may be Proposed recommendation.

<Jemma> james: APG WD is at the end of August.

<Jemma> mck: APG WD 1 at the end of september

<Jemma> APG 1.3 WD1 for the end of September.

<Jemma> all the schedule can be found at https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestones?direction=asc&sort=due_date&state=open

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/APG-1.2-Release-1-Plan

<Jemma> we have good combination of various combo box example as the result of APG 1.2 Relase 1plan

<Jemma> 1. combobox, 2. carousel is almost done with a few open pr. 3. Gudiance - range related properties is done.

<Jemma> aria - leve is kind of blocked. aria level is allowed in list items but we don't have real examples so we could not make the example.

<Jemma> mck: I am not sure about whether aria-level is the high priority.

<Jemma> james: we can add an editor's note for this. something like not ready to implement but please open the issue if needed.

<Jemma> James: please add note to Aria-level ARIA issue.

<Jemma> mck: if I cannot find the issue, I will create one.

<siri> suggest to remove code snippet related to aria-level attribute used with<li> element.

<Jemma> mck: live region is not working it is supposed to work.

Jemma: status for communicating widget states?

mck: don't now if there's any blockers necessarily, or if we just need to go through a few mor rounds
... probably not super realistic to have it done in two months, but i'll check into it
... i have a larger concern, priority wise. following discussion of issue 353 and the one of layout grids...
... i wonder if those are a bit more important to the community
... we've been getting a lot of feedback about those and I want to listen to the community

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/89

mck: for instance issue 89 - i have a sort of draft ready in my head, want to see if it's close to the mark

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/353

mck: 353 has been open for a while and is one of our most commented on issues.

Jemma: is this editorial for the current release plan or...?

mck: thinking of prioritizing that over widget states
... the actual work to be done is in issue 89

Jemma: i think it's worth it

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/353

mck: it'll probably be a bit of work but i think we could work on it and get it done

Jemma: i think it would be very worth it, seems like lots of chatter about it

mck: yep - i recognize there's confusion and people looking at the APG and maybe doing things they shouldn't be... if we gave the people who are in the field something better to point to, that'd bring lots of value to the community

MarkMcCarthy: i think that all sounds like a great idea

mck: great, seems like no opposition to 89 or 353. let's do it

Coordination with E&O WG

mck: Education and Outreach WG - we've met with them at TPAC for the last couple years, lots of discussion on tutorials etc.
... I've continued those talks and am writing a proposal for E&O, and I'd like to bring to the ARIA WG closer to TPAC
... big idea is that we should not make people go to different sources for the same kind of info (for instance APG and ARIA/HTML, and many others)

RESOLUTION: Matt will work on issues, 89 and 353 instead of both communicating widget states and Live regions.

mck: so a joint task force relating to Authoring Practices (more generally than APG) with a scope of harmonizing and bringing together more information
... might make our job bigger but also more meaningful
... i'd do what i can to find more people to work on this and other tasks (as well as E&O leadership and members) -- seems like generally broad support

jamesn: my concern is we'd lose the ability to create an ARIA example on its own. we need to maintain the ability to make working examples from the ARIA spec

mck: and that'd still be a core mission. and also HTML spec, with a11y semantics

jamesn: yes, we definitely do need more unification

mck: right - unified and harmonized
... so I have a wiki page that Shadi set up where i'll be drafting some things. nothing there yet
... my goal for that is for it to have been reviewed by WAI people before TPAC then bring it as a plan for the ARIA WG to discuss, potentially jointly w/ other groups

jamesn: one complication w/ E&O is often funding...

mck: part of my strategy is to bring funding to the table, hopefully not just from Facebook. part of that would also come from the idea about integreating ARIA-AT support tables
... i think there's lots of industrial stakeholders willing to support that. but that's a bigger piece to discuss.
... this is still a large issue though, long road to walk
... jamesn, if you have thoughts or guidance, i'd appreciate it any step of the way. i'll keep you in the loop

Jemma: we'll need a smooth connection between E&O and APG

mck: another thing, Beaucoup's leader is on the board of MDN and they're anxious to partner w/ us as well
... would love to see this resource live on w3.org but also available on MDN
... MDN has been concerned about keeping their a11y content updated, so they're eager to help

Jemma: i just want to make sure we have a tangible outcome from partnering, since we'll be using up resources from each group

mck: E&O's focus is on making sure people understand and benefit from the information. They're thinking this would be good since we're merging program people and tech people
... might be bumpy, but I want to treat it as personal development

Jemma: this sounds great, i think we can do it in 3 years!

mck: hey, if we have a joint TF in 2021 and they're delivering, then yes we can! we just need more hands

Open PRs

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+

mck: don't think anyone -here- has open PRs, but there are some that folx could review
... most of what we need now are code and test reviews. valerie is available for some of it.
... editorial/CSS/a11y etc., are MarkMcCarthy CurtBellew and Jemma avaiable?

Jemma: yep

MarkMcCarthy: yes

mck: any availability?

CurtBellew: tricky

Jemma: i'm willing!

MarkMcCarthy: can work around things

<siri> Iam available

mck: jongund submitted an HCM review for radio buttons

CurtBellew: i think so

MarkMcCarthy: yep

noted Siri!

mck: thanks Siri
... there's 3 or 4 more PRs that i'd like to merge before the 18th. would it be helpful to send direct emails in addition to the automated github emails?

all: yes please!

mck: i'm happy to provide a ping above all noise

Jemma: open PRs on aria-level and live regions can be closed?

mck: don't want to close them, but can be marked WIP and to a later milestone
... thanks to the scribes, and we'll chat on the 18th!

<Jemma> 1109 and 1027 can be moved to other milestone.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Matt will work on issues, 89 and 353 instead of both communicating widget states and Live regions.
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/08/04 19:03:49 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/become/becomes/
Succeeded: s/for August/for the end of September/
Default Present: mck, MarkMcCarthy, Jemma, Curt, James
Present: mck MarkMcCarthy Jemma Curt James
Regrets: Carolyn Brian
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: MarkMcCarthy
Found Scribe: Jemma and Mark

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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]