Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

23 Jul 2020


MaryJo, Wilco, KathyEng, Shadi



Results of CFC

MJM: only positive responses
... will be added to the Queue, have 3 rules now

WF: 3 need PRs, 2 other ones

MJM: Getting close to enough for AG

WF: should talk to AG chairs about when to send them another batch

MJM: Next leads meeting on August 5th. Could send then a notice that we've got rules. Will do that

aria-* attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTARIAAttribute2/results -

MJM: 6 responses, only comment is on implementation data
... Charu said rule does not check if the attributes are valid.

WF: Handled in another rule. We can link between rules. There is an open issue for this in the CG.
... no composite rule for this needed, IMO
... Open PR / issue has been closed.

MJM: There are no other concerns. It is done. I don't think the link between rules should block this rule publication.
... We can send this out for CFC.

WF: This doesn't map to WCAG, we may not want to include this rule for AG.
... Suggest we acknowledge it is accepted and then park it

MJM: Maybe we can make a tracking table for non-WCAG rules that are complete
... I don't want it to muddy the water. I can create this table.

SAZ: I think that would be helpful. There are some talks with Matt King about integrating ARIA rules with some other thing they are working on.

MJM: Agreed, there will be a place to publish them associated with ARIA. We may have to come up with a proposal on how to do that.

SAZ: This is a discussion happening between EO and ARIA WG. I'll keep ACT in mind with that.

iframe element has accessible name: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTiFrameName/results -

SAZ: Might be that these ARAI rules could go to the ARIA WG instead of AG

MJM: Might make sense for other specs like for EPUB
... Next one is iframe. There are 4 responses. No new responses. Nothing new to talk about here.
... Will have to prompt people to fill out the survey.

Orientation of page is not restricted using CSS transform:https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTPageOrientation/results -

MJM: New responses from Kathy.

KE: When I read the SC, the SC does not state anything about a control. I don't think that assumption is necessary.
... Even if there is a control, it's not a method to meet the SC


WF: This probably comes from the technique
... This techniques allows it

MJM: Looks like it is a technique, this rule doesn't take it into account, which is why it is in the assumptions.
... if it fails this rule, it may not fail the SC, unless there is a control
... The sufficient techniques have no links. They are not written.

KE: Trying to read through the understanding. I don't see anything there that mentions a control

MJM: Should we open an issue with AG, there seems to be a mismatch

WF: Think so

MJM: We'll ask Charu to open an issue with AG. She's the liaison
... Don't see any other comments.
... I'll have to reopen the survey to get more responses.

Proposed solution for: Implementations with mostly "cantTell" results https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/458#issuecomment-656637063 -

MJM: Need to get this into survey. Give everyone a chance to read it.
... Would be nice to have this in a PR to reference in a survey.

WF: I'll get a PR open today.
... would go into the review process

KE: For step 3, how would that be, is that a checkbox?

WF: Yes

KE: I think that's fine. Maybe add some way to indicate that someone else would likely get the same result.
... a documented procedure?

MJM: Could we ask to see it?

WF: I don't think we would get it for some of them.
... I've updated, better?

KE: Yes, I like it

MJM: Not sure what "previous is true" would be?

KE: How about "previous requirement"

<kathyeng> If the test mode of the implementation was manual or semi-automated, a declaration of the implementor that *these* outcomes are the result of a documented step by step test procedure included in the implementation.

WF: That looks good, I've updated it.
... Want to point out that I've adjusted what is semi-automated. It is based on test cases, which are either automated or manual, and if an implementation has both manual and automated that is what makes it semi-automated

MJM: iframe survey is closed
... Will update this as we're talking

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/07/30 12:34:56 $