<irfan> scribe: Dee
Janina: We have many use cases for interoperable pronunciation. We have two approaches with pros and cons. We need to get a sense of consensus of which to follow. We try to get as much feedback from the group as possible. It is not a majority decision.
Mark: Background, solving
pronunciation needs in the assessment space. Mechanism to add
pronunciation cues that are easy to author.
... Different vendors have different approaches.
... This group began looking at approaches that would work for
... The group has landed on two approaches.
... SSML inline approach has advantages. Some applications
support inlining SSML.
... The second approach is the attribute model.
... There is also a single attribute model.
Both approaches are presented in the explainer docoument.
Paul Grenier (PG): The more natural fit is to have an XML solution. Concerned about authoring.
PG: XML or XML-like tags around
... Reuse is desirable, similar to SVG resuse model.
Mark: Part of the AT challenge: accessing more of the DOM tree.
Neil: Question for Mark, not sure if the attribute will be in the accessibility tree. Is it that the AT will have to do a deeper dive?
Mark: SSML attribute may be
easier to query.
... AT vendors will have to comment.
Neil: Can't recommend what was
done for Mathtype.
... Aria live regions are areas where pronunciation guidance
may be needed/is desired. Ask AT vendors about this.
Peter (Texthelp): Would like to stay away from aria.
PG: Similar issue, use aria label for phone numbers, but this would affect the Braille display.
Peter: Texthelp adopted the json
approach and it works well.
... Phone numbers, street addresses, etc. are working.
... Texthelp developer is not available for scheduled
Janina: perhaps have another meeting in order to have as wide a response as possible.
Data dash discussion. Full HTML5 or reserved word.
Janina: Sending another email to increase replies from stakeholders.
Irfan: Will stakeholders be able to give feedback via email?
Janina: In person conversation is preferred.
Mark: Pearson also implemented an attribute model. IMS standards do support SSML attributes.
Irfan: Next week we will have more vendor/expert feedback.
Alan (Cambium): raw text implementation.
Alan: what is the best way to interact with others outside of the meeting.
<paul_grenier> https://glitch.com/edit/#!/ssml-components
<irfan> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/issues/64
<paul_grenier> custom element example implementation
Janina: challenge to meet broader needs, not just AT.
Mark: Apple does not support SSML
but they do have their own speech markup.
... Software testing tool maps to Mac commands. The data
attribute model is not necessarily tied to a synthesizer that
has its own markup.
... this is a potential benefit
<mhakkinen> I have to drop to chair another meeting. Thanks all!
Janina: agenda will be included in the email to the vendors
trackbot, end meeting
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