Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

16 Jul 2020


Trevor, MaryJo, Wilco, Shadi, Charu, KathyEng

MaryJo, Wilco


Results of 2 CFCs

WF: no objections, so CFCs supported
... 3 now ready for AGWG
... queuing up with a bunch more coming up

Results of AG WG review of proposal to incorporate ACT Rules

WF: approval from AGWG to incorporate in WCAG supporting documents
... with WCAG 2.2
... good for messaging


SAZ: heads up on redesign work here
... may be format we want to use too


Faster turnover in the rule feedback: https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/466

WF: our speed seems kind of slow
... think some of the delay is due to handover between this and community group
... maybe should reach out to rule authors in addition to raising GitHub issue
... sometimes takes weeks until they pick up opened issues

TB: sounds good

MJM: agree

SAZ: agree

TB: how to reach out? use @ in the issue?

WF: may not be enough
... email or slack?
... we know the people
... can just ask if needed
... make sure you reach out to the rule authors/submitters

MJM: maybe rule submitters can provide their email and slack handle?

WF: yes, can update template accordingly
... also to add message of closing date
... will also update process documentation
... come back with proposal for next week

Role attribute has valid value - https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTValidRole/results

TB: went over comment last week, can ignore it

KE: seems to contradict

WF: maybe turn around the order?

KE: that work for me

MJM: for me too

KE: example with <div> exists but an element with a role such as <img> would make it clearer for me

CP: for me too

KE: broken links

WF: will take that back to the community group
... may have missed something else
... 4.1.2 is about user interface components
... and this rule covers any element
... so mapping may be wrong because broader scope

SAZ: what are possible situations?

WF: wrongly marked list
... that would fall under 1.3.1
... would need two separate rules, one for widgets under 4.1.2 and one for non-widgets that falls under 1.3.1

MJM: like that

CP: like it too

WF: Charu please take this back to the rule submitter

aria-* attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTARIAAttribute2/results

WF: need another response

CP: how does this relate to the other rule?

WF: maybe add related rules in Background section?

SAZ: especially such closely related rules

WF: 1 more week, 1 more review!

KE: will do

iframe element has accessible name: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTiFrameName/results

WF: issue re-raised in AGWG, whether iframes really really need an accessible name

TB: notes in examples?
... thought removing these?

WF: not complete ban, just reducing where possible
... can actually be put in the description

KE: inconsistency in assumption
... should be "or" instead of "and"?

WF: not sure, contacted Mark about it
... lots more issues to resolve, here and in the community group
... different behavior around accessibility tree and focus
... 1 more week, Mary Jo and Charu please review

Orientation of page is not restricted using CSS transform:https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTPageOrientation/results

WF: needs reviews
... this was written before policy on less notes
... so probably needs some editorial work
... new write-up
... for discussion next week

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/07/16 15:42:08 $