SVG Working Group Teleconference

17 Jun 2020


AmeliaBR, krit


<Tavmjong> I'm getting a "This meeting has ended or has been canceled message.

<Tavmjong> Is the link in the email correct?


<Tavmjong> No, can't hear you.... I'll try connecting again.

<Tavmjong> I'll call in...

Tavmjong: maybe you should try a Windows machine?

<scribe> ScribeNick: krit

AmeliaBR: There has been some active discussions in the issues
... some WG members should get involved. We should also be more active on the mainline list

General Updates

krit: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/svg
... Has all WG information in a very accessible fashion.
... Hesitating to use Zoom since it is not recommended by many companies.

AmeliaBR: Do we want to discuss changing times again? We might not get more participants though.
... Would also help to get the agenda up earlier

krit: agree and sorry for the delays. Someone who could help?

AmeliaBR: Tavmjong: Would at least be good to have agenda at the same time frequently

Updates on specifications

myles: No updates right now but I hope to get more time on schedule.

AmeliaBR: What is the difference between SVG Native WG and ED? What are the next steps?

myles: Getting more implementation feedback and support is needed.

AmeliaBR: you did do some edits... changing the format... specifying what is and is not supported. This should get into a FPWD

myles: We have a FPWD but we can update it.

AmeliaBR: Seems like we did not publish as FPWD yet
... IMO it is good enough to getting it published
... would also help with feedback

myles: I'll start an email thread

AmeliaBR: We will need an actual resolution
... ... a call for consensus.

krit: Updates on SVG2?

AmeliaBR: we got concerns that the REC did not get an update in the last 18 months
... We should talk with Chris what needs to happen
... last time we asked to hold on for some edits... we still need those changes but maybe this does not stop a re-publication
... I am not seeing many changes

krit: I'll ask Chris what we can do especially since we are in CR.
... Updated on SVG A11y spec?

AmeliaBR: Officially our responsibility. We need to check cross references and republish afterwards.
... TF was resolved and the specs split to a11y WG and SVG WG

SVG testing effort

AmeliaBR: there was informal consensus that we should write up some guidance and set up a session to provide a process
... Maybe we should assign a homework to everyone of us to write at lest one WPT test and go through the current guidance and see how we can improve it. Then, in 2 weeks, we will review each others tests and the suggested guidance updates.

Allow line-height (and pre-formatted line breaks) on textPath

AmeliaBR: CSS Inline made edits (normative changes to SVG 1.1)
... all off the property values can be used on any of the SVG text attributes/elements
... baseline-shift and align-basement apply to all 2 text elements in CSS spec now including text element itself

Tavmjong: so you can start a line with a super-script

AmeliaBR: yes
... I haven't tested what Ai or InkScape does
... Firefox doesn't do anything of these

krit: if you have test cases I can try in Illustrator

Tavmjong: we need to write tests still

AmeliaBR: not expecting much comp issues
... In SVG2 those properties are defined by references to CSS Inline. There is one normative line where line-height is not applying on textPath. At least Firefox does.

Tavmjong: Even InkScape supported it for some time

AmeliaBR: yeah, gets messy
... but still, line-height works

Tavmjong: as soon as you got to placing things you get to complicated logic

AmeliaBR: should we ban line breaks in textPath and not deal with it. Or allow it?

myles: 2 of the major browsers agree with the spec

AmeliaBR: no those do not support any line breaks at all

myles: lets not support line breaks then

AmeliaBR: SVG2 added it

Tavmjong: InkScape and Firefox supports it.

AmeliaBR: we may need to remove this text if we don't get implementations to change
... IMO if we get line breaking (automatied or manual) we should respect the line-height

myles: so is SVGs model different from CSS?

AmeliaBR: yes, because layout in CSS is based on box model while in SVG it is based on text anchor points

myles: so there actually is line-height you just can't see it

AmeliaBR: in a way yes, it is not detectable

krit: If 2 browsers are not supporting breaks on textPath at all, should it be optional?

AmeliaBR: should multi line SVG text as a whole get marked at-risk

krit: 2 major browser engines don't have support for multi-lines at all. Do we know if there is interest from them to support it?

AmeliaBR: Firefox and InkScape support it. So technically it can stay in sine we have 2 implementations. But both are not fully aligned.

krit: an alternative would be to pull this out of SVG2 into a module if we can not agree?

AmeliaBR: I think we should at least agree on putting it at-risk?
... but that could send a wrong signal

Tavmjong: I don't think it makes sense for me to invest more time on SVG2 if we put that on risk as well or even pull it out.
... I don't see implementers having any interest in SVG at all
... It feels like we are wasting time

AmeliaBR: that is why the test suite is a priority
... if we get those tests failing in browsers it would at least raising awareness

myles: maybe we should have the discussion in 2 weeks. Then I might have more input.

AmeliaBR: any objections to the CSS inline changes?

Tavmjong: no direct objections as long as we have tests.
... don't have an opinion on line-height on textPath but think multiple line text support on tetPath should not be there. It is a non-trivial task to implement

krit: lets review the proposed SVG2 spec edits and tests in 2 weeks.

AmeliaBR: sounds good.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/06/17 20:07:38 $

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Present: AmeliaBR krit

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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