<jeanne> queue:
<scribe> scribe: Chuck
Jeanne: subgroup checkins
... Any volunteers to go first?
Chris: We met Thursday (bruce,
andy, me). Andy will work on math ml transition from current
formulas and placing into markup for what we have
... We'll meet again in 2 weeks from yesterday.
Jeanne: Does Andy have contacts of everyone who can help?
Chris: yes. I'll reach out specifically to him and confirm.
Jeanne: No reason to force him to
ask for help if he doesn't need it, but we have people Janina
works with that volunteered to help if needed.
... I sent contact info months ago. Text me if that info has
been lost.
Bruce: he didn't balk about
converting. That wasn't an issue.
... Averty (???) from original research.
Jeanne: Did he have any thoughts about scoring and the chart you made Bruce? Instead of pass/fail, any conditional scoring?
Bruce: We did talk about the
chart. Looked at it before. Didn't care for how improvised it
was, and plans on taking another look.
... We think we are good for any conformance model. It has a
flexible metric. On the other hand you are still trying to meet
a minimal number.
... Higher numbers are better.
Jeanne: See what he says about
... We'll know more on Tuesday. Jake has a proposal for
conformance that weaves in most of the pieces of the different
proposals, and it's pretty consistent. I'm excited.
... Jake will present on Tuesday. You may want to have a
discussion with him to see how the chart fits in with his
Bruce: Looking forward to it.
Jeanne: anything else?
Chris: That's it, including what Bruce mentioned.
Jeanne: For your info, it would
be good to circle back and look at the other tabs that aren't
completed yet. We need to have all the tabs filled out.
... And what I pasted into the tabs, you may want to move
somewhere else. I'm not attached to that content. I picked and
chose what went where.
... Is Jan here for clear language?
... We had a clear language meeting scheduled this week, but
some sick and busy. We'll have a report on tuesday.
... Makoto is not here, 2am his time.
... Anything from functional needs, Michael?
MC: I gathered troops to meet
today, but didn't manage. I requested times to meet next
... I hope we can have a preliminary meeting next week to lay
foundation on how to proceed. Hope to have more substance next
Jeanne: Others outside of AGWG?
MC: No, just the 3 that have volunteered.
Jeanne: Are you planning to bring in others, or are you just the coordinator?
MC: We haven't talked yet, I
imagine we would welcome additional perspectives and workers. I
myself help to coordinate with other activities.
... Don't know if that would turn into one big group or other
smaller groups.
Jeanne: OK, keep me posted so I know the plans.
Charles Hall: I have continued to expand the document with the needs that are identified and resources we identified, so that they are all in one place.
Charles Hall: I re-organized the doc to clearly identify the various sources.
Jeanne: Thank you!
<CharlesHall> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJkgXqbh7dx3uD6XAy8XAANmwfbbVZ5GKb_gbsUdkVs/edit?usp=sharing
Jeanne: Can you drop a link to
the current doc?
... That's everyone here.
... I mentioned to Chris and Bruce, I met with Jake this
morning. He has a really substantive proposal that he's
testing. Detlev will work on testing, as will I.
... He will be prepared to show it on Tuesday.
... Anybody in subgroups who want more time to ask questions or
... Bruce, any progress in audio description and xr? I know you
didn't meet this week.
... Anything I missed?
Bruce: no, nothing else.
Jeanne: Hopefully we'll have something on Tuesday.
Janina: I think we have two weeks in a row of holidays on different continents.
Shawn: I thought that was this past week.
Janina: I think Josh has a holiday.
Shawn: Is there another one?
Janina: There's another one.
Jeanne: Common this time of
... Everybody wants summer holidays.
... I'll review email and see.
... Anybody in subgroups have any issues that they have
encountered, any comments about the process so far?
Jeanne: I'd like to continue on the process of making some updates to the content writing document.
<jeanne> Template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Smly4XDxfzfXHa7AoUxoLXLy_3PdOXMkh0ZwtgksSPk/edit#heading=h.8j6pwbsnl608
Jeanne: We have two links, the
template (first link). Easier to understand.
... And the process doc. Which is all the detailed
instructions, maybe too many instructions.
<jeanne> Directions https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gfYAiV2Z-FA_kEHYlLV32J8ClNEGPxRgSIohu3gUHEA/
Jeanne: Last time we talked we
left off at tags for information architecture.
... I see that Chris put in the links to the EO work that we
... Which I'll gladly put in the doc.
... What's the 2nd link Chris?
<jeanne> https://www.imsglobal.org/accessibility/afav3p0pd//AfA3p0_DRDinfoModel_v1p0pd.html#toc-5
Jeanne: That's cool. Here's a
link for those not looking at doc. It appears to be a list of
every acronym and definition.
... For access for all. This is an interesting doc.
Chris: JF and Jan were talking to that in a prior call. I was able to pull and drop into the doc.
Jeanne: Thanks!
... Is there anything in particular that you wanted to draw our
attention to?
Charles Hall: That resource was shared also in the context of the functional needs discussion. I pulled in the 2.1 ... section
Jeanne: Excellent!
... This is what I miss, the literature review part of silver
research years ago. Never really happened. This is when having
that ability to pick things up would have been handy.
... Thank you, I appreciate everyone putting them in!
... Impressive docs.
... Developing tests....
... The instructions start with "known solutions", for WCAG
techniques, ACT or easy-checks.
... Are there other things we should list?
... Objections to any of these?
... This is a big item. I'd like to have a conversation. Is
this the right place to start?
<ChrisLoiselle> Yes
Chuck: What's easy checks?
<ChrisLoiselle> Chuck: Haven't seen easy checks before, what is that exactly?
<ChrisLoiselle> https://www.w3.org/WAI/test-evaluate/preliminary/
Jeanne: This is an eo document
that was published 2-3 years ago. Which has tests for
beginners. People just starting accessibility testing.
... Great to have fast people!
... In the directions I had a link to easy-checks
... It identifies the basic things to test for.
... If you look down the page, page title, alt text, headings,
color text, etc...
... Gives you step by step directions.
... Web oriented, limited in that way, but a good tool. I think
for anyone that is working on a guideline that would be looking
for a place to start, that would be good.
JF: Nowhere in any of this test
process or how to write/develop tests is anything that
addresses partial conformance. My example had times where
headings were present but hierarchy was wrong. I'm not seeing
for that partial right.
... Prior was pass/fail. I'm not seeing anything that accounts
for the middle.
Jeanne: That's in the next section for new tests. I want to circle back, and get your expertise.
JF: Part 4 says new methods. I don't see "write new tests".
Jeanne: It's in part 3. #6.
JF: #5?
... it only goes up to 5 in the version I'm looking at.
<ChrisLoiselle> JF: New tests for Silver Name of new test and describe how to perform the test on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Smly4XDxfzfXHa7AoUxoLXLy_3PdOXMkh0ZwtgksSPk/edit#heading=h.i7znkzomudrc
JF: I'm looking at the google doc...
Jeanne: I did some work and changed some number.
<CharlesHall> in that doc it is 5c: Are there potential solutions that could be tested if a more flexible test than true/false were used? What new tests should be considered for this? These tests are:
Jeanne: You are right John, it's #5. I need to match template.
JF: Even where it says "tips for writing tests", nowhere is there anything that suggests a partial compliance store?
Jeanne: You are right. Where should it go.
JF: Tips for writing tests. I'd note that this is a potential outcome. It will be increasingly expected. The problem we are trying to solve is WCAG 2.x conformance.
<CharlesHall> it should be included in the Tips prior to the Process
JF: Reality is that nobody is perfect, but many are close, and we are trying to measure that "close". We need to think about measuring conformance on that scale. Beyond pass/fail.
<Lauriat> +1 to having a not on this included in the tips for writing tests
JF: The other thing is, I don't see how tests get linked to scoring.
Shawn: It's in the template, but instructions don't match that yet. I see a placeholder section in the template, but it's not in the same section in the instructions that you and I were both reading through.
JF: There's another gap.
Jeanne: JF, any recommendations,
in tips for writing tests. Principal that ACT follows is that
they make tests more granular. I started to write that, but
this is not something I have a lot of expertise in.
... First bullet, the more granular the test, the easier to
JF: That's one way of... I'll use
the test for heading. Are headings present? Is hierarchy
preserved? I'm not testing for "did you use properly"? It
breaks into two parts.
... That's a granular test. In that scenario, both are answered
by t/f. When we start taking about other tests, there's going
to be... Charles Hall I've never seen a cognitive test
... That complex walk through is broken down into a series of
atomic tests that resolve to true/false. I don't see how that
is explained here.
Jeanne: Where we are trying to
go... btw that is helpful. If you want to put in notes in the
doc that would be helpful. What we are trying to do is help the
subgroups take the step from user needs to functional outcomes
to writing tests.
... The first time we went through this process, they
struggled. We didn't have functional outcomes. People couldn't
go from user needs to tests.
... We want to make it easier to do.
JF: We don't have functional outcomes yet. I am hoping we could look at en301 and others to write about functional outcomes. I don't know what it is based on disability type.
Jeanne: Let's switch back to
template for a sec, it's shorter.
... We start by defining user needs. That's the list of
disabilities and the barriers they encounter. In content
creation process. Should come from EN301549.
<Lauriat> Template link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Smly4XDxfzfXHa7AoUxoLXLy_3PdOXMkh0ZwtgksSPk/edit
Jeanne: Also WCAG understanding,
and other resources, and list user needs. At the time we didn't
have a subgroup working on functional needs.
... but functional outcomes are different than the needs. More
granulary by guideline. We write more specific things related
to the guidelines. for headings... it needs to do this this and
JF: Let's use that. One of the
things heading needs to do is convey hierarchy. Critical for
cognitive issues. For non-sighted users, important, but I would
argue more important for cognitive.
... for most people with cognitive, unless using AT, they don't
have that for them. There's different severity and importance
levels depending on the disability in play.
... My peers who are blind roll with the poor hierarchy. It's
important, but for them its nice to have. For those users who
are dependent on the structure, failing to get the hierarchy is
more important.
... How do we test and measure through those measures?
<CharlesHall> related resource for Cognitive Walkthrough (using the gov.uk personas): Sarah Pulis and Andrew Arch on the 13 Letters Podcast: https://www.bemyeyes.com/podcasts/accessibility-down-under
Jeanne: I added another functional out come, we can work on the wording. Quoting you... "conveys a sense of hiearchy". Is that ok for an example for now?
JF: It's as good as anything
else. The way I envision it is it's a matrix. 7-9 columns with
disabilities that have been defined. If we map existing SC
against those category types, we can think about the types of
tests necessary.
... For deaf, zero impact. We need to recognize that as part of
testing and functional outcomes. Different requirements will
have different severities. It's not a single test. It's a
collection test. I suggest we need a deeper thought on what's
... What is the impact on those different user groups, and what
do we need to test for. That summarizes the outcome for that
disability type.
Jeanne: Do you think we haven't captured what we need to do to make that transition?
JF: I don't think so. I haven't
seen the 7-9 groups, we haven't confirmed or revisited COGA,
which we've said multiple times needs fleshed out.
... If that comes from COGA, AG, or this tf, that's an
important step we haven't taken.
Jeanne: That's the subgroup with Michael Cooper.
JF: We know the requirements, what does that mean based on disability type what I'm testing for, and why. I also assert if we get that matrix fleshed out, it will help with our scoring discussion.
Jeanne: The way we have been
handling it, because we didn't have an easy answer, they are
going to be working on that. It needs to be coordinated with
other parts of WAI. That work is going.
... In the meantime we have used EN301549 as a placeholder,
knowing it will need to be expanded.
... Based on mandate 376.
JF: For every test, for every
functional outcome, I envision a big matrix table on the top
that has all the tests that list the tests and types. Some will
have more tests than others.
... Even if the test is repeated because it's satisfying
another type, then that's a more important test because it
helps multiple groups. Has more value.
... Even if they are duplicates, that's ok. Let's start
thinking in terms of functional outcome and disability type,
and classify the tests that we need.
Jeanne: For people working in the sub groups, especially if you have struggled to write the tests, do you think a table or matrix would be more helpful to you in doing it?
Chuck: Maybe pilot it.
<ChrisLoiselle> Chuck: Have one or two groups try it out and report on experiences.
Jeanne: Do you think you can set up in this doc, or in another doc? Or just describe and have me do it?
JF: I'm happy to try my hand at a first draft and help to visualize and spark the conversation.
<Lauriat> Thanks, JF!
Jeanne: Great! We have struggled
with it.
... Makoto's group spent a lot of time looking at existing
techniques and relating to modern usage.
... But when you say "write new tests", we have not had a lot
of success. I think whatever is going to help people make that
jump from "this is what the user needs, these are the outcomes,
how do we test"? I'm very willing to try.
JF: I'll try and work on it this week.
Jeanne: Anyone else who worked on the earlier round of tests? Earlier round of guidelines? Comments on writing new tests?
JF: I'm concerned as well when
tests have compound steps. For example ... textual
alternative... the test is mirroring the process that is used
in accessible name calculation.
... It almost follows that recursive algorithm. How do we
express those kinds of tests today?
Shawn: Which test?
Jeanne: We can use act tests as they are.
JF: Probably. Illustrative
example. Where... you are right in the ACT process, it's
recursive. They are scriptable. When we are writing other
tests, as tips and tricks for writing tests, use a recursive
notation method.
... In that case we can point to the test for 1.1.1 if they
want to see an example.
... Another q.... <massive echo>
... In that case, everywhere we go, the #1 rule of aria is use
native element instead of aria. We have a conflict between best
practices vs naming calculation algorithm works. When writing
technique, do we write from technical perspective? Or best
... Valid questions, I don't have the answer. But we should be
standardized on one or the other. And that would be in the tips
for writing tests.
Jeanne: for the tests, that would start with writing the technical "what is" and what can be tested. And in best practices that would be in method.
JF: Aren't we focusing on functional out comes?
Jeanne: That was part 2 and we
are now on part 3.
... Starting at the very technical, testing for the accessible
name. When we write the method, which is the wrapper that the
test is a part of, that's where we would say "the best practice
is use the symantic element first".
JF: We are going to have a
recursive test. The best practice of those 3 is to use the alt
attribute. If you use aria, the functional outcome for the user
is the same.
... End user doesn't care which technique is used. But we are
saying "use" alt first. Now my question becomes, in a recursive
test where any of the 3 tests works, but one is preferred, does
one get a better score?
Shawn: +1 to decouple tests from technical implementations. Working backwards, no you would not get more points for using native symantics, tests should validate outcome.
JF: Is that a consensus position that techniques don't have impact on score?
Shawn: Not sure we can say as a blanket rule, but hopefully we can make it a blanket rule.
JF: Working hypothesis.
Shawn: It should have a partial
score to reflect that (headings).
... For your example on images, or headings, should look at
accessibility tree, rather than raw dom structure. I appreciate
you making that point.
... If that ever changes, then our test is invalid. If we focus
on functional outcome, then it doesn't matter if there are new
ways of getting there.
JF: I'm fine if that's the
policy, but it negates good or best practice.
... Not seeing a way to reward people who use best practice. If
it is the best, should be rewarded.
Shawn: We wouldn't say here are 12 ways to add alt text, we would say here's the preferred way.
JF: Shawn, seems we want to show the 12 ways if that's the ways there are.
Shawn: I disagree, that will always be in flux.
Rachael: I don't think we need to
push best practice. The benefit is inherent. Best way to ensure
across platforms. I don't think we need to add more
... If it doesn't have the widest applicability and generating
the right outcome, why is it the best practice?
JF: If you used the best
practice, you get the best outcome.
... We used bronze, silver gold, do we acknowledge use of best
Rachael: You may need to change it if tech stacks chane.
Shawn: If something provides the best experience it should get the best score.
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say that the partial score would be by the functional Outcomes
Jeanne: What I've been hearing Jake talk about is that it you wouldn't have to say "this is the best practice", but you would say "what is the practice that meets all the functional outcomes", and you can do partial scoring on functional outcomes.
<KimD> +1 to Jeanne - "best practice" means different things in different companies.
Jeanne: ...doesn't convey a
visual hierarchy, doesn't get a full score. It doesn't meet all
the functional outcomes.
... Jake is also building in the adjectival, and others. It's
slick. Come on tuesday!
JF: i gotta go.
Shawn: thanks everyone.
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