Card Payment Security Task Force

29 Apr 2020



Peter St Andre (Mozilla), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Gerhard Oosthuizen (Entersekt), Chris Dee (FIS), Erhard Brand (Entersekt), Fawad Nisar (Discover), Tomasz Blachowicz (Mastercard), Sophie Rainford (AMerican Express), Jalpesh Chitalia (Visa), John Fontana (Yubico), Rouslan Solomakhin (Google), Jeff Hodges (Google, Brian Piel (Mastercard), Adrian Hope-Bailie (Coil), Jonathan Grossar (Mastercard)
David Benoit


We discuss feedback on the Proposed Architecture for SRC through PR API

Discover feedback on proposal

Fawad: We like this architecture more than one-instrument-per handler
... we are generally supportive and have some questions like who will host the common payment handler
... we are supportive of doing a proof of concept but would need to learn more about the resources required wrt POC

IJ: What would you need for a POC?

Fawad: What do we need to do to have access to a common payment handler?
... We are continuing our internal deep dive.

American Express feedback on proposal

Sophie: We've begun our internal review; have not completed it
... we haven't identified any showstoppers yet
... hope to have more concrete feedback for next call

Visa feedback on proposal

Jalpesh: While this proposal looks technically feasible. we don't see it as adding a lot more value than current implementations. It requires SRCIs to do more work
... we'd like an experience that relies less on local storage and legacy technology

IJ: I understand a goal of keeping user session alive as long as possible

Jalpesh: Storage at a higher level - cards, session

IJ: Would credential management help¿

stpeter: My understanding is that concerns are not limited to cookies (e.g., clearable indexDB)
... if we are depending on existing local storage, it's going to be possible that the payment handler lose the association

tomasz: In this proposed architecture, the approach is based on existing storage capabilities (mostly indexDB)
... because the browser is not providing identification, we have to work with what we have
... the assumption here is that the SRC system generates the token, which is then storage in indexDB on the browser side
... but if the browser could provide some sort of identifier for the device, that would be better...and we would use this identifier within the SRC system

Jalpesh: I have a clarifying point. If a browser had built-in support for the payment method would this still be an issue?

<AdrianHB> I think native payment handler on Android would persist user sessions beyond browser data refresh today

Jalpesh: Suppose another browser supported the payment method built-in, would it still rely on indexDB for storage?
... does this current proposal allow for native payment handler approach?

tomasz: If there is full built-in support for SRC in a browser, then I would say that this proposed architecture would not be required. But then there's a lot of responsibility within the platform (browser or broader platform) to carry out SRCI and DCF roles
... the current architecture leverages existing relationships and code
... if there is built-in support in the browser, I think it's possible to use the same princple

Jalpesh: There is a portion of this proposal that we like, from how the developer / merchant calls API. But I have similar concerns about the payment handler side, both with issues about legacy storage approach and also hosting common payment handler.
... but if same architecture could work with built-in support that would be good...maybe separate the proposal into parts or clarify which works in browser and which relies on third party

Tomasz: I can help with that
... we did some investigation into this
... we prepared similar flow diagrams for built-in solution cases

<scribe> ACTION: Tomasz to add built-in flows to SRC wiki


<Zakim> tomasz, you wanted to ask about WebCrypto API?

<Chris_D> Just to note, there seems to be an issue with the webex for me today and I am unable to connect audio however I try, so I will follow on here as best I can.

tomasz: I want to ask about WebCrypto API
... would that help us here generating keys?
... is this data context-bound?
... and how is it cleared?

<AdrianHB> Do I understand correctly that the high level requirement is a user identifier that persists user's clearing their browser data?

JeffH: Chrome implements WebCrypto API. My vague understanding is that a Web site can do these things doing Web Crypto...but detail smatter

<AdrianHB> (specifically one that is only used for payments and therefor is treated differently to cookies etc)

Gerhard: WebCrypto lets you get key pairs. Not a storage mechanism on its own
... so you would still be using indexDB
... and if you clear storage it gets cleared

<AdrianHB> If the desire is special storage for payment credentials that persist "longer" can we explore using Payment Handler instruments?

stpeter: One thing I think we should think about is - the browser is the user's agent.
... users still need to be able to clear storage
... Need to be clear communication to user if they are signing up to something that they "can't get out of"

IJ: I want to see if we can solve this as "make it easy for me to get in" instead of "hard to get out"

AdrianHB: You'd have to create a special category for payments
... perhaps we can empower sites when known to be in the context of a payment (in the APIs)
... and we should explore ways of having a more persistent user identifier or session identifier, but only available in the context of payments
... Chrome and other browsers let you clear categories of information, some cleared by default others not
... if payments were available as a category, not clearable by default, that would be interesting

<jonathan> sorry for joining late..

<tomasz> In Chrome: passwords and autofill data is disabled on the list of things to clear in Settings.

IJ: Are passwords cleared by default in browser? If not, then I am wondering whether we already have a lot of what we need: user saves password in browser, user clicks "ok" to re-login so that's easy, and passwords not clearable as easily.

stpeter: The browser can do some things that don't open up the can of work with tracking and arbitrary data storage

IJ: What is the real problem statement? I'd like to hear more clearly

Tomasz: The current architecture relies on existing storage approaches. If we had other capabilities, that would be preferable. Identification of the browser is property of the browser.
... so not asking the browser to store more data from the payment handler.
... I understand there are considerations related to privacy and tracking
... stable identification would improve the situation.

IJ: Is the problem statement "stable recognition of browser across transactions"?

Tomasz: Partly. We'd also like to have non-exfiltratable identifier
... so we'd like the identifier to be non-leakable / or inherent to the browser

jalpesh: I think persistent device id would be welcome
... the second thing I'd say is to reinforce that third party payment handlers might require more work from common payment handler and SRCI
... I'd like to make sure that built-in support be part of the conversation

IJ: Why would other SRCIs exist if built into the browser?

Jalpesh: There are two functions of SRCI, one is to deploy software across networks on behalf of a merchant. They are integrating payment methods on behalf of merchant
... in current implementation, we need SRCIs to do more --- present cards
... in the context of PR API, that portion is not necessarily by PSPs or merchants, it's done by browsers.
... the consolidation of payment methods is still done by PSPs

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to ask for clarity on defn of native payment handler

AdrianHB: When you talk about "native payment handler" do you mean "native app on mobile" or "built-into the browser"?

Jalpesh: Built into the browser.
... The user agent should be able to define a customer UX for SRC

AdrianHB: You talked about second SRCI role as displaying cards to user
... it's confusing to me why the SRCI (in the merchant domain) displays instruments (held in the user domain)

Jalpesh: SRCI needs to consolidate cards across networks. The browser would play the role of DCF, not the SRCI

IJ: How common is scenario where SRCI is not party in the merchant site?

tomasz: I like the property of decoupling merchant side from user side. The user experience from PR API is the great value.
... we like the modal window of payment request...better than iframe, popup and redirect

tomasz: for us, even in a situation where the SRCI is already PSP, there is still a benefit because of the modal window

Jalpesh: I am familiar with that perspective.

(Ian mentions previous Stripe demo at WPSIG meeting)

Gerhard: There are larger questions about open banking...
... Our focus is on the issuer

IJ: Any other thoughts on identifiers in the browser

JeffH: My understanding of this desire for some form of browser identifier or device identifier really comes form an anti-fraud use case
... given the current trends in browsers to maximize privacy and minimize user tracking, I don't see how burying something in the browser that identifies the device and/or software indelibly is going to get traction
... that said, certainly Web Authentication gives strong customer authentication, so you can have strong assurance that the user is the same user, whether or not they are using the same user agent
... it could be that some the payments folks need to rethink some of the anti-fraud approaches in this brave new world

Next call

13 May

<AdrianHB> +1 to jeffH "it could be that some the payments folks need to rethink some of the anti-fraud approaches in this brave new world"

<AdrianHB> WebAuthn has become widespread very quickly

<AdrianHB> It offers a great UI

<jeffh> shucks, thx :)

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Tomasz to add built-in flows to SRC wiki

Summary of < Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/04/29 16:39:34 $