Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

30 Mar 2020


Vlad, chris, Persa_Zula, Garret, jpamental


action items

<Vlad> https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/open

<Vlad> scribenick: Persa_Zula

Vlad: hoping to get an update from all; and timeline of future development ideas
... got updates from Myles and he's feeling better. Is asking for someone to help with his efforts

Garret: Can help

Vlad: The tool that needs completed is to pre-process fonts for optimizing fonts. Quality of the output of that tool will determine the performance of our solution
... if that critical component is developed by Myles, we can make sure there might not be issues that are based on who builds the tool

Garret: can hook the tool up with the simulation codebase and when he makes improvements on the tool it can determine how the code changes affect the performance
... will connect with Myles

Vlad: let's use the email list

Garret: got permission to share results based on the data analysis. Will have resultset ready for the next meeting

Vlad: my action item - trying to get folks on his team to help with OEM fonts in their online database. If they can't figure this out, he'll have to use a different method to get the fonts to the WG. Some of these are composite pan-CJK fonts, and the test font from Kamal which was shared last time
... Might take another week to sort this out with his team

Garret: our final results aren't done yet; results are very heavily weighted towards latin. Would like to break it out per language to get better results

Vlad: Have you tried running simulation with 1 variation through the different approaches?

Garret: just ran using unicode codepoints as the primary driver; haven't tried the codepoints to glyphs hybrid approach

Vlad: more excited about this approach now; watching email exchanges from other WG and privacy concerns keep coming up. TTML WG is publishing an update and the Candidate recommendation; possibly using fonts as a fingerprinting tool? only bringing it up because people bring up privacy more and more.
... requesting charsets for an individual font could be seen as a privacy violation; some languages; every time you ask for a character subset you can guess what the text you're looking at could be saying
... glyph ID requests are free of this issue

Garret: glyph IDs might not be enough because the source font could be retrieved and you could still get back to the mapping
... blocking up the lower use codepoints into groups might be a lot of help here. Hasn't implemented this yet but might want to look into it again

<chris> Agree that reverse mapping glyphid to character code is tractable, just a bit more work

Vlad: there are more approaches we can look at, but there might be small performance hits to implement them. Just something we need to keep in mind. By the time we get to the recommendation that this will go through the review process and privacy will be brought up

jpamental: agree that the approach that we can request more than necessary

Garret: Agreed that we need to cover this as we move forward

Vlad: let's revitalize the email list and get more things done on the mailing list

Garret: one last quick thing -- playing around with desubroutinized or subroutinized fonts -- desubroutinized fonts end up with bettter performance at the end of the day

Vlad: is this because of compression or an extra layer of complexity to go through?

Garret: not sure why this is happening yet, but the guess is not having the extra layer of complexity might be a win

Vlad: with woff2, desubroutinzed compressed better

Garret: since we're using brotoli, this might be the case here too

Vlad: any working from home anecdotes?

Garret: all is well here, not missing the office too much :)

Vlad: initial optimistic view of short lived situation has changed, went back and raided his office and brought the stuff home :)
... if we want, we can do future video conference calls
... let's use email list to help us get where we want to be sooner
... will ping Myles and see when we can get him in the meeting again, we'll get the details of the next meeting on the mailing list
... tenatively 2 weeks from now, maybe next week

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2020/03/30 16:27:28 $

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Present: Vlad chris Persa_Zula Garret jpamental
Found ScribeNick: Persa_Zula
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Found Date: 30 Mar 2020
People with action items: 

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