ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

24 Mar 2020


mck, carmacleod, MarkMccarthy, siri, sarah_higley, Jemma, CurtBellew, jongunderson
ZoeBijl, Bryan_Garaventa
Matt King


<ZoeBijl> mck: I'm once again asking you to give me another week for #1228

<ZoeBijl> (or to ask someone else to do the last leg, mh got me not being very productive)

<scribe> scribe: carmacleod

ARIA virtual face to face meeting time and date

jamesn: For the virtual F2F, we are planning to have one day for APG - Tues, Wed, Thurs - which day is preferred?

<Jemma> Meeting time can be 7am - 11am pst

mck: what matters most is ensuring that if people are needed for a particular discussion, then make sure they can attend

jamesn: same dates, limited to 3-4 hours, mornings
... w3c now has a zoom account - this might be our last week using webex

sarah: Yes!!!!

Tabbed carousel

github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1120

sarah: curious what people think about play/pause behavior mixed with keyboard

<sarah_higley> Here's the preview link for my version: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/tabbed-carousel-opt2/examples/carousel/carousel-2-tablist.html

siri: should user be made aware that the carousel is playing/not playing?

sarah: if focus or hover is in the carousel it will auto pause, but otherwise it plays

mck: this is working well for me. I like that the button doesn't change unless I ask it to change.

sarah: This may not be the latest code in the preview - will push again
... after you toggle play/pause, it doesn't pause if you focus other controls - not sure if that's the most intuitive behavior
... i.e. if you intentionally selected "play", then you don't want any auto-pause behavior
... I kept jon's "start paused" feature
... I do dislike autoplay, so if we want to start paused by default, that's fine with me

mck: I like the option to start paused

car: should it be the default?

mck: maybe - not sure
... What do people think about these changes?

jon: this is back to the original behavior

mck: list of options at the top: default to paused, pause if reduced motion is set, play

siri: I don't think we should have an example that auto-rotates if reduced motion is set

carmacleod: maybe just 2 options: paused on start, autoplay _unless_ reduced motion is set

<MarkMccarthy> +1 siri, carmacleod

sarah: there's another option already there for where the carousel controls are displayed

mck: that's a separate option - can have both sets of options

siri: the opacity of the background of the tab controls isn't quite dark enough - we should make it the same as the text background

Combobox Date Picker

github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1017

mck: the first time the page loads, selection does not follow focus - are other people having that problem too?
... also, the combobox takes focus on page load - other examples don't do that

jon: so we want spacebar to update aria-selected AND update the combobox value?

mck: yes, I think that's where we are

Editor Menu Update


jon: now supports high contrast mode
... making more changes to make the code simpler
... the cleaner code supports the ARIA-AT project - allows scripts to set up the example for testing

mck: so this will be in a good place for reviewing by next week?

jon: yes, it's a big improvement, I think

Menubar update https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/907

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/03/24 19:03:30 $

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Present: mck carmacleod MarkMccarthy siri sarah_higley Jemma CurtBellew jongunderson
Regrets: ZoeBijl Bryan_Garaventa
Found Scribe: carmacleod
Inferring ScribeNick: carmacleod

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]