Web Payments Working Group

19 Mar 2020



Lauren Helt (American Express), Rob Martin (Capital One), Nick Telford-Reed, Rouslan Solomakhin (Google), Gerhard Oosthuizen (Entersekt), Yun Cho (Airbnb), Adrian Hope-Bailie (Coil)
Nick Telford-Reed


<scribe> Scribe: Ian

Virtual meeting


IJ: Any conflicts in moving auth to 2 April (due to a conflict for some people on 1 April)?

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to look into moving authentication to 2 April (possibly)

NickTR: Hope is to have both audio and video for the meeting
... We are not planning to record video and audio

<nicktr> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/FTF-Mar2020#remote-first-agendas

[On the agenda]

* Payment request / payment handler


* Authentication

* Open banking

* Merchant feedback

Nick: Anything missing? Balance seem ok?

<nicktr> IJ: Many thanks to the Chrome team for their privacy threat analysis on payment handlers

<nicktr> ...we are writing up some proposed changes

<nicktr> ...we intend to send out material before the meeting

<nicktr> IJ: The Open Banking session is the least structured

<nicktr> ...STET and the Berlin Group and the UK Open Banking implenentation folk are meeting this week to agree an agenda

IJ: You'll have reading materials a few days in advance

NickTR: How do you think we can get people to engage with that material and encourage reading in advance?

Rouslan: Other than email to the group?

Lauren: I think organizing it within the framework of the meeting would help
... e.g., read these materials for Day 1, etc.

NickTR: We'll structure it that way in the agenda as well as in the email

Rouslan: In addition, perhaps thinks about the people and organizations from whom we'd like answers to questions
... and ask those specific people to come to the meeting with those answers.

NickTR: Yes, we can prompt for the response.

Lauren: Would be good to have prioritized meeting objectives

NickTR: Good point; especially in a remote meeting where engagement may be reduced.

<nicktr> IJ: can we talk about objectives?

<nicktr> IJ: Day 1 is likely to be the easiest, as we have some proposals so the objective will be to reach consensus (or otherwise)

<nicktr> IJ: Rouslan, any other objective?

<nicktr> Rouslan: No

<nicktr> IJ: Day 2: Primary objective would be the card networks converge on a vision for SRC over Payment Request

<nicktr> IJ: Hopefully it will be the "ta-da" moment on an architecture

nickTR: I have a more basic ambition for day 2
... for most people joining that call, there will not be a common level of understanding about SRC itself

Lauren: Does this tie into the objectives. Or "who do we need input from"?
... So maybe the pre-reading includes high-level description of the session
... to set expectations and get the right people into the conversation

NickTR: yes, so we should set the appropriate expectation.

<nicktr> nicktr: Day 3 feels more informational

<nicktr> IJ: Yes, hearing from latest info from WebAuthn

<nicktr> ...for example use of cross-origin calls

<nicktr> ...so educational but also prompting discussion

<nicktr> IJ: But I also have a slide deck which I had hoped would bring crisp set of requirements.

<nicktr> ...I do not think we are there yet, but we do need that synthesis

NickTR: On day 4, hearing from a merchant should be valuable
... and then the session on open banking is focused on rekindling engagement

<AdrianHB> +1

NickTR: We are thinking of lightning talks to increase engagement

Lauren: Is the idea to plan or improvise?

(IJ: +1 to planning )

NickTR: Probably want to give people warning so that more people may be at ease in presenting

<AdrianHB> +1 to general invite to start

NickTR: I propose to do targeted outreach first

Lauren: Build with the end in mind- what insights do we hope to receive
... So you could target lightning talks to get answers you want for each session

Ian: Demos are a form of lighting talk

<nicktr> IJ: demos are always super helpful

IJ: Can I send an email to people re: demos?

<nicktr> IJ: But a focused email feels like a good idea

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to send email to the WPWG regarding demo topics (to help with scheduling)

Next meeting

30 March start of calls!

Be well

nickTR: Talk to you soon, stay well!

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ian to look into moving authentication to 2 April (possibly)
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to send email to the WPWG regarding demo topics (to help with scheduling)

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/03/23 16:21:44 $