<sajkaj> scribe: janina
<Lauriat> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/ED-draft=comments-changes-js/guidelines/index.html
<sajkaj> js: This is a pass for plain language covering Scoring and Conformance
<sajkaj> js: Andy has put much work into enhancements to methods, but not yet visible
<sajkaj> js: Some issues merging his work ...
<sajkaj> js: Right content, older format
<sajkaj> js: Not our current wire frame, but impressive content contribution
<sajkaj> js: Test rewritten ...
<sajkaj> Andy: Have a pr for you
<sajkaj> js: Next, have conformance edits from Peter and from Angela, both now in a branch ...
<jeanne> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/ED-comments-korn-js/guidelines/index.html#scoring-conformance
<sajkaj> bb: Just now fixed my spelling errors in patch 1 -- the link I just pasted
<sajkaj> js: Notes Andy DOES have the new format -- awesome!
<sajkaj> andy: Tried to add scrolling for code sample ...
<sajkaj> js: It's just a wire frame. Not to worry about that
<sajkaj> bb: Looks fabulous
<sajkaj> Andy: Used Monday's commit so added last night based on latest
<sajkaj> bb: bit of a glitch on resources tab
<sajkaj> andy: Image on my repository, I don't have write in Silver repo
<sajkaj> [discussion of how to include complex math in our doc]
<sajkaj> js: Are there parts we need in our howto?
<sajkaj> js: Concerned some gets lost ...
<sajkaj> bb: unsure how much can be pulled from methods for this howto ...
<sajkaj> bb: It's a plainer language explanation whereas the methods are more technical
<sajkaj> sl: Get started tab could benefit from plain lang
<sajkaj> sl: Maybe the lists under how might benefit from table structure
<sajkaj> charles: suggests are methods are technical
<sajkaj> sl: Yes, but initial explanation need not be
<sajkaj> sl: The first two paras, for instance, could be the how and plain lang
<bruce_bailey> How (in Explainer) seems to be repeat of Predicted Contrast of Detailed Description in method
<sajkaj> js: Agree that Get Started should be oriented to beginners
<sajkaj> js: Notes that our FPWD will be accompanied by questions for which we're seeking public comment
<sajkaj> andy: Asks where bibliography goes?
<sajkaj> [discussion on how to record our bibliography]
<sajkaj> charles: Asking for a check on my understanding re tool assisted testing
<sajkaj> charles: howto says "use a tool"
<sajkaj> charles: method is "what the tool does"
<sajkaj> charles: Where a human to run the method, it would take hours
<bruce_bailey> @JF https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/ED-draft=comments-changes-js/guidelines/explainers/visualContrast.html
<sajkaj> js: We need methods for users of the tool; but also for tool developers
<KimD> +1
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to comment on "use a tool"
<sajkaj> bb: "Run a tool" may not be useful at this stage
<sajkaj> bb: We're in an intermediary state just now it seems
<sajkaj> bb: We should stay focussed on what we can get done for FPWD
<sajkaj> jf: Recalling our commitment to use ACT rules and not seeing any of that in our FPWD?
<bruce_bailey> +1 to methods that use ACT rules format
<sajkaj> jf: Mightn't we at least enumerate those?
<sajkaj> js: Tried to get that and haven't managed to pulling it together
<Lauriat> +1, absolutely
<sajkaj> js: People able to help on that needed
<sajkaj> jf: Wonders of when and how we will prioritize that as part of the migration
<sajkaj> sl: Suggests a good F2F agendum
<sajkaj> jf: Would want to make sure key people, like Wilco, are present for that
<sajkaj> js: Adding it to the F2F Agenda
<JF> https://doodle.com/poll/nacwpgxaeukfqzqi
<jeanne2> sign up for breakfast
<sajkaj> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/conformance-challenges-redesign1/conformance-challenges/
<jeanne2> Scribe: jeanne
<sajkaj> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/Conformance-Challenges-FPWD2/
<jeanne2> Saj: Editors draft and changes
<jeanne2> ... survey
<jeanne2> ... we particularly want to get feedback from Silver
<jeanne2> SL: The survey isn't open yet
<kirkwood> saying it will open 2020-03-05.
<jeanne2> [brief discussion]
<jeanne2> Jeanne: Please send to the list when the date problems are worked out.
<sajkaj> Ehttps://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/Conformance-Challenges-FPWD2/results
<bruce_bailey> Message is: This questionnaire is not yet open. It will open on 2020-03-05. Inform your Team contact if you think it should already be open.
<bruce_bailey> I can open results link with my credentials
<bruce_bailey> I see: This questionnaire will be open from 2020-03-05 to 2020-03-17.
<sajkaj> js: Alastair had several requested changes to our text ...
<sajkaj> jf: Have been building test files to test headings hopefully available soon
<sajkaj> js: What version of headings?
<sajkaj> jf: Editor's Draft
<sajkaj> js: There's more work on that section not yet reflected in the Editor's Draft
<sajkaj> jf: Want to contribute test files
<sajkaj> sl: Even early test files will still be helpful
<sajkaj> [discussion of some of the details]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Default Present: jeanne, Chuck, sajkaj, Rachael, maryjom, Makoto, kirkwood, KimD, AndyS, bruce_bailey, CharlesHall, JF Present: jeanne Chuck sajkaj Rachael maryjom Makoto kirkwood KimD AndyS bruce_bailey CharlesHall JF Found Scribe: janina Found Scribe: jeanne WARNING: 0 scribe lines found (out of 138 total lines.) Are you sure you specified a correct ScribeNick? Scribes: janina, jeanne WARNING: No date found! Assuming today. (Hint: Specify the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.) Or specify the date like this: <dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]