DXWG Plenary

25 February 2020


alejandra, AndreaPerego, annette_g, antoine, ncar
DaveBrowning, Makx, RiccardoAlbertoni, RobA, SimonCox

Meeting minutes


proposal: accept minutes of last call https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌02/‌18-dxwg-minutes

annette_g: they were mixed up

philippe: I've cleaned it

PWinstanley: there are some warning
… in the diagnostics

philippe: I'll fix that as well.

<PWinstanley> +1


<annette_g> +1

<ncar> +1

oops no 0 I was not here

but it seems there's been some attention to the minutes :-)

Resolution: accept minutes https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌02/‌18-dxwg-minutes


PWinstanley: we agreed to split the repos
… open two new ones for Conneg and PROV

and do a bulk closure of Conneg and PROV in the current repo

<plh> dxwg, dx-prof-conneg

philippe: not done yet. You want dxwg, dxwg-conneg and dxwg-prof ?

<plh> dxwg, dx-prof-conneg, dx-prof

<ncar> yes please!

<ncar> did we make a call about UCR & Guidance?

<plh> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dx-prof-conneg

<ncar> yes

PWinstanley: the current one would be for DCAT

<ncar> dx-connegp

<ncar> dx-prof

<ncar> dx-prof-conneg is fine


<ncar> copnnegp is my personal preferred term

<ncar> make that connegp

ncar: did we discuss UCR and Guidance

PWinstanley: no we didn't have time

<ncar> preferred dx-prof & dx-connegp

<PWinstanley> antoine: I am arguing against dx-prof-conneg

<plh> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dx-connegp

ncar: would it be possible to change the short name of prof-conneg?

philippe: open an issue in the new repo!
… and assign the issue to me.

PWinstanley: do you see issues for expedite the new github repo arrangement?

philippe: connegp is created and I gave you access.
… do you want me to transfer issues?

PWinstanley: pretty certain that yes

ncar: for connegp and prof, yes, and we'll tidy them up


<PWinstanley> antoine: question about shared issues, esp 1211. It was originally about DCAT but spans two topics

ncar: we'll have to do what we do with other work. Maybe create copy issues.

<PWinstanley> I think we just do as in other projects and make reference across repos. Perhaps create peer issues if necessary

<plh> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dx-prof now exists

ncar: we'll lose neatness but I think it's fine.

<PWinstanley> antoine: I can live with that, but if done automatically, which repo does it end up in?

<PWinstanley> ncar: in this case leave in DCAT

ncar: in this one we can leave it with DCAT

<alejandra> question: should the prefix be dxwg rather than dx?

<alejandra> due to the existing repo: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg

<PWinstanley> antoine: good - so can we take a note of the shared issues?

<PWinstanley> ... I'm concerned that we lose info if this is done automatically

PWinstanley: this is something we can identify by queries

ncar: the tags are free-floating so they would retain the original labels

alejandra: so we would create mirror issues? My concern is that we would still have to go back to original issues.

PWinstanley: there may not be many, but there could be the important ones


alejandra: also shouldn't we keep the same prefix, i.e. dxwg?
… for consistency

PWinstanley: yes we probably should want to do this

alejandra: especially if DCAT remains in the original repo

annette_g: wouldn't it create inconsistencies with the W3C websites?

philippe: we track repos based on their configuration not their name
… what we recommend is that the name of the repo is the one of the short name of the spec

<alejandra> about the overlap of issues... there is now only 1 issue that shares the labels dcat and profiles-vocabulary: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aprofiles-vocabulary+label%3Adcat

philippe: if one changes then the other should change

PWinstanley: maybe we should do this once we start working with these new repos
… and the UCR

<alejandra> and no issues between dcat and profiles-negotiation

<PWinstanley> antoine: I wanted to point to the statistics on the shared issues that Riccardo / Karen were pointing out were not overlapping, but there is 1211

alejandra: I agree that it falls into profile guidance but are we sure we don't want to add something in DCAT?
… the original post was about the description in DCAT

<ncar> Create a peer Issue Alejandra?

alejandra: there could be an issue created for the original spec

philippe: we can create a peer issue if needed

<plh> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues/‌389

<alejandra> sure - I will comment on the issue later - I think it has to stay in DCAT and we can create a peer issue in the guidance doc

<annette_g> nice!

PWinstanley: alejandra is it something that you want to track?

Action: alejandra to keep an eye on #1211 as a shared issue

<trackbot> Created ACTION-398 - Keep an eye on #1211 as a shared issue [on Alejandra Gonzalez Beltran - due 2020-03-03].

PWinstanley: next topic is future work and UCR

antoine: what needs to be done?

PWinstanley: at the moment we have a list of future work and things in UCR that haven't be dealt with
… we need to check they are in line, and in scope
… we need to do some triage

<PWinstanley> antoine: I was concerned that we would be re-doing UCR

antoine: I thought this would be about doing a new UCR

<PWinstanley> PWinstanley: NO

alejandra: we don't even need to look at the UCR again, I believe
… in principle we've handled them, either solved them or they are open as github issues
… so we shouldn't have to look again at the original UCR

<alejandra> also note that we do have new use cases from those written in the UCR, but they are in github issues

annette_g: do we have new people coming as per the re-chartering?

PWinstanley: there should be people around, whom we could ask
… do you see anything appropriate for inclusion?

annette_g: I think I might have seen something, but it was late in the process
… it was about the need to streamline things
… I would need to write it in a coherent way
… We should consider how people put things into practice
… For example what we're asking in Conneg can be burdensome

PW: user experience - user research?

annette_g: yes

PW: there are groups to which we could throw things
… a number of them from W3C members
… We tend to look at accessibility but there are other aspects of usability
… Anything else, e.g. on FAIR?

<PWinstanley> antoine: alejandra said that there are some use cases that are new (not in the UCR, but are in github issues). Do these need to be put into the UCR?

PWinstanley: I'm going to ask philippe where we're going in terms of agile method
… the UCR was waterfall-y.
… How should we think of our competency questions?
… the UCR is not complete
… wrt competency questions

philippe: UCR is not a REC, it's a NOTE

PWinstanley: at this stage do we need to update the UCR doc with things in the github issues?

philippe: no it's not needed
… I would recommend that before moving to CR that you mention where the requirements are
… because you'll need to prove you've met there.

<alejandra> Good! To be more agile is good to keep the use cases in github only

PWinstanley: ok so as long as we're explicit on where the requirements came from and that we've handled them then we're good to go.

<plh> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aprofiles-vocabulary

philippe: I've moved all the open issues for the two deliverable except these which had dual labels


PWinstanley: alejandra and ncar can look at them and mirror them if needed

<alejandra> +1

<annette_g> +1 to moving them

philippe: do you want me to migrate the closed issues?

<ncar> =1

<ncar> +1

ncar: I don't think it's a good idea but I won't object

philippe: ok I'll do them one by one

<PWinstanley> antoine: asking plh - will the closed issues be moved with the same criteria as the live one - esp relating to issues spanning deliverables?

<PWinstanley> plh: yes

philippe: something else: for the moment I've cloned the repo, keeping the structure and milestones
… for DCAT there could still be links to editor's drafts
… I can update the REC to point to the right place but it needs some coordination.


ncar: Rob are going to check the test suite in the next day or two
… we don't think there will be a lot of change but will check
… the main change will be adding a list of requirements


ncar: I've made a profile hierarchy-based validation tool
… the tool is fed with a data graph and a profile hierarchy and hunts for the SHACL files available for the hierarchy.
… it implements one of our use cases.
… I've implemented this tool because we need to validate data for another project [???]
… which will make conformance claims based on the outcome

PWinstanley: maybe you can check and move the drafts to the new repo

ncar: ok but how about the issues?

PWinstanley: they are moved
… it would be good to have visibility for the group, with links

Action: ncar to mail the group with a proposal to move the prof and connegp drafts from the original repo to the new ones

<trackbot> Created ACTION-399 - Mail the group with a proposal to move the prof and connegp drafts from the original repo to the new ones [on Nicholas Car - due 2020-03-03].

<alejandra> thanks all, and bye!

<AndreaPerego> Thanks, bye!

Summary of action items

  1. alejandra to keep an eye on #1211 as a shared issue
  2. ncar to mail the group with a proposal to move the prof and connegp drafts from the original repo to the new ones

Summary of resolutions

  1. accept minutes https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌02/‌18-dxwg-minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 104 (Sat Dec 7 01:59:30 2019 UTC).


Succeeded: s/chatering/chartering/

Succeeded: s/compentency/competency

Maybe present: philippe, PW, PWinstanley