ARIA Authoring Practices Telecon

18 Feb 2020


Matt_King, MarkMccarthy, carmacleod, CurtBellew, jongund, Jemma, ZoeBijl, BryanGaraventa
EvanYamanishi, SarahHigley, JamesNurthen
Matt King
MarkMccarthy, carmacleod


<Matt_King> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/February-18%2C-2020-Meeting

<MarkMccarthy> scribe: MarkMccarthy

Release Plan

Matt_King: release sometime in April, not March

<Jemma> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19Uh6C_9SF3r6Hjf-h3MyWM-_R67LXRpC?usp=sharing

Matt_King: Jemma is working on some bugs to help with meeting the release plan

<Jemma> I appreciate the feedback on this implementation

Matt_King: other items for the plan are on the agenda today
... any questions on priorities?

Coverage report

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1124

<carmacleod> github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1124

Matt_King: jongund, can you summarize to catch everyone up?
... or with any recent changes?

jongund: basically,the script goes through guidelines and examples to see how many times properties are referenced
... right now, looking at examples because i didn't want to include some data-attrs and have that complexity too

<Jemma> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue1123-roles-properties-states-coverage-report-script/coverage/index.html

<jongund> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue1123-roles-properties-states-coverage-report-script/coverage/index.html

jongund: looking at the preview link --

Matt_King: what were the data-attributes?

jongund: data-aria-roles, data-aria-props, and adding the role or property you want referenced
... could be simpler, that's what we have now

Matt_King: put on heading tags right?

jongund: yeah, need an ID and the headings have IDs

Matt_King: we should make sure we have IDs on the ones we want to reference then

jongund: in the report, it'll append a little ) D to things it adds. it'll get included in the report if it finds what it's looking for
... first table is no guidance; in the second table, there's at least one guidance or example, third table is more than one example. same is repeated for properties

Matt_King: in the cell for complimentary, for example, it'd be helpful to have the actual heading in the cell.

jongund: the numbering is generated right?

Matt_King: yeah that comes from respec, so you might not be able to pull that out

jongund: we could add something related to the next-highest level heading or something as a tooltip, to give some context
... if it's coming from a practices doc anyway

Matt_King: probably the contents of the heading is probably best we can do right now

jongund: yup
... that entire column is from practices; would it be better to be called something else?

Matt_King: no it's okay

Jemma: guidance goes to design patterns

Matt_King: this is helpful for planning, and we can use this same logic to enhance our index. we have indicies of examples but not guidance.
... once we have this include everything we want, we can use this same thing to index our guidance
... it'd be more useful to have the full section...but i don't know how we'd do that

carmacleod: an appendix?

Matt_King: yeah, but i don't know how we'd get the section numbers

carmacleod: i don't think it'd -need- the section numbers, esp if there's a link

Jemma: this is great, i'll use this a lot once we have it in spec!
... what is the implication of having the data-XXX information for the -readers- rather than us as internal users?

jongund: just to document how these attrs etc. can be added, and we need that documentation somewhere. i did this assuming it'd be for the WG's use

Matt_King: yes
... might put into our editorial guidelines
... next step is, once we have this report and capability, we can leverage it to make an index for the main document
... about roles, states, and properties

Jemma: got it. might be good to have a counter in the first part of the list - so, how many of each item there are for example (like 22 items with no guidance, etc.)

jongund: like an index in the beginning?

Jemma: yeah, might make it easier to understand

jongund: yeah, we could do that.

Jemma: this is great Jon!

carmacleod: i think this will be really useful.

jongund: it was a little more complex before, but I took some of that out to make it easier in the beginning

Matt_King: yeah, and this makes it safe to merge too
... this script just goes in the scripts directory, right? so i think I can just merge it

jongund: shouldn't be any conflicts

Guidance section - range related properties

Matt_King: i'm probably just going to push some commits. have 4 minor editorial changes to make

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1279

Matt_King: one thing though, we have a section abour progress, scroll bars, spinbuttons and a couple more sections for each, but not meters.

<carmacleod> github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1279

Matt_King: i wonder if someone might make a similar section for meter?

carmacleod: i can't, have some work stuff that has to come first.

Matt_King: understandable.
... we could merge without, just seems like an oversight to me

Jemma: i can do it if I have more info, since I did the meter example

Matt_King: sure, if you want to draft it. essentially, if you look at section 8.6, you could copy most of that and replace phrases where appropriate
... you'd have to do inline example code though
... yeah, literally can be copied as long as it's made relevant to meters.

Jemma: okay

Matt_King: and needs to be alphabetical, so it'd come before progressbar and after valuetext
... there's a branch here you can use, too. no worries

Jemma: got it

Matt_King: any other comments? I'd like folx to read this in the coming week. i'll work w/ you on final edits Jemma. I'd like to merge this next week if possible.
... if there's common questions we haven't answered; issues authors run into commonly; other things that aren't addressed well or at all; all good to know.
... jongund, have you read that yet?

jongund: looking at it now

Matt_King: you're probably someone who's very in touch with people who stumble

jongund: i stumble! [laughs]

[group laughter]

carmacleod: your resiliance is impressive, Jon! :)

Tabbed Carousel

<carmacleod> github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1120

Matt_King: how are we doing? oh wait - we can't talk about. Sarah was going to push some changes and it doesn't seem she has

carmacleod: right, she hasn't. but Jon pushed the stop sign cursor change. Dunno if Sarah saw that and if it helped

jongund: biggest problem is probably that there's no stop button on most carousels, people haven't seen that before
... so the "why does this feel wrong" question is just because people haven't seen this before

Matt_King: right, it only used to be that people could see it when tabbing before, which isn't good

jongund: so basically now, when you move the mouse over a slide it changes into a "do not enter" sign (a red circle with a white horizontal bar), so people can see something is going on
... we could make a more direct affordance, but that might be wordier
... have to be careful with cursor SVGs because they're still the mouse pointer after all

ZoeBijl: i'd like to suggest a different icon - that one also indicates no action available

jongund: it only shows when you're on the actual image, not the controls or links.

ZoeBijl: okay

carmacleod: someone asked for an example without autorotation at all

jongund: we have

Matt_King: yeah, we have but haven't prioritized it. we -could- do it

jongund: the code is there, add "pause" to the URL and the script will see it and start the carousel paused

Matt_King: well they're talking about no rotation, period

jongund: ah ok

carmacleod: just wanted to point it out
... i finished the a11y review, the live region stuff -- if we're going to keep it and want the APG to provide robust examples, we need to talk to the AT devs to fix a few things
... on some pairings, it doesn't feel robust

Matt_King: this is a good example for the ARIA-AT project

carmacleod: sorry for it, but it doesn't feel right
... if we use the tab labels instead, the carousel author could provide some nice titles
... reuse alt text, link text, or nice lovely text they'd prefer. it'd be more consistent

Matt_King: after we merge this, we'll consider this a bells-and-whistles carousel. we'll go back to basics after and consider taking out role descs, etc.
... still have an issue where, if it's a rotating type carousel, how does a screenreader user scan through it quickly...

carmacleod: right arrow?

Matt_King: well, the idea you can glance through it - which is different from a normal tabbed interface.

jongund: user getting info about the slides w/o having to go through hoops

Matt_King: right

carmacleod: well this doesn't do this, until user navs through tablist

Matt_King: yeah, a little work. but not a LOT
... don't need to nav into slide, read, go back to nav, to next slide, etc.

carmacleod: well, author could put that info in the tab label

Matt_King: but kind of against our guidance for labels

carmacleod: aria-labelledby link text/alt text, something else?

Matt_King: anyway - at least one version of this carousel can give a good live region test for ARIA-AT

carmacleod: ok - sorry for bringing it up but I had to

Matt_King: well aria-details isn't good for this. -describedby, maybe.

Jemma: any thoughts Bryan?

Bryan: i've had to work on a lot of carousels. the one that rotates w/o controls is concerning. as far as roles go, i know live regions don't work reliably but it's useful when navigating in this case
... one thing to keep in mind is carousel slides can contain -anything-
... but if the live region is on the slide itself, some things may or may not be announced.
... sometimes i'll put the content in a hidden offscreen span, and that can cover a lot of scenarios
... but the live region isn't wholly important, user can still get the info

Matt_King: in general, I -really- hope people wouldn't use a carousel for forms etc. [laughs]

Bryan: well like wizards, for instance

Matt_King: ahh yes, but that could be a tab interface
... that's a situation where, if it was in a wizard, I'd think it's a different use case. a live region there might not be helpful since a user has to go through info anyway

Bryan: well for what step you're on

Matt_King: ah okok yes
... maybe we have a request in backlog related to wizards, wonder if we can take this basic carousel and use it for that
... hmm, something to consider
... so still waiting on Sarah

carmacleod: we'll probably need to ask her again, just in case Jon's fixes help her

<carmacleod> scribe: carmacleod

Combobox 1.2


Matt_King: fix for 1332 is good to go
... I added 1334 - need help with this one - I started it
... Jon, can you add the javascript so that the Escape key behaves the same way as the other comboboxes?

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1334

Matt_King: i.e. if the grid is displayed, it closes the grid; if grid is not displayed, then esc clears the text field

jongund: ok

rssagent, make minutes

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/02/18 20:02:35 $

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/gudiance/guidance/
Succeeded: s/in section 8.4/sections for each/
Succeeded: s/oaky/okay/
Succeeded: s/button/button on most carousels/
Succeeded: s/elsee/else/
Present: Matt_King MarkMccarthy carmacleod CurtBellew jongund Jemma ZoeBijl BryanGaraventa
Regrets: EvanYamanishi SarahHigley JamesNurthen
Found Scribe: MarkMccarthy
Inferring ScribeNick: MarkMccarthy
Found Scribe: carmacleod
Inferring ScribeNick: carmacleod
Scribes: MarkMccarthy, carmacleod
ScribeNicks: MarkMccarthy, carmacleod

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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