<maryjom> scribe: Mary_Jo_Mueller
<maryjom> scribenic: maryjom
<janina> scribe: janina
<jeanne> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/conformance-js-dec/guidelines/methods/template.html
js: Demonstrates the template for
a method
... Inviting anyone with css skills to help make it look
<jeanne> Basic Tab:
<jeanne> Method Title
<jeanne> Short description of Method
<jeanne> Status
<jeanne> Last Updated date
<jeanne> If it is deprecated, that is listed here. Link to replacement, if appropriate.
<jeanne> Platform
<jeanne> Programming Language
<jeanne> If a version difference is significant, be sure to include the version number.
<jeanne> How It Solves User Need
js: Next tab, tech descript; etc. more tabs ...
<Fazio> I like design patterns better
<Fazio> It seems more indicative
js: Last tab will be a
... Multiple tabs will have methods appropriate to that
... Test tab in the method would be specific
chuck: so needs a hook back to the guidelines?
js: Absolutely!
<CharlesHall> the comment was “design pattern” is less intimidating than “technical description”
df: Suggesting "design tab' -- to
be less intimidating; "Tech spec" sounds more formididable than
it needs to be
... Let's not scare people away
js: I think of design pattern as
being different from a technical description
... e.g. we could just say "Description"
<bruce_bailey> Tab could just be "detailed description"
js: Points out this is specification material intended for consumption by technical professionals
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask where method describes GL it is for
bb: Suggests ""Detailed
... asks where we indicate solution of user need
js: Haven't given that aspect much thought yet? Top? Bottom?
<Andy> Similarly: code samples — will it always be code? Should it just be "samples"
df: We could have a method apply to more than one guideline--so the linkage might be different, but important to capture
js: Breadcrumbs, plus all applicable guidelines at the bottom
[discussion of what kind of cross linkages go where]
<Fazio> Compartmentalizing is very important and in line with COGA
<Fazio> So, I agree
<bruce_bailey> i think basic tab should link to related guidelines
<bruce_bailey> i think the detailed description tab can link to related methods
<jeanne> Clear Language https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/conformance-js-dec/guidelines/methods/Method-plain-language-principles.html
<Fazio> Language has a better fit than words
js: Perhaps not a great example
because it applies across platforms everywhere; applies
universally and is generic
... I also made up the name, consider it a placeholder for
<Fazio> I like it
js: Happy to get other color
suggestions--this was done in some haste
... Resources will currently be a dd list; Rachel is putting
together COGA hrefs
<Fazio> blue background with white text is most comprehendible according to research
<bruce_bailey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lmTpfgublIqRggMVbrwo55FMlyJo3Avp_TAvpuFttxI/edit#heading=h.bet2jy61ll3p
bb: Began with that visual
contrast draft ...
... Pretty good shape, but some more refinement would be
<jeanne> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/conformance-js-dec/guidelines/explainers/visualContrast.html
js: This is the Explainer for
Visual Contrast
... Algo section needs some work to make it less
... We need people to be able to plug in their colors and
content without worrying about the algo
andy: Suggesting a javascript to give people analysis
chuck: Not here, because we want to keep it real simple at this point. Now, somewhere else? Yes!
js: We also need to consider tooling; will consider further
andy: Suggesting having a tool available; not javascript source
chuck: So, if we can provide a tool? Would that be OK?
<Fazio> That's really intimidating to have all that content in Get started
charles: Think super useful, but maybe not this tab ...
andy: If tools are useful, why
not embed them?
... the canonical tool
bb: Asks for illustrations,
... Good grx would really help
andy: Perhaps the contrast horse-shoe? big fonts, little fonts,
chuck: Hesitate on that one
... Think simple
andy: Let me know
bb: Number cruncher first
... contrast, font size weight -- is that the one you mean?
<bruce_bailey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lmTpfgublIqRggMVbrwo55FMlyJo3Avp_TAvpuFttxI/edit#heading=h.kletf9lw9bsp
<Fazio> I'm concerned with cognitive fatigue navigating this
andy: Will do math first then the illustration
js: Agrees
... We can live with the grx for now
df: Concerned about cognitive
fatigue around this
... Wondering about different design
bb: Clarifies you mean "Getting Started"
df: Yes
bb: How and esceptions are still empty--so moving that info makes sense
<bruce_bailey> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2020Jan/att-0021/visual_contrast_method.html
chuck: Was very excited about this at first, and still think it's getting there, but there's some confusing language
<Chuck> 3. Calculate the relative contrast of Rt and background Rb.
<Chuck> 3. Calculate the relative contrast using the luminance computed in the previous step of the text (Rt) and background (Rb).
<CharlesHall> +1
chuck: Also needs language about allowing browser to just handle it all
bb: That's coming
chuck: Were I developer, I believe I could follow this and so thrilled by the js tool!
andy: Soon, soon!
... Is this github and I can provide a pr?
js: Not yet, but soon
... Word doc for now with track changes
bb: Andy, look for attachment
sent at 1:06 (EST)
... Ah, yesterday!
... Thursday
andy: Got it!
chuck: Noting I will be in Inda for the next 3 weeks
<bruce_bailey> Content does not specify text or background color, and is not relying upon technology that changes those defaults.
<bruce_bailey> Content does not specify text characteristics or background color, and is not relying upon technology that changes those defaults from an end-user’s prefered settings.
<Chuck> +1
js: How does that help me as a developer?
bb: It says let it alone; you're not an artist!
chuck: Leave it to the agent
js: What about people using cms?
<jeanne> Use the browser defaults and don't change any of the colors or font sizes.
<CharlesHall> The author specifies neither text color nor background, and does not use CSS.
chuck: Would not want to say "browser" specifically
bb: "Content does not" seems more portable
<CharlesHall> “neither text nor background properties are applied to the content”
<bruce_bailey> http://w3.org/wai/wcag21/techniques/general/g148.htm
[discussion of g148 and its antecedents]
js: If it lists WCAG, all the better
bb: Just noting my time constraint right now
js: I can, if you don't
... Copy and Past R Use
<maryjom> Suggestion from Mary Jo: Content uses default user agent (e.g. browser) colors for text and the text background and does not rely upon technology, such as CSS, that changes those defaults.
maryjo: Making it easier to understand would be helpful
js: Name?
maryjo: Haven't figured name yet
<Andy> Method: "Use Default Font Characteristics"
<Andy> Method: "Use Default Font Properties"
maryjo: Asks whether anyone from AGWG can participate in Silver F2F
js: Absolutely!
<Andy> I like the phrasing CHall posted, "Neither txt nor bg..."
<bruce_bailey> text: Content uses default user agent (e.g. browser) text characteristics and background color and does not rely upon technology (e.g. CSS) that changes those defaults.
<Andy> Neither being more clear, as it should be a FAIL of text is specified but not BG or vice versa
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