Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

08 Jan 2020


jasonjgw, Joshue108_, SteveNoble, janina, Scott, Judy


<Joshue108_> scribenick: Joshue108

Review and discussion of drafts.

<Joshue108_> JW: This is where we meet some strategic choices.

<Joshue108_> JW: We have the XR requirements doc and the RTC one.

<Joshue108_> There seemed to be a rough concensus that there are no blocking issues to taking them to the APA group and move the publication.

<Joshue108_> Do we still think this is the same?

<Joshue108_> What further review do we need to do and what schedule is there?

<Joshue108_> JS: APA are booked until the 22nd of Jan.

<Joshue108_> JW: Sounds reasonable to me. Is that too early, should it be later?

<Joshue108_> JS: No, the 22nd is fine with me.

<Joshue108_> There have been other things coming up so APA is very busy.

<Joshue108_> JW: Josh, what do you think of this date?

<jasonjgw> Josh: 22nd would be fine.

<Joshue108_> JOC: The 22nd is totally fine for me.

<Joshue108_> JW: Ok. Janina will you take that as a guide?

<Joshue108_> JS: Yes, FYI we have another TF working on a normative spec that WCAG is dependent on.

<Joshue108_> JS: We are going to be very busy in APAP.

<Joshue108_> JW: Lets aim for that.

<Joshue108_> We can focus our review but think there are no serious issues.

<Joshue108_> SH: I think they are both great.

<Joshue108_> Can't see any blockers.

<Joshue108_> JW: Lets look then at the 22nd.

<jasonjgw> Josh: some language will need changing/discussion with Michael.

<Joshue108_> JS: Josh, anything that we need to add run by Michael?

<Joshue108_> JOC: I'll take an action to review drafts with Michael and ensure they are pukka.

<Joshue108_> ACTION: Josh to link in with MichaelC on ensuring final format for XR and AccessibleRTC publication

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2227 - Link in with michaelc on ensuring final format for xr and accessiblertc publication [on Joshue O Connor - due 2020-01-15].

<Joshue108_> JW: Good news to start the year!

Decentralized identifiers - accessibility-related use cases.

<Joshue108_> JW: This is Decentralised Identifiers, I'll introduce..

<Joshue108_> <Jason gives Introduction>

<Joshue108_> This can help with reducing the need for CAPTCHA.

<Joshue108_> And obtaining user profiles of the people with disabilities.

<Joshue108_> I've circulated URI to wiki.

<Joshue108_> JS: Josh, I think this payments bubble is related..

<Joshue108_> I think we need to figure this out - this is a related tech.

<Joshue108_> Josh, if you can help with this..

<Joshue108_> We should look at it.

<Joshue108_> JOC: Will do..

<jasonjgw> Josh: needs to investigate some of the background.

<jasonjgw> Josh: notes that decentralized identifiers have the potential to be quite powerful abstractions connecting to profiles of users with a disability, with privacy advantages (fingerprinting etc.)

<jasonjgw> Janina: use case - establishing in a decentralized way that one qualifies for a specific government service.

<jasonjgw> Janina: suggestion discussed in APA that Web pages could be customized based on profiles provided in a decentralized fashion.

<jasonjgw> This has been raised in the context of Web payments but appears more universal.

<jasonjgw> Josh concurs.

<jasonjgw> Josh suggests this could better be handled by decentralized identifiers.

<jasonjgw> Janina thinks there's a scope issue here as to where the functionality resides - who should be working on it.

<Joshue108_> DID Core Spec https://w3c.github.io/did-core/

<jasonjgw> Josh acknowledges the concern about scope and affirms that we need to identify use cases.

<jasonjgw> Josh: the use cases are generic, but could be applied in different domains.

<jasonjgw> Janina would like to see the scope clarified as to who is handling what - decentralized identiiers, Web payments, et.

<jasonjgw> Josh and Janina agree that our role should be to develop the use cases/requirements.

<jasonjgw> Josh will examine the technology more closely.

<Joshue108_> scribenick: Joshue108

<Joshue108_> JW: We do need to go in that direction and interact with the groups that are developing these techs.

<Joshue108_> APA can liase with the various groups, and scope needs to be defined.

<Joshue108_> The wiki page is started.

<Joshue108_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Some_use_cases_for_Decentralized_Identifiers

<Joshue108_> The most significant references are there..

<Joshue108_> We will have things to discuss next week.

<Joshue108_> SH: Ive had a chance to have a look, and found it useful.

<Joshue108_> JW: I also did. Its not clear to the uninitiated why this is important.

<Joshue108_> Could be significant.

<Joshue108_> JOC: Do we have any actions even before today calls?

<Joshue108_> JW: So what will we do with use cases?

<jasonjgw> Josh considers decentralized identifiers as a means of preserving anonymity for user profiles - as Janina puts it, communicating personalized profiles.

<Joshue108_> JS: For communicating personisation profiles..

<Joshue108_> JOC: I think this will be a running agendum.

<Joshue108_> JW: Yes if we creating these things, a user may have several.

<Joshue108_> Its not that the identifer refers to the person alone, there could more than one.

<Joshue108_> JS: Regarding DID, we have a scoping conflict between two working groups.

<Joshue108_> But we need someone to resolve what may be hard for us, at a higher level.

<Joshue108_> JS: <gives overview of Payments CR deadline>

<Joshue108_> JS: We are thinking there is a relationship between DID and payment, but maybe a11y use cases are being shoehorned into that spec, but the reach is broader.

<Joshue108_> JB: Usually we would use the WAI-Cord call to do this kind of thing.

<Joshue108_> JB: So RQTF is more active on many more topics, Josh, Jason,Janina, Scott, Steve are helping us expand our scope

<Joshue108_> JB: Was this mentioned as a part of Payments work?

<Joshue108_> JS: It was APA.

<Joshue108_> JS: I just don't want to push or promise too much via Payments.

<Joshue108_> Especially things that DID can do generically.

<Joshue108_> <discussion on timing>

<Joshue108_> +1 to Judy

<Joshue108_> JS: We were discussing earlier the creation of generic use cases and leave it to W3C management to figure out what specs they relate to.

<Joshue108_> I'm seeing use cases that make no sense.

<Joshue108_> What should payments handle UI configuration only?

<Joshue108_> JOC: It goes way beyond that

<Joshue108_> JB: Was commenting yesterday on teamside strategy meet.

<Joshue108_> W3C is not dealing directly enough with a11y privacy, security etc and the discussion process is fragmented.

<Joshue108_> It's needs to be co-ordinated, due to complexity and difficulty, its hard to handle on a high level.

<Joshue108_> We are identifying intersections.

<Joshue108_> Kaz, is interested in also discussing with stakeholders.

<Joshue108_> JW: I'm thinking there has been community group working going on here.

<Joshue108_> If that advances we can look at this from the TF point of view.

<Joshue108_> Privacy and Security needs to be looked at more.

<Joshue108_> DID is only one part of it - this TF can help to clarify what the needs and issues.

<Joshue108_> JW: Anything we should be doing in parallel?

<Joshue108_> JS: The concern is with verifiable credentials.

<Joshue108_> JS: The push though is coming from payments people.

<Joshue108_> JS: I had been thinking about payments and DID

<Joshue108_> JW: We have some folks from ETS involved.

<Joshue108_> JW: Its a tech around being able to make assertions about ones qualifications.

<Joshue108_> Uses advanced cryptography to verify if the credential is being used in the right way by the right entity.

<Joshue108_> So its obviosuly of interest in education.

<Joshue108_> Could be used in doc identity.

<Joshue108_> JS: Thanks to Tsviya we have also made comment.

<Joshue108_> There is a connection with DID, so we should explore that relationship.

<jasonjgw> Josh thinks these efforts demonstrate the need for privacy-preserving profiles.

<jasonjgw> Josh - concurring with Janina - notes the need for a method for communicating personalized preference profiles.

<Joshue108_> JW: Josh will you add your ideas?

<Joshue108_> JOC: Will do.

<Joshue108_> JW: I'll expand on this.

<Joshue108_> JOC: This whole area with DID is certainly worth exploring more now, and may be more of a priority than I thought.

<Joshue108_> It could be a way of asserting conformace claims for accessibility testing.

<Joshue108_> Verifiable credentials infrastructure could be used here.

<Joshue108_> JW: Potential use case there.

<Joshue108_> <fake news breakout>

<Joshue108_> JB: The concept of fake a11y is interesting.

<Joshue108_> JW: Lets be practical, will we keep the DID and associated tech discussion going next week?

<Joshue108_> JS: Yes, we should have some clarity.

<Joshue108_> JW: Drafts of XR and RTC are up for review now starting from 22nd Jan.

<Joshue108_> Do feedback on list.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Josh to link in with MichaelC on ensuring final format for XR and AccessibleRTC publication

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2020/01/08 14:57:05 $

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Default Present: jasonjgw, Joshue108_, SteveNoble, janina, Scott, Judy
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