Irfan: Two documents merged. There is repeated information throughout. Paul also volunteered and Irfan is working on it next week.
Paul: Had one edit and pull request made.
Irfan: Will continue working on the edit and remain on-track to complete by end of February (2/29/2020) (First Public Working Draft).
Irfan: Do not see any updates required for this document.
<janina> apropos nothing but calendar:
Paul: Will review today.
Irfan: As per last meeting, draft added. We will move group to Web Platform Working Group
First public draft need to be published here (in PTF).
<paul_grenier> My edits to have been merged (1 hour ago)
<JF> Texthelp's SpeechStream product
Standards approach presented , adopted by Text Help producing Speech Stream (adopting standards proposed by PTF)
Irfan: awaiting preview on Friday
by Steve from Texthelp.
... Version 2.1.7 of Speechstream implements the new variants,
same approach presented for SSML by PTF.
Sam: correction - Peter, not Steve, from Texthelp.
Janina: Explainer doc is not
normative. The only document moving is the actual technical
... that is the document with RF 21.19 language.
Paul: XML - they have
published pronounceable text. Text Pronunciation - link
... Schema approach is embedding SSML into JSON.
John: Schema allows multiple ways to implement taxonomy. Schema-org is tech-agnostic.
Paul: will update schema.
Irfan: We don't need to create a new example in the Explainer - or do we need to address every approach within
John: As long as we can provide
one working example (not just a POC) should be
... Can outreach to colleagues familiar with and
establish connection with schema group.
Irfan: will also discuss with Mark (re:
Irfan: Meeting in January (Mark attending).
Janina: Next Wednesday (15th) on APA call, Leonie Watson will announce moving Pronunciation working draft.
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