Card Payment Security TF

27 Nov 2019



Rouslan Solomakhin (Google), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Gerhard Oosthuizen (Entersekt), Jonathan Grossar (Mastercard), Justin Toupin (Google), Tomasz Blachowicz (Mastercard), Dean Ezra (Barclays), Lauren Helt (American Express), David Benoit
Jalpesh Chitalia (Visa)


Design notes on SRC

IJ: Bit three requirements:

- Discovery

- No wallet selector

- Minimize auth friction

<Zakim> benoit, you wanted to discuss an alternative?

benoit: Since it is very easy to install a payment handler, is there any reason that a payment handler couldn't be an instrument?

<Zakim> rouslan, you wanted to talk about the thin PH

rouslan: For the "thin discovery payment handler" approach, this seems to be similar to what is shipped to users now with a popup experience.
... for SRC
... e.g., the Movember site shows a Mastercard thin payment handler
... I tried out the demo :)
... could someone from MC speak about that experience and whether that maps to payment handlers?

Tomasz: On Movember, the SRCI invokes an API to connect to different SRC systems. There are three calls to three different systems. The cards a presented. And that's the functionality that a payment handler would need to impelment.
... once the cards are selected, there's a redirection to the relevant DCF
... so what I'm thinking (and what aligns with our Japan demo)
... is a payment handler displays card metadata (from SRC systems) and after selection, there is a redirection to a page that is a DCF experience from that SRC system.
... the DCF performs the checkout operation, which means it contacts the SRC system to generate the cryptogram and returns the payload to the browser, which relays it to the merchant in the PR API response

IJ: There's a difference between "knowing where the payment handlers are" v. "knowing how to talk to the SRC systems"

Tomasz: the component that displays the cards needs to know how to display the cards.
... so there is a question - who plays that role of pulling the card information and presenting to the consumer?
... does a third party play that role, or does the browser play that role/

Thin payment handler functionality:

- PAN capture

- Installation of relevant payment handler

- Hand PAN to that payment handler

IJ: The thin handler could have its own payment method identifier, which would allow it to appear in the sheet all the time and it could be just-in-time installed

Tomasz: I think the browser is well-positioned for that role.

Justin: Chrome would like to make payment handlers more powerful to address more use cases.
... and this will help with interoperability with other browsers as well (once they install payment handlres)
... I think the browsers are unlikely to do payment method specific logic built into the browser.

[IJ describes flow]

Tomasz: Please document the flow / sequence diagram.
... but based on your description I think it makes sense.
... but I think we need to illustrate it

Justin: I imagine there will be nuances we need to sort out, but at a high level it seems feasible.
... we should have a good assertion of who that party could be

Tomasz: I think it would be relatively easy to identify the publisher of the redirecting payment handler.

IJ: Feels to me like URL-based payment method with owner describing thin payment handler

<scribe> ACTION: Tomasz to take a first pass on sequence diagram that involves a "thin payment handler" that dispatches to SRC systems.

Tomasz: One more point - I have some security questions. How do we prevent imposters from presenting themselves as add card functionality?

Justin: This is an important topic, and it may come down to implementation details.
... right now suppose you are a merchant and you accept Basic Card.
... the browser will present any Basic Card payment handlers.
... but one of them might have been installed silently by a nefarious web site.
... although the user sees the origin of each payment handler, there's a risk the user may overlook that.
... so we are looking into soliciting more user consent to install a payment handler for a standardized payment method.
... We are looking into also proposing changes to Payment Method Manifest to not allow '*' for a URL-based payment method.
... this will reduce risk for non-standardized payment methods

IJ: Also whitelisting.
... for URL-based payment method

Justin: Yes, we can explore whitelisting for this URL-based payment method

Tomasz: Thanks for that info. It will be good to get into details as well.

IJ: What about the "Common default payment handlers" option? Is that something socially that people think is worth exploring?

Tomasz: Yes, I think it's worth exploring.

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to write to Jalpesh, Sophie, Fawad regarding the two ideas: (1) thin ph (2) common default payment handler to see which are of interest.

SRC demos on 12 December

IJ: Volunteers for a demo?

<Jtoupin> I need to drop @Ian

Tomasz: I will chat internally

next meeting

11 December

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ian to write to Jalpesh, Sophie, Fawad regarding the two ideas: (1) thin ph (2) common default payment handler to see which are of interest.
[NEW] ACTION: Tomasz to take a first pass on sequence diagram that involves a "thin payment handler" that dispatches to SRC systems.

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/11/27 18:56:58 $