SVG Working Group Teleconference

20 Nov 2019


krit, nzimmermann, AmeliaBR, stakagi, Tav_


chari: krit

Link to the agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2019Nov/0009.html

trackbot, who is present?

<trackbot> Sorry, krit, I don't understand 'trackbot, who is present?'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

<Tav_> present

<scribe> ScribeNick: krit

SVG 2 spec section 13.5.7 (probably) incorrect for miter-clip (and arcs?)

GitHub https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/745

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/745

Tav_: There is one additional comment to the last discussion.
... Cuts on corners. You have a bevel (you want to fall back to)
... It could be that you cut back further than the bevel and we shouldn't

AmeliaBR: Which is consistent with our previous resolution
... A consequence is that the shape might be more complicated than expected.

Tav_: I don't thin it would be more complicated... it is a corner case

<AmeliaBR> from October 21, we resolved: The "line join shape" is never less than the shape defined for a bevel join, regardless of the stroke-miterlimit value.

Tav_: I am working on a text change. But build scripts seem to require pythin2

AmeliaBR: So your recommandation is no change to the previous resolution
... ... if problems come up during implementing we will discuss them?

Tav_: You should not push a corner further back than the bevel would be the proposal.
... I think we should add this as addition
... more a clarification

AmeliaBR: so the cut off line should always be a straight line for arcs. And we need to make sure that it is never less than a bevel.
... And you are willing to do the edits?

Tav_: yes

propose RESOLUTION: Clipped line for arc-miters is always a straight line and adjusted to the previous resolution to always be in the bevel area.

RESOLUTION: Clipped line for arc-miters is always a straight line and adjusted to the previous resolution to always include at least the bevel area.

Discard "discard" elements

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/717

krit: original proposal was coming from Cyrus

AmeliaBR: Discard was added in SVG 2. It is no longer but still in the Animation spec and referenced form SVG2
... Reason was to manage complicated animations without scripting
... There is an implementation in Blink that no-one knew.
... pdr posted that the use-counter is close to zero

Tav_: I do not like the use counter argument.

AmeliaBR: yeah. And in this case there just was one implementation. So it only shows that there is no legacy reason to keep it.
... we could leave it in the spec as a nice-to-have but do not discourage Blink to remove

krit: I think we should not encourage to remove a feature but still keep it in the spec. Either come to an agreement that there is not enough interest and remove or ask Blink to keep it.

AmeliaBR: I don't think there is a conflict here
... This is a draft spec. There are a lot of draft specs out there where the spec is not ready for implementation but don't remove it from the spec yet.
... the spec is still in a draft state.

krit: Is there a FPWD yet?

AmeliaBR: We resolved but it didn't happen yet

krit: In this case I don't see a reason to remove it but we should still review its usefulness based on the comments.

AmeliaBR: The need comes down to what the future of the animation elements is at all. Will it stay legacy? Will we add improvements?

krit: Do members feel it is relevant still and should stay in general?

nzimmermann: From the WebKit implementation I doubt it is complex to implement. Managing the state by web dev is more complex.
... Don't understand the argument of complexity from Blink. We need more input why it is difficult for them.
... Did not hear about the element before this call so I might miss something as well.

RESOLUTION: Keep discard in the SVG Animation draft proposal. Ask Blink for more specific input about implementation complexity

Add support for the `hidden`-attribute

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/508

AmeliaBR: This is about HTML consitency. HTML element allows hidden attributes on any element that Is usually mapped to disaplay: none. It is encouraged in HTML as a way to keep semantics in the markup instead of the stylesheet.
... In SVG we have presentation attributes to do this already. We didn't have a need for this attribute. But there might be confusion if we do not support it and people use it on SVG elements. Especially within CSS layout embedded in webpages/

krit: proposal is to add hidden attributes to all SVG elements? Or a list of elements?

AmeliaBR: If we add them then to all elements.
... also for implementation complexity. My main concern is about wording and how it maps to display none or visibility properties. Or cascading attributes if you have this attribute and the regular presentation attributes.
... Attributes have no particular order so we need to define the priority.

<AmeliaBR> HTML spec for hidden attribute: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#the-hidden-attribute

nzimmermann: There is a note in the HTML spec that display: block will cancel the effect of the hidden attribute. So it has precedence over the hidden attributes.
... So I don't think there is no issue with precedence with display or visibility.

AmeliaBR: We still need to specify how attributes affect each other in SVG because that is not defined in HTML. But I agree with your logic to overwrite hidden attributes.

nzimmermann: For authors it would make sense to have an explicit definition how attributes affect each other.

AmeliaBR: If we want to define the attributes in form of cascading it would override definition of presentation attributes. We can maybe ask for feedback from implementers what is easier to implement. And have a clear note in the spec how they relate

nzimmermann: your concern was that attribute might override UA stylesheets?

AmeliaBR: The opposite.

<AmeliaBR> `svg|[hidden] {display: none}`

AmeliaBR: The presentation attributes would be overridden

nzimmermann: you are right.

krit: what specific feedback we need from implementers?

AmeliaBR: this was specifically about cascade issues. We just need to make sure it is clearly defined.

krit: disagreement with being consistent with HTML and add hidden attributes??
... I need to look at it deeper. But it sounds like it is not just semantics but effects the styling

AmeliaBR: Implementation is not that complicated.
... The semantic impact in fact of a11y is just coming out of the stylesheet. If I make something hidden it gets detected by accessibility software as well.
... I'd like to hear implementers commitment before adding it to SVG 2 but have no concerns with adding them in general.

nzimmermann: no disagreement

Tav_: no disagreement

proposed RESOLUTION: Add a global hidden attribute to SVG with the same semantics as HTML that is expected to be implemented using UA stylesheets.

RESOLUTION: Add a global hidden attribute to SVG with the same semantics as HTML that is expected to be implemented using UA stylesheets. Iff there is implementation commitment

AmeliaBR: Who would be doing the work?
... Will ask Zoe

Updated CR of SVG 2

AmeliaBR: This came out of conversations on the mailing list. People were looking at the published version of SVG2 w/o all fixes we put in
... We had many edits to SVG2 in the meantime. (Last CR more than a year ago)
... We should update to make sure the changes are reflected
... If people are actively working on fixes should we wait for them?
... Or should we publish what we got?

krit: I'd prefer to publish sooner and publish another CR in 4-5 months as needed

AmeliaBR: Same preference. Many edits I want to do but time might not allow to get them in for the next cR.

RESOLUTION: Update CR for SVG 2 ASAP based on W3C staff feedback

Third parameter of arc in path data should allow signed numbers


AmeliaBR: The names of the tokens in the path grammar between SVG1 and SVG2. It looks like one of the values in the arc syntax was accidentally not changed.
... Apparently some values must be positive at the moment.

krit: I think I did the last changes. Might be an oversight

AmeliaBR: SVG 1 used nonnegative-number and we keep that. The third argument changed the definition name which got confused and results into a difference to SVG 1.1
... should allow negative value as 3rd argument.
... Boris has a longer set of recommendation how to clean-up the grammar.
... Quick resolution is to confirm that the normative change was accidentally.
... We may need to look into how fixing it in the GitHub PR

krit: Do we have tests to confirm?

AmeliaBR: I did a quick test

<AmeliaBR> https://codepen.io/AmeliaBR/pen/e5414de0f7e7ac89acab8f736765427d

AmeliaBR: seems like we do not have detailed WPT tests for path syntax.

<AmeliaBR> https://wpt.fyi/results/svg/path?label=master&label=experimental&aligned

RESOLUTION: WG confirms that the change of behavior to elliptic arc have been accidentally

krit: AmeliaBR do you follow up with Boris?

AmeliaBR: sure. I will do that.

trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Clipped line for arc-miters is always a straight line and adjusted to the previous resolution to always include at least the bevel area.
  2. Keep discard in the SVG Animation draft proposal. Ask Blink for more specific input about implementation complexity
  3. Add a global hidden attribute to SVG with the same semantics as HTML that is expected to be implemented using UA stylesheets. Iff there is implementation commitment
  4. Update CR for SVG 2 ASAP based on W3C staff feedback
  5. WG confirms that the change of behavior to elliptic arc have been accidentally
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/11/20 20:51:55 $

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Succeeded: s/There is/So it only shows that there is/
Succeeded: s/ and no interest to implement otherwise//
Succeeded: s/manage complicated animations with scipting/manage complicated animations without scripting/
Default Present: krit, nzimmermann, AmeliaBR, stakagi, Tav_
Present: krit nzimmermann AmeliaBR stakagi Tav_
Found ScribeNick: krit
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Found Date: 20 Nov 2019
People with action items: 

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