<Irfan> scribe: Christine
Irfan: Dated timeline and wiki; very tentative at this time.
Janina: Specifications need to be
in final status in W3C, so to get to this goal of a "TR" with
must statements that are normative. Because we are taking the
"usefulness' approach across the industry. There are
implications to achieve this approach.
... We need to cover accessibility and a wider industry. At
some point we need to get the "TR" out of APA. It has to be
included in the general specifications.
... We can publish all documents in APA; but the TR track will
have to be migrated to web platform working group through the
incubation group. Leonie Watson call/discussion to be
initiated. We need to propose that the TR document will be an
editor's draft until it becomes mature, at which point once it
is mature we migrate to community group and continue to help
the process towards ultimate goal of a standard for the
mainstream industry.
Irfan: We need to finalize all
the documents including the TR document, keeping it as an
editor's draft.
... We need to switch gear and have all the documents cleaned
up and consolidated. We need volunteers to complete these
tasks, including the suggestion about merging the Use Case and
Gap Analysis.
Janina: Sounds reasonable.
Paul: Sounds fine.
Irfan: We will merge and need reviewers, to complete according to the proposed timeline. Feb 20th is the review date with publishing in March 20th.
Paul: Volunteered to review
I will review as well.
Irfan: No objections on the mergers.
Irfan: We just talked about this, and we need one more reviewer for User Scenarios. Any volunteers.
Sam: It's a quality document.
Irfan: Volunteered to review the User Scenarios.
Irfan: Technical document will be part of the Explainer with the June 2020 timeline. Most of the work will be in APA, but to publish in CR we will abide by the timeline.
Janina: Will need to talk with Leonie as it will involve another working group
Irfan: Next week no call, but ask that all attend teh following week.
Janina: ATIA conference will need sponsors
Irfan: ETS may host a F2F
... Possible dates in December or January
Janina: Would the ATIA or the ETS meeting be appropriate for a F2F meeting. ATIA is late January in 2020. ETS can be either Dec or Jan.
Irfan: We will discuss again, as all consider funding for their travel. Teh idea is to connect with the implementers.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Default Present: Sam, Irfan, Dee, janina, Roy, paul_grenier, SteveNoble Present: Sam Irfan Dee janina Roy paul_grenier SteveNoble Found Scribe: Christine Inferring ScribeNick: Christine Found Date: 20 Nov 2019 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]