<Lauriat> trackbot, start meeting
<scribe> scribe:KimD
SL: Content updates?
Makoto: working on alt test. Last week conversation about direction. Concerns
<Makoto> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xI6ooDVxvNelVNJDSvbTJCvrJh92Df9wLXGyWs5f2-w/edit
Makoto: tried to rewrite alt text
using latest process document.
... because of fast past, perhaps copy/paste from existing
WCAG. Copied from Understanding.
... We can review whether everything that's needed is there.
Suggest all of us doing this to start.
... Start by moving existing stuff to Silver to start. After
that, next step would be doing plain language.
... Makoto's link (above) shows how he did this, for part 1 and
part 2.
... This is a concrete example for showing his suggestion about
how to migrate content over.
SL: this makes sense. Writing in plain language is difficult and this gets us started
<jeanne> Jeanne: I have added making a list of user needs that are not covered by existing WCAG guidance, so that the work that Cybele and Chuck did on the process is not lost, it is moved Part 2: Write Tests and hopefully, is more streamlined.
SL: Other content?
... setting a solid description for what methods look
... we can start the conversation today
... From Charles, linked to a doc:
<Lauriat> Point of regard draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1AczVDgSCgCci4t3sO-QV6VKaKIEyQ6zKgm0ocnFB8/edit#heading=h.jl6ccehiaahs
<Lauriat> 1. The user agent can maintain the point of regard based on known input cues such as: zoom via keyboard; zoom via multi-touch gesture; zoom via double tap gesture; orientation change; or viewport resize.
<Lauriat> 2. APIs can maintain the point of regard based on transfer events such as: projection; or casting to another device screen.
<Lauriat> 3. Authors can maintain the point of regard based on interaction patterns such as: expanding and collapsing a containing element using progressive disclosure; grid resizing or reflow from asynchronously loaded content; or vertical overflow within a fixed position element.
<Lauriat> Charles: "My intent was to make brief statements that described a method in a technology neutral manner, so that {n} Tests could be written for each relevant technology or implementation."
SL: what granularity do we want for methods? Do we want them technology neutral or tech-specific?
Charles was taking the tech neutral approach.
scribe: Charles, methods would be tech neutral, but testing would be tech-specific
<jeanne> +1 to Chuck. There are guidelines that have Methods that could apply across technologies, like Clear Words.
Janina: Hard to tell how it's different from WCAG today
<jeanne> Jeanne disagrees: There are success criteria where a different Method would be used in different technologies. Alt text on SVG would be a different Method, for example
SL: we may end up doing both. Depends on the standard
<Lauriat> Content creation process, writing methods: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gfYAiV2Z-FA_kEHYlLV32J8ClNEGPxRgSIohu3gUHEA/edit#heading=h.ieohibgb4i9l
<Lauriat> Goal: To instruct organizations how to meet the user need and how to know they did it correctly.
<Lauriat> The component parts of a new Method are: 1. Identify what platform, language and technology you are writing this for.
<Chuck> processing... my mind is in slow motion
<Chuck> Not concerns, but some interest in how this developes, I think there's merrits to Janina's concerns.
<Chuck> Provided time permits. Onboarding new perspectives isn't free. But I like the approach.
<Chuck> One moment, crafting thoughts....
<Chuck> I found that when I was working on this myself or just a single individual, my own "process" was silo'd, and there was a lot I realized I was missing by not having differing perspectives.
<Chuck> Having new blood and new perspectives that challenged my own was a big help.
<Chuck> OWNERSHIP....
<Chuck> Someone should be a guide...
<Lauriat> Chuck: It would be nice to interchange, a team lead or facilitator for a particular set of guidance would be helpful.
<Chuck> so far documentation (and having it organized in a manner that serves the entire group) seems to have been one of our larger challenges.
<Chuck> I know that many prefer github
<Chuck> many of the "stalwarts" prefer github.
<Chuck> I personally like google docs, but seems that there's a lot of support for github.
<Chuck> I didn't know both tools, and google docs was more comfortable for me.
<Chuck> Never-the-less, I don't want to discount the momentum behind github.
<Lauriat> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Default Present: jeanne, janina, CharlesHall, PeterKorn, AngelaAccessForAll, Shawn, Shari, Lauriat, KimD, Makoto, Chuck Present: jeanne janina CharlesHall PeterKorn AngelaAccessForAll Shawn Shari Lauriat KimD Makoto Chuck Regrets: JohnKirkwood Found Scribe: KimD Inferring ScribeNick: KimD WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 19 Nov 2019 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]