Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Teleconference

12 Nov 2019




<harsh> Hello, having a few issues with calling.

<harsh> Okay, I'll try going to a different wifi location

again late, sigh


anyone still here? :-)

<Bert> Hi Axel, just Rudy and me

<Bert> Harsh was trying to find wifi

Attendees: Harsh, Ber, Rudy, Axel

2 main agenda items today... IDS presentation/discussion, mail by rudy and discussion of additonal terms in the vocabulary.


christoph lange presenting.

<scribe> scribe: Axel

IDS - Industrial Data Space

potential synergies between IDS information model and DPV

IDS information model is open, so no IP issues.

http://ids.semantic-interoperability.org/ is not the latest version of the information model.

<clange> https://github.com/IndustrialDataSpace/InformationModel

<harsh> clange: Latest version is at https://github.com/IndustrialDataSpace/InformationModel

data and usage control is important

for IDS

<clange> https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/info-package/

<clange> https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/ressource-hub/publications-ids/

<clange> Reference Architecture Model or RAM

<clange> (showing some improved graphics from that)

policy compliance checking in IDS still work in progress, policies ODRL-based.

<harsh> axelpolleres: for the vocabulary used, how is it modeled? Does it have a hierarchy/taxonomy?

<harsh> clange: not at this point

<harsh> clange: this is where DPV could be useful

DPV complementary... IDS doesn't have concrete classes of data providers/consumers defined, nor putpose hierarchies.

IDS mainly B2B scenarios, but also personal data could be exchanged, where DPV would be important to trace these exchanges, which need to be documented according to GDPR, for instance.

IDS could look into re-use and extend DPV

Christoph: DPV highly useful for that
... IDS working on an app store on their data market, DPV useful for metadata on the app store.
... also for describing datasets.

also Datacube, void useful for that.

scribe: DPV relevant for personal/privacy related data.
... in the next few months more use cases for IDS information model.

<clange> further public information about the IDS Information Model: https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IDS-Information-Model.pdf, https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IDS-Policy-Language.pdf – both slightly outdated, but combine this with the https://github.com/IndustrialDataSpace/InformationModel/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

<clange> … and then you are up to date wrt. the current version 2.0

scribe: can imagine a lot of useful ways to use DPV, do not expect disruptive new.

<clange> wrt. the specific use of ODRL, we basically extended ODRL's supply of Left Operands: https://github.com/IndustrialDataSpace/InformationModel/search?q=leftoperand&unscoped_q=leftoperand

Christoph trying to join the group, IDS association has a lot of industry (more than 100 companies).

no standardisation body behind IDS, but reusing a lot of existing standards.

rudy's suggestion to additional terms to the vocabulary.

Link to the mail?

<harsh> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2019Nov/0002.html

<harsh> further discussion in https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2019Nov/0003.html

<clange> Re. standardisation of IDS: the Reference Architecture Model is a high-level standard-like document; for the 100+ member organizations of the IDSA, technical guides with more implementation-related guidelines are currently being elaborated (and will at some point also go public).

<harsh> Suggested terms were regarding TV Viewing Behaviour (Personal Data Category) and Creating Event Recommendations (Purpose)

<clange> The information model itself basically reuses and extends a lot of W3C standards, including DCAT, ODRL and SKOS.

harsh: personalization and recommendation should be different purposes.

<harsh> Currently, we have a type of persaonlised recommendations under ServicePersonalisation

PROPOSED: personalization and recommendation should be different purposes.


<harsh> +1

<clange> Some results of the IDS-related projects are themselves also being fed into "proper" standardization processes, e.g., https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/din-spec-27070-close-to-be-published/ (DIN SPEC 27070 "A standard for secure gateways for data and services")

axel: recommendation could be extended further, but maybe not extend the scope now.

<Bert> +1

<harsh> dpv:CreateProductRecommendations is the current concept

<harsh> dpv:CreateProductRecommendations --> ServicePersonalisation --> Purpose

dpv: servicePersonalPersonalization is currently superclass of creat product recommendation.

rather: personalizedrecommendation subclass of botrh.

<scribe> ACTION: HArsh will make a formal proposal for an extension/modification in this direction.

<trackbot> Created ACTION-135 - Will make a formal proposal for an extension/modification in this direction. [on Harshvardhan Pandit - due 2019-11-19].

a change would break some dependency, we need to document that change well example.

HArsh will organise a sync call with Rudy to make the proposal more conrete by next time.

if anybody wants to join, then let them know.

<harsh> I (We) will send details if anyone wants to join on the mailing list

Please inform us on the mailinglist about the outcome... ideallty in a mail we can vote on next time.

<clange> Regarding the potential significance of something (e.g. the DPV) being recommended in the official examples about the IDS Information Model, note https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/the-association/#mitglieder (100+ members)

next call 26th, Axel at risk, Bert can chair.


<clange> The slides I presented by screen-sharing are a variant of what https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/IDS-Reference-Architecture-Model-3.0.pdf calls the "system layer"

<clange> (section 3.5)

Axel: if I still find an open issue/action wrt. IDS liaison, I would close it for now and hope for Christoph to be in touch, following up the call today.

i.e.: see/read/hear you then @clange ;-)

<clange> great, thanks, indeed let's keep in touch

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: HArsh will make a formal proposal for an extension/modification in this direction.

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/11/12 16:05:00 $

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Present: Bert

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Found Date: 12 Nov 2019
People with action items: harsh

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