30 Oct 2019



patrick_h_lauke, NavidZ, Olli_Pettay
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke


<scribe> Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke

we added the coalesced and pointerraw to the main spec; we have a PR for the predicted events to be added to the spec, which just needs a few minor edits

NavidZ: if Olli could take a look at the PR, then we can merge it
... once that is merged we can remove the extension document

after that, we can do the web platform tests as well

Olli: I've added myself as reviewer

NavidZ: after removing these are we good to proceed?

Patrick: yes i think once we merged this, we can leave the open issues in github as they're mostly refinements, and go for FPWD which i know philippe is keen on

NavidZ: do we need 3 implementations?

Olli: FPWD doesn't need implementations

Patrick: correct

NavidZ: what's the status on predicted and coalesced in other platforms?

Olli: we have something working for coalesced, nothing yet for predicted

what's Chrome doing for predicted?

NavidZ: Chrome currently not doing anything specific for predicted (?)

we're experimenting with predictors, doing the same for scrolling too

later we can take advantage of prediction available on platform but we're not there yet

we're almost there in terms of merging. want to set timeline

get document ready for next meeting in two weeks time. Navid will be at BlinkOn but we can have everything ready.

Patrick: will try to get other parts done, such as going over privacy implications of new APIs that expose potentially more info about user. then will get in touch with PLH to see what the formal steps for FPWD are.

Olli: ping me on IRC if I'm blocking on any issues

Patrick: there are also some outstanding things on my to-do list - particularly having a think about converting tiltX/tiltY to also provide the Apple-style orientation values ... at least as an initial note. PEP includes this, to my knowledge, so will see if i can grab something from there.

<scribe> ACTION: get outstanding extension sections added to the core spec by next call 13 November, in preparation for FPWD

<trackbot> Error finding 'get'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/2012/pointerevents/track/users>.

<scribe> ACTION: contact PLH to check what the steps for FPWD are explicitly

<trackbot> Error finding 'contact'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/2012/pointerevents/track/users>.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: contact PLH to check what the steps for FPWD are explicitly
[NEW] ACTION: get outstanding extension sections added to the core spec by next call 13 November, in preparation for FPWD

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/30 15:29:05 $

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Present: patrick_h_lauke NavidZ Olli_Pettay
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: patrick_h_lauke
Found Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke

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Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pointer-events/2019OctDec/0016.html

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: added contact extension get outstanding plh sections

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<dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report

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