Automotive Working Group Teleconference

29 Oct 2019


Peter, Adnan, Guru, Ted, Glenn, PatrickL, Gunnar, Ulf


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Base document

PatrickL: I object that we choose base document from gut feeling without discussion as we left it two weeks ago
... yes there is concensus

Peter: I was at the meeting where you discussed it two weeks ago but the consensus then and last week was towards to Gen2

Ulf: feeling is Gen2 adequately suits our needs


Ted recap

[clarification of misunderstanding of minutes]

Handling pull requests

PatrickL: I was surprised the pull request was merged last Tuesday as that is not sufficient time to review
... at one point we agreed on seven days time for reviewing pull requests

Ulf: I was in favor of accepting the major parts of of the pull request

PatrickL: I ask for more time for review and use the label Gen2

Ulf: absolutely

Ted: as we have not progressed since April, the group was eager to start moving forward again

PatrickL: it feels wrong how this happened and VW does not agree with merging this pull request as we did not have a chance to review it

Adnan: just wanted to understand the story behind the pull request. is the issue the duration of the pull request or content issue?

PatrickL: the first part, I wasn't aware of it for 11 days now

Peter: I forgot about a seven day rule but if that is the case we can revert
... we also have issues on who can merge or label, repo permissions

Ted: worked on repo issues, reviews those with permissions

Adnan: unsure if we need a full seven days and if you do not get any review, what then?

Peter: we should allow for review and agree with Patrick
... if we have consensus on call that could expedite

Adnan: I went through a few of the open pull requests and some are quite stale, we need to make sure there is a max as well

Ted reviews conventions and will make sure conventions are sent in email with minutes and we should probably document on our wiki

Gunnar: not every person in group will want to review every pull request

Data model chapter

Adnan: this is related to issue 306 and tied to 311

PatrickL: we should take terminology from 306 and close it and bring findings of issue into the document
... I would like to see the pull request



Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/29 20:42:53 $