<jeanne> zaki, clear agenda
<scribe> scribe: janina
js: Split the doc between what will go into the guidelines, and another of background info
<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pqh2BYGS_7banTivDvuagU9F6-xfd2QaJc0Q3g1TkxE/edit#
js: Engaged in moving things
around to get them correctly situated, still more to do on
clear lang
... Progress, but more to do
... Have not started on Design, Develop, -- other tabs
... Started on the methods doc ...
... Still needs much work ...
<KimD> Clear Language Methods direct link:
js: Reviews how tools like
Grammarly or Hemingway can help
... Discussing the example of the Rubric approach, believes it
will get in FPWD
... Any other group reports?
<jeanne> https://w3c.github.io/silver/guidelines/
js: Now moving to github
... Guidelines not updated since May, so we will remove content
for FPWD
<jeanne> https://w3c.github.io/silver/guidelines/explainer.html
js: Comments welcome
... Mostly, this has been a labor of pulling bits from other
pk: Can we suggest some itemds from Challenges to go into the Conformance Problems section
js: We could do ongoing research,
what is currently came from Design Sprint
... Peter, if you could summarize would should go in?
pk: Also for Goals
js: Right
pk: Email to the list?
js: Good!
js: Regrets I was exhausted by
the late Tuesday meeting ...
... But, I awoke Wednesday with thoughts ...
... How to engage AGWG to help
... What do we point them to so they see the bigger picture of
what we're needing to solve?
... Aha moment was: "Use Cases"
... I immediately wen to Challenges for that
... Think we should all work on Challenges to develop our
... Challenges really helpful for orgs that want to use the
guidelines, but need them to work better
<jeanne> Organizations that realize the value of accessibility and want:
<jeanne> To know how they are doing
<jeanne> Be recognized for their good work
<jeanne> Reduce legal risk by demonstrating their conformance
pk: Not a fan of trying to cover legal/regulatory concerns in this doc. Worry it will create difficulties, not solutions
<KimD> I'd suggest "Show good faith by demonstrating..."
js: Would the orgs want to demonstrate their conformance?
pk: For all my past employers,
we've all appreciated user needs, techniques, etc., etc.
... Believe we would all look for an understanding of
techniques to measure tasks
... Software dev looks at tasks, open doc, print doc, etc
<jeanne> +1 to Kim's rewording
pk: So, are the usage scenarios
accessible? internationalizable?
... That kind of thinking is too absent in 2.x, except about a
few pages in a flow
... think it would be very helpful to outline these kinds of
... And how can we best make sure these flows are accessible vs
have no errors from a list
<jeanne> Show good faith by demonstrating their conformance
js: -- suggests language edit
<jeanne> Understand the techniques needed to measure task completion
pk: Suggest looking at the
guidelines/techniques in the context of tasks
... Also not a fan of "showing good faith" because intent will
make it hard to get broad agreement
... The goal is not some conformance cert, but showing how pwds
can do things
kp: Believe that's OK for devs,
but as an attorney I'm concerned that legal depts want to know
how to minimize problems
... Showing how orgs are working on making things work is
important to the borader community, not just devs
pk: What about "act in good faith?"
js: The doing of the work is the acting, but the results are the showing
kp: Think act/show is roughly equal, but I think showing what's been done and that it's achieving is important
pk: So perhaps a yardstick that
one can use to assure oneself as well as show other
... Just worried that it not be all about show if no
kp: Can't show without substance
pk: But, having something that helps you know you're doing a good job helps
kp: The legal sincerity language is helpful
<jeanne> Helps the organization know that they are doing a good job
js: Third audience for
conformancean on ramp for orgs new to a11y
... Cybelle talks about that a lot
Oops, Sorry Kim! Thought your last name was P. My bad!
js: Any other audiences for conformance we need to consider?
<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PsMDJ4MLmTv8WeIhtFsGj-nJDwJhuzI8ATMAS2UuWa4/edit#
js: Looking at our audiences:
Regulators; these need to know what's the minimum
... Regulatory: minimum, transparency, the why of it's
... Civil rights side: looking for equity -- can't prioritize
one disability over another
... Small orgs:
<jeanne> Cost of Accessibility for small organizations.
<jeanne> Small organizations ask for:
<jeanne> simple checklists
<jeanne> clear instructions
<jeanne> low-cost testing
<jeanne> Some testing costs can be reduced through thoughtful wording of the guidelines.
<jeanne> Automated tests can improve accessibility for lower costs than manual testing
<jeanne> The WAI Easy Checks can improve common accessibility barriers for a low cost.
js: Also low cost testing to reduce manual testing
<jeanne> Large ORganizations:
<jeanne> User-generated and Third Party content
<jeanne> Social media and other organizations want to manage user-generated content that minimizes legal risk
<jeanne> Tight control or implementing Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0
<jeanne> What happens for tools like a wiki that have much more flexibility for authors to make inaccessible content?
<jeanne> What about uploading photos, graphics and video? How to encourage or ensure accessibility?
<jeanne> If a contract with a third party content provider requires Accessibility conformance, how does that impact the claim of the content host?
<jeanne> Even if the site provides information or restrictions to provide accessibility, there may be restrictions on copyright that prevent changing the posting.
pk: Need to address human judgement problem, can't do it with auto tests
<CharlesHall> RE: note on equity. it is not just about fairness or equality or distribution of shares. it is also about ownership and having stakes in the game.
--discussion of SC 1.3.3 and 1.4.1 that require human eval
<jeanne> How to address situations where the criteria is about how something is described (e.g. 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics or 1.4.1 Use of Color) when the site includes user generated content
<KimD> 5g could also include 1.1.1 Non-text Content
<CharlesHall> RE: the title of the document as ‘use cases’. I think this is a bit of a misnomer as none of it written in the standard format(s) of use cases.
janina: Suggest looking in APA's Pronunciation Task Forces where there's a User Scenarios and a Use Cases
kd: Comment or direct edit?
js: Suggested edit would be
... Next is Always under development ..
<jeanne> Always under development
<jeanne> WCAG conformance claim is specifically defined as something that covers “one page, a series of pages, or multiple related Web pages.” Many large sites are in the 100,000 to millions of pages.
<jeanne> Large sites are always under construction including changing the user interface. Very large web-based applications that are developed in an agile manner can deliver updates in rapid succession, often on an hourly basis.
<jeanne> There may be multiple versions of the same task because of A/B testing
<jeanne> Templates and design patterns are constantly evolving
<jeanne> A focus on qualitative testing instead of quantitative testing would improve accessibility and allow conformance without requiring testing of every page.
js: templates are always evolving
... Qualatative and quantitative distinction
js: Is this important? Or a
... Please consider and bring thoughts to the next mtg, at
least Friday
... Cybelle has talked to people who feel overwhelmed by the
level of detail
... We need more people, so how can we make it easier
<KimD> +1 - it's very hard to get caught up
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