October 22, 2019 Authoring Practices Task Force Telecon

22 Oct 2019


MarkMccarthy, Jemma_, jongund, jamesn, carmacleod, ZoeBijl, Bryan_Garaventa
EvanYamanishi, SarahHigley, CurtBellew


<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/October-22,-2019-Meeting

<scribe> scribe: MarkMccarthy

Third Working Draft Milestone Review

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/10

Matt_King: there's three PRs that are a priority right now.
... all the changes were approved, but why weren't we merging listbox yet?

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/913

Matt_King: Oh ok, got it. Functional review is done, design review is still needed. Editorial is for me. ZoeBijl's name is on the design review, if you're available

ZoeBijl: yes, that's fine. for future reference, you can always add me!

Matt_King: cool, thank you! it'd be great to get this particular one done before EOD tomorrow if possible

ZoeBijl: that should be fine

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1191

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1191

Matt_King: need someone for the accessibility review for 1191

ZoeBijl: I can do this too if need be

Matt_King: if you can, that'd be great! we probably need to add valerie for code review

Jemma_: I'll add her and let her know

Matt_King: okay, so that's listbox sorted, don't anticipate too many problems
... okay, modify log and timer name advice - what did we need to discuss?

jamesn: basically why we need aria-labelledby if there's a visible label? and why we'd differ from some other patterns
... we can leave them the same for now but open an issue for how to deal with them in the future

Matt_King: it's kind of weird for these... if there's a visible label it's plenty possible... okay yes. let's open an issue and modify them all at the same time, but let's go with this for now

carmacleod: i'm okay with that, let's do it

jamesn: awesome

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1213

<Jemma_> Add prohibited name guidance to naming section #1213

Matt_King: so for prohibited name guidance, is there anything left open?
... who requested changes?

Jemma_: carmacleod did I think

carmacleod: yes, catching up, sorry. it has role=none, needs to be the same as =presentation

Matt_King: yes, got it

jamesn: yes, this is reasonable, no problem. let me take care of it right now

Matt_King: cool cool
... so then -that's- ready to go...
... taking a quick look at the milestone itself to see how we're doing overall

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1160

Matt_King: everything's covered, except for one thing. on the menubar (PR 1160), Nick noticed a rel attribute snuck in
... I committed this fix though, so I was surprised that none of the tests failed with rel in there, instead of data-attribute

jongund: I got rid of the rel attribute a while ago...

Matt_King: so there was a data-attribute missing but the test passed. so how did the test pass?

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1160/commits/0a97032c9e33c104ad5af840c535f344523474f8

[Nick's commit copied above]

Matt_King: my question is, without this commit why didn't some tests fail?

jongund: so this is for issue 914... let me take a look

Matt_King: if you could comment in the PR too, that'd be good. just wondering why the test *didn't* fail

Meter pattern and example

Matt_King: I have some editorial suggestions that might need some back and forth

Jemma_: I can do that, or anyone else

Matt_King: I'm making some suggestions to Sarah's intro in the pattern

MarkMccarthy: I can take a look too

Matt_King: so what we need to do for the meter example is to get everything covered review wise
... it looks like the functional review is done (thanks sarah, evan, and carmacleod), visual design check is done

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1190

jamesn: for the accessibility review, it may not work since there's no other implementations of it

Matt_King: right... sarah's going to make some changes to see if we like them or not

ZoeBijl: is she doing the svg implementation?

Jemma_: yes

ZoeBijl: okay, I can do that for Windows HCM, color contrast. if there's no implementations, it might be hard to do the rest

jamesn: generally speaking, it may be challenging becuase we're waiting for APG, but...

ZoeBijl: okay, that's fine

<Jemma_> sarah said, "I’ll update the meter example PR with an svg this afternoon."

Matt_King: so are there any decisions to be made about color changes etc.?

carmacleod: that was done

ZoeBijl: no decisions to be made. sarah made those changes, and she's going to make them even better for Windows HCM by making them an SVG

Matt_King: okay, so we're not ready to merge since we're still waiting on that

<Jemma_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue979-add-meter-example/examples/meter/meter.html

ZoeBijl: yep, but it should be close if someone can do the accessibility review

Jemma_: i'll assign it to you Zoe

ZoeBijl: that's fine

Matt_King: so we're not quite ready to merge these but we're really close. should be ready by the end of the week. ZoeBijl, do you need to wait for sarah?

ZoeBijl: I can do that review now since i know what sarah's doing. I also trust her implementations. I'll be sure to doublecheck name calculations etc.

Matt_King: cool, we'll touch base later in the week

ZoeBijl: sounds good

Contrast in Accordion

Matt_King: ZoeBijl submitted a PR for this

<Jemma_> Accordion Example: Correct color contrast (Issue #1132)

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1200

Matt_King: so we need folks to look at this, and tell me and ZoeBijl if we're good with these changes. Zoe?

<Jemma_> zoe did Correct (high) contrast issue (Issue #1132)

ZoeBijl: So I changed the border color, the input border color, and the chevron color for the status of the panel
... just to make sure they pass 1.4.3 of WCAG 2.1

<Jemma_> Zoe also added this to Next Steps in Accordion Patterns and Examples Development Project

Matt_King: sarah found two HCM issues, are they both addressed?

<Jemma_> Zoe fixed the input border colour in 3775a34.

ZoeBijl: from what I remember, no. I was doing HCM and typical implementation in separate issues
... if there's no preference, i'd rather do typical implentation first, then tackle HCM (since HCM is pickier)

Matt_King: that's totally fine
... sarah said it looks good, except HCM, so that's one approving review

ZoeBijl: we can add her comments to the original issue, since I have a list there with an overview of other issues

jamesn: quickk question - do you want a bug for the focus style looking kinda ugly?

jongund: that should be best practices

jamesn: yeah, it's not an accessibility issue, but could be improved

ZoeBijl: shoot me a DM on twitter, i'll take a look

jamesn: okay

Matt_King: do you want to fix that before going on Zoe?

ZoeBijl: not necessarily

Matt_King: since people are agreeing it's ready to merge, go ahead and merge it unless you want to fix that first

ZoeBijl: okay, will do

Guidance for aria-colindextext and aria-rowindextext

Matt_King: here, we need some editorial review, ... oh it's still a draft. let me change that
... we don't have any example code in here, don't know if people really mind that. if we think we need it, then we can wait to merge and I can keep working on it

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1204

Matt_King: I thought of a spreadsheet example. don't think we need to demonstrate both indextext items

Jemma_: propose we merge now and come up w/ example later

ZoeBijl: +1

jamesn: +1

carmacleod: I can review this

Matt_King: just marked it ready for review
... after you read it, if you think it's important to have an example let me know

carmacleod: absolutely

Tabbed Carousel Panel

Jemma_: review checklist - needs editorial review (by Matt), functional review, accessibility review (Zoe), code review

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1120

jamesn: This isn't critical for 1.2, so I'd rather we wait a little bit on this one so we can get everything else done that's holding up ARIA

Matt_King: right

jamesn: in other words, reviewers: please prioritize blocking issues for ARIA spec

Matt_King: so one way we can help make sure we're prioritizing is to not assign reviewers right now and bring it up again next week, so everyone can focus
... so this will be top of list for the release after this WD

carmacleod: sounds good

Matt_King: that'd be the case for datepicker too, right

Jemma_: yeah

Matt_King: that's just a bugfix though?
... is this one ZoeBijl did?

carmacleod: yeah

Matt_King: needs review though; pending jamesn and possibly myself, but if this is CSS I should be removed. so jamesn and Jemma_?

jamesn: this is for datepicker?

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1172

Matt_King: yes, date picker color contrast

jongund: i'll look too, since it's mine.

Matt_King: awesome, we got through everything! thanks everyone, looking forward to this working draft release!

jongund: FYI Matt_King , replacing data-attribute with rel causes tests to fail

Matt_King: great, I'm not as worried about that now
... See everyone next week!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/22 18:46:17 $

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Succeeded: s/revieew/review/
Succeeded: s/rail/rel/
Present: MarkMccarthy Jemma_ jongund jamesn carmacleod ZoeBijl Bryan_Garaventa
Regrets: EvanYamanishi SarahHigley CurtBellew
Found Scribe: MarkMccarthy
Inferring ScribeNick: MarkMccarthy

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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